Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki
Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki
Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki

Children and Fools is the fifth Quest in Act 8 Chapter 3: Illumination, and was released on October 18, 2023. It contains 3 paths and has 7 Opponents per path, with Bishop Mutant, Quicksilver Science or Havok Mutant as the final boss.

It is preceded by 8.3.4: High Fidelity and succeeded by 8.3.6: Stranger Than Fiction.


Caption portrait Caption: Following Venom, who is playing the role of trained bloodhound through the ruins of this realm, the group discuss dire matters.
Ægon portrait Ægon: We have a second to catch our breath. I think we better know what it is we’re fighting the whole Battlerealm to protect, Carina.
Carina portrait Carina: It’s ... the Battlerealm itself that is the problem.
Carina portrait Carina: This place, it’s not just a multiversal dead-end. It’s a weapon or... no that’s not quite right. It’s a bomb. A creation bomb.
Civil Warrior portrait Civil Warrior: Bombs, in my experience, only create destruction and upsetting holes in places holes didn’t used to be.
Carina portrait Carina: Well this is a lot like that. The Battlerealm collects energy, stores it, and transforms it. It’s a process called the Churn.
Carina portrait Carina: This Churn is what makes Isotope-8, and the speed of it is affected by the power and ferocity of the combat within the Battlerealm.
Carina portrait Carina: The worst part is, the more you fight the stronger it makes you. The stronger it makes you, the more ISO-8 you make when you fight.
Civil Warrior portrait Civil Warrior: A perpetual motion machine... but for war.
- Transmission #1 - Upon starting the Quest

Guillotine portrait Guillotine: I can see your concern. There is so much power here, but it can be used for good. What if we harvest it for our own goals?
Carina portrait Carina: That circles back to the “bomb” part I mentioned. Enough ISO-8 gets made here and it’ll become a chain reaction of destruction.
Carina portrait Carina: Once the ISO-8 levels hit a tipping point it will consume everyone here, and spark off a whole new multiverse.
Carina portrait Carina: Try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light.
Civil Warrior portrait Civil Warrior: So we call a cease-fire. We lay it all out, tell everyone the truth. We stop the fighting and save this place from going “Big Bang” on us.
Carina portrait Carina: Not that easy, there is a balance. This place only keeps existing thanks to the same ISO-8 that could destroy it. If it dips below a certain level...
Carina portrait Carina: Atoms themselves would stop moving. Maximum entropy. The heat death of this universe.
Carina portrait Carina: That has been my burden, I can’t stop the fights here. The struggles... the pain. It is an evil that is necessary for all of us to survive.
Ægon portrait Ægon: This is a curse too heavy for any one soul to bear it, Carina. I do not know how we stop this horrible duty you hold...
Ægon portrait Ægon: ... but I know we do it together.
- Transmission #2

Caption portrait Caption: The group falls into a somber silence as they continue to follow Venom. Eventually finding a repurposed S.W.O.R.D. orbital station.
Venom portrait Venom: What we ssseek isss here. We can hear othersss... They are ssscreaming from their mindsss. We mussst wait out here. It isss to much.
Civil Warrior portrait Civil Warrior: Not hearing that but the cosmic radiation here is off my charts. Also detecting some interference from a microrealm? Curious.
Guillotine portrait Guillotine: A few crossed over realms and psychic signals could be what was hiding this place. Too much noise to pinpoint the source.
Carina portrait Carina: I sense it clearly, there isn’t just cosmic power here. It’s Celestial power. Ancient, angry, and waiting for us.
Venom portrait Venom: It has the ssstink of Adaptoidsss... We know it well. A mossst divine flavour when prepared correctly.
Civil Warrior portrait Civil Warrior: ... so much other stuff to deal with right now but I have to ask. Have you been eating the Adaptoids?
Venom portrait Venom: Would you rather we find other prey to sssatify our endlesss hunger?
Civil Warrior portrait Civil Warrior: I... would not.
- Transmission #3

Caption portrait Caption: An Adaptoid stumbles out of the main entrance. As they walk the lights around them seem to dim, as though the power was draining.
Bishop portrait Bishop: Nothing changes... Nothing ... Nothing changes. Nothing.
Caption portrait Caption: The lights pulse then burst. Raw power streams from them into this twisted mix of Adaptoid and Bishop.
Bishop portrait Bishop: I can absorb ... I can channel ... I can ... I can change.
Carina portrait Carina: Creature, you have been done an injustice. You were given power, but not control. I am so sorry, but please get out of our way.
Bishop portrait Bishop: An Elder? Such power within... Such raw... beautiful power.
Bishop portrait Bishop: Give it to me!
Civil Warrior portrait Civil Warrior: Well we did a rare “try and talk it out” moment but I think we should fall back on hitting this guy so hard he wakes up in a new future.
Bishop portrait Bishop: Your future ends now!

- Transmission #4 - Before fighting Bishop

Caption portrait Caption: An Adaptoid stumbles through one of the walls of the station. They are a vibrating blur of agony and power.
Quicksilver portrait Quicksilver: C-c-c-can’t s-s-s-s-low d-d-d-d-down.
Guillotine portrait Guillotine: Nom de dieu! Everyone be careful, this one seems to have the speed of Quicksilver but nowhere to run.
Quicksilver portrait Quicksilver: R-red c-cloak? M-magic? A-a-are... you... W-W-Wanda?
Guillotine portrait Guillotine: I am not your sister, my friend. You have no sister, no family. You should not be. I am so sorry.
Quicksilver portrait Quicksilver: Y-y-ou t-t-took her? You s-stole her? You d-d-destroyed my family?
Civil Warrior portrait Civil Warrior: I think the poor guy may have rattled a few screws loose and that look in his eyes spells trouble.
Guillotine portrait Guillotine: The anger is good, it keeps him focused. Now, Summoner, shut the poor creature down while he is distracted with his rage.

- Transmission #4 - Before fighting Quicksilver

Caption portrait Caption: A door is blasted off its hinges as an Adaptoid stumbles out of the smoking crater left behind. They crackle with power.
Havok portrait Havok: Graaaaaahhh
Carina portrait Carina: Oh god, the real Havok had to train to get his powers even reasonably in check. This thing however...
Caption portrait Caption: Beams of energy burst wildly from the Havok imitating Adaptoid. No targets seem to be in mind, just raw destruction.
Carina portrait Carina: Well this thing is a lot worse. We have to shut it down if we can even get close enough to it.
Civil Warrior portrait Civil Warrior: Seems like a good time to have a shield on hand. Summoner, I think you’ll come in handy here. Tuck in behind me.
Havok portrait Havok: Gah! Raaaaghhh! Grawwwhhh!
Civil Warrior portrait Civil Warrior: ... try to keep anything you don’t want burnt off behind the shield. When you see an opening, let Havok have it.

- Transmission #5 - Before fighting Havok


Story Quests
Book 1
Act 1: The Contest Challenge the Conqueror SurrenderThe PrizePursuitSneak AttackPathwaysMalice
Act 2: Escalation Surrender to the Contest New RecruitsThe Mad TitanEvolutionAdaptationUnstoppableConquered
Act 3: End Game Shadows Revealed A New FoeIntroductionPower SourceTranscendedManipulatorThe Automaton
Mysterious Origins The DoctorThe CaptainThe RocketThe CreatorThe OriginalThanos Enters
Act 4: Rebellion Metamorphosis Realm RebornA Little HelpIncognitoSymbioidsDark TimesTrust
Evolution Linked MightThe Guillotine DropsStraight Outta QueensAsgard's ChampionDark PresenceDefiance
Revolution Triumphant ReturnDark OmenThreatsInscrutableAce in the HoleStand Resolute
Devastation AllegiancesPlan in ActionDauntlessKnown UnknownsSurge of PowerCulmination
Act 5: Elder's War Fracture Fair PlayWeaponizedBack and ForthTauntedOverloadedDark Angel
Collector Bound Weird ScienceStrange BedfellowsThe DonLines in the SandInsurrectionAbrogation
The Struggle Game Begins AnewLight in the TunnelDire WarningFoul ConclusionForce of WillFitting Punishment
Cornerstone ContactFriends and FoesCalculationsDo the ImpossibleBreak the UnbreakableFight the Power
Act 6: Rebirth Great Revival Tentative StepsWorlds of PotentialA Father's ConcernPieces in PlayThe Only Game in TownBirthright
Guidance Power's PurposeSeveredHeadstrongCriminal ElementsMistrustRound Two
Lordly Caliber The World of TodayOverhangRevoltWinter MorningThe World for the PeopleFootsteps from Darkness
Succession Troubleshooting StarOne-Eyed SluggerReceive YouInterplanetary SparkJudgementReign
Book 2
Act 7: The Union Brave New Battlerealm RebootBreak OutRecycleUsurpMashupRemix
Upset the Meta WakeupZoningFootsiesPokeFrame by FrameNegative Edge
A Matter of Time UncertaintyDichotomyBootstrapCruel to Be KindAll Ravens Are BlackDeath May Die
Kangdom Come Manifest DestinyTempting FateParadise LostBetween the EonsFuture TenseNo Tomorrow
Act 8: The Radiance Casting Shadows Old SinsDark HorseThe ValleyMe and MineWithout a DoubtPitch Black
Binding Light ReflectionRefractionDiffractionLooking GlassPrismSuperposition
Illumination Reality CheckShame the DevilThe Sun, The MoonHigh FidelityChildren and FoolsStranger Than Fiction
Darkest Dawn The More You KnowTell No TalesBite the HandHeads or TailsHope SpringsThe Bell Tolls
Act 9: Revelation Casting Shadows Party CrashersWelcome WagonNo Stone UnturnedMisery Loves CompanyFree For AllSow The Wind
Original Acts 1 - 3
Act 1: The Contest Challenge the Conqueror SurrenderThe PrizePursuitSneak AttackPathwaysUnraveling
Adaptoid Ambush ThreatsHostilitiesExtinctionRageConfrontationSecrets
Battlerealm Revelations The MysteryThe WitchThe WarriorThe PantherThe GeniusThe Conqueror
The Feud Explodes InterrogationConflictDeceptionRevelationWrathMalice
Act 2: Escalation Surrender to the Contest New RecruitsThe Mad TitanEvolutionAdaptationUnstoppableThanos Ascendant
Thanos Ascendant ResistanceContemptThe PropositionThe WarningObstructionThe Alliance
The Contest Reborn EscalationIn ShadowsWarningsImmuneThe TideWhispers
Challenge Accepted BenefactorPurposeRevealedTwo ManiacsNearerConquered
Act 3: End Game Shadows Revealed A New FoeIntroductionPower SourceTranscendedManipulatorTwisted
Mysterious Origins The DoctorThe CaptainThe RocketThe CreatorThe OriginalThe Automaton
The Purpose UndefeatedSubmissionDominanceDefianceSuperchargedEmpty Threats
Thanos' Challenge The DealShowdownIntimidationImpossible OddsFearlessThanos Enters