Deadpool (X-Force): Man, he moves fast! Hold on, I need to catch my breath... *Wheeze* Spider-Man (Symbiote): Aren't you a mutant? Don't you have a healing factor or something? How are you even tired?! Deadpool (X-Force): All... burrito... diet... not conductive... to running! Spider-Man (Symbiote): You are a medical mystery. Deadpool (X-Force): I one day hope to have my own TV show about it!
- Transmission #1 - Upon starting the Quest
Moon Knight: Why do you pursue me? Do you think you can stop vengeance against the wicked? Spider-Man (Symbiote): Vengeance isn't the way, Moon Knight! You can't stand alone in the Battlerealm! Spider-Man (Symbiote): I've learned this lesson before; we need to work together! Moon Knight: You are earnest... but I will not bow to simple sentiment. Moon Knight: I am a man of action. And my vengeance is deserved! Spider-Man (Symbiote): Wait--aaaand he's gone. Man. Deadpool (X-Force): Sorry, I was in the bathroom. And by bathroom, I mean the edge of the asteroid over there. What'd I miss?
- Transmission #2
Moon Knight: You persist. As I thought, this will have to come to blows. Moon Knight: I'll show you the strength of a true hero, the strength of the God of Vengeance! Deadpool (X-Force): I'm starting to think this guy might be the real deal. He's so convincing! Deadpool (X-Force): I want to believe!
- Transmission #3 - Before fighting Moon Knight