Mordo: Unhand me, you psychopaths! Doctor Strange: It's okay, Gamora. He's no longer able to aid Thanos. Gamora: Why? What did you do to him, Strange? Doctor Strange: I was… forced to fence off sections of his mind that contained useful information to our common enemy. A desperate measure that I'm not proud of Mordo: Enemy? What are you talking about? Nebula: And we're the psychos. Remind me never to cross you, Strange.
- Transmission #1 - Upon starting the Quest
Mordo: We made a deal, Stephen. I have given you info on the curse-bearer's whereabouts. Now you must ease these mystical shackles from my mind. Gamora: "Curse-bearer"? What is he on about, Strange? Doctor Strange: Guillotine. You met her, Gamora. She has been kidnapped by Thanos, for reasons unknown to me. Gamora: Guillotine? Yes, we crossed blades. She seemed capable of taking care of herself. Doctor Strange: More than you imagine. Mordo discovered that she escaped from captivity, and Thanos' agents have been hunting her ever since.
- Transmission #2
Nebula: It looks like we're not the only ones tracking Guillotine… Look in the distance. There's a black-clad figure. Gamora: Outrider? Nebula: Not enough arms. Looks human to me. Mordo: He emanates a dark mystical energy… he may be working for Thanos. Doctor Strange: Summoner, you know what to do.
- Transmission #3 - Before fighting Blade