- For more information on Bleed Resistance, see Bleed.
Bleed Resistance is an ability.
Bleed Resistance decreases the Potency or Duration of Bleed effects by X%.
List of Champions with Bleed Resistance[]
- Coagulate Mastery
- Domino 's Opponents - 50% Chance
- Mutagenesis Mastery
- Suture Mastery
- Deadpool champions - Goldpool Synergy
- Horseman of Apocalypse - Apocalypse Pre-Fight Ability
- Ant-Man (Future)
- Attuma
- Beast
- Civil Warrior
- Corvus Glaive (While Glaive's Immunity is active)
- Domino
- Gambit (While Flak Jacket is active)
- Goldpool
- Guardian (While Armor Up is active)
- Hercules
- Hulkbuster
- Knull
- Lady Deathstrike
- Magneto
- Moondragon
- Old Man Logan (While Regeneration Buff is active)
- Omega Red
- Omega Sentinel
- Sauron
- Sersi
- Wolverine (Weapon X)