Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki
Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki
Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki
Battle Chips

Battle Chips

Battlechips are one of the minor currencies in the game. They are obtained from fighting in Arenas or Versus. They are used to unlock exclusive Arenas, so long as you fit the requirements, and can be used to buy the Arena Crystal, Uncollected Arena Crystal, or Thronebreaker Arena Crystal. It can also be used as an alternate currency to start a new Alliance.

Marvel: Contest of Champions Terminology
Game Modes Alliance WarArena (QuickMatch3 vs. 3) • BattlegroundsIncursions
Quests Alliance QuestBack IssuesDaily QuestEvent Quest (Story) • Special EventStory Quest
Champions Fighting AttackBlockBuffCombo • Damage (DirectPhysicalEnergy) • DashDebuffDodgeNodesPowerSpecial AttackStriker
Stats ArmorArmor PenetrationAttackBlock (PenetrationPerfect Block ChanceProficiency) • Class (Bonus) • Combat Power RateCritical Rating (DamageResistence) • Energy ResistanceHealthHero RatingPhysical ResistancePrestigeRegeneration RateSignature AbilitySpirit Gain RateSynergy BonusTagsTierUpgradingVictory Animation
Resources Items Boosts (ArenaChampion) • CatalystsCrystals (Featured ChampionGrouped ChampionShards) • Duel CreditsEnergy RefillsHealth PotionsISO-8Mastery CoresRank Down TicketRank Up GemRevivesSignature Stone
Treasury ArtifactsBattle ChipsElder's MarkGloryGoldLoyaltyMysteriumTrophy TokensUnits
Progression CalendarCutscenesEnergyMasterySolo EventsSolo ObjectivesStory MilestonesTutorial (Introduction) • XP
Miscellaneous Alliance (ChatEvents) • The ContestCalloutsChatElder's AlphabetFeatured ChampionsGatesGiftingLocationsMarvel: Realm of ChampionsProfile PicRelicsSummonerSummoner ShowdownTitle