Blaze Forth is the second Quest in the first Chapter in the Story Event Violent Delights.
To be added
Caption: Mantis is subdued and Ægon is back on his feet. The sound of battle still echoes from deeper in the base.
Caption: The speakers, com badges and floating ad screens around Knowhere still scream out with overlapping distress beacons.
Caption: - Wakanda calls for aid! Our people hav--XX--// New Manhattan is under attack! We don't--XX-E//-- By Odin's ravens! What madness is --X--//
Ægon: Summoner, this unknown attacker is ahead of us and we must catch up. Every moment lost puts lives in danger.
Ægon: I feel that the sudden growth of ISO-8 is key to this. My unique relationship with the element draws me to it like a magnet.
Ægon: I must concentrate… I will beg this realm to reveal the location of its next crystalline wound.
Caption: Ægon closes his eyes. His ISO-Belt and phantom limb grow brightly. His eyes snap back open and he gasps for breath from the strain.
Ægon: Krakoa is under attack! The crystals form a trail like ice and dust behind a comet. We must hope we arrive before its impact.
Caption: Ægon leads the way to the home of the Battlerealm's mutants. As they get closer the danger becomes more clear.
- Transmission #1 - Upon starting the Quest
Caption: Hopes are dashed as they approach one of the main settlements on the island. The skies are alight with the powers of furious mutants.
Storm: You dare threaten the mistress of the elements? I shall silence you with the raging power of a hurricane!
Gambit: Ain't about to knock Gambit over with a lil' gust of wind. One drop of rain falls and you'll be fallin' right after, ya' hear?
Cyclops (Blue Team): Jean? Jean!? Where are you?
Caption: Ægon keeps to the shadows, hiding behind a pile of building materials. He watches the melodrama play out with a sense of woe and terror.
Ægon: Once again the ISO is causing madness that we should have been inoculated from. I don't understand who is causing this.
Caption: The metal sheeting and supplies below Ægon and the Summoner rumbles and is easily lifted by the master of magnetism.
Magneto: I witnessed an intruder made of light and terror. I had hoped that a powerful new mutant was emerging… How disappointing to see the truth.
Magneto: It is obvious that this ancient warrior and the Summoner are forcing mutantkind to rip itself to shreds. Pathetic…
- Transmission #2
Caption: Ægon leaps from the rapidly rising metal platform and signals for the Summoner to follow. They begin running through the thick jungle.
Caption: In a rage, Magneto chaotically throws jagged shards of metal. A blizzard of severed tree limbs and dangerous shrapnel falls.
Magneto: Pests! Insects! Virus! You are a corruption that must be purged from this realm. A stain that must be scrubbed clean!
Ægon: I would have thought that helmet would render you beyond mind control, Magneto.
Magneto: I am under no one's control! I am finally seeing the world with open eyes! No more negotiations and false treaties. Only war and rule.
Caption: Magneto bellows as he throws an impressively sized hunk of raw iron ore that he recently tore loose from the ground.
Caption: As the boulder crashes near Ægon he notes the massive ISO-8 crystals fusing with the metal.
Ægon: ISO is a power amplifier. It is also an echo-chamber for emotion. Magneto, hate and distrust have taken over your mind.
Magneto: I have lived a life being pursued and attacked… You dare propose that glittery crystals are all that fuels this anger inside me?
- Transmission #3
Ægon: We can set things right, we just need to find the source. Please, do not make the Summoner or myself act in self-defense.
Magneto: There is no defense for what you bring. I have seen the Summoner battle countless mutants without mercy. They are an oppressor and villain.
Ægon: His mind is lost, Summoner. I suspect my ISO-Belt and your unique multiversal existence are shielding us.
Magneto: The belt prevents you from seeing the light? Allow me to lift that veil and free you from the burden of your struggles.
Ægon: Summoner! Whatever happens next, stop Magneto at any cost!
Caption: A subtle movement of his hand and Magneto easily lifts Ægon into the air. His gaze never shifts from the Summoner.
Magneto: Perhaps I am impacted by the elements of this realm, but they only amplify the truth.
Magneto: Those who are a threat to mutantkind must be destroyed without mercy or hesitation. Lest they destroy us first.
- Transmission #4 - Before fighting Magneto
Completion | Exploration |
Contender | |
Proven | |
Conqueror | |
Uncollected | |
Cavalier | |
Thronebreaker | |
List of Story Events | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||