Iron Man (Infinity War): Alright, I'm just about finished with playtime. These jags are getting on my nerves. Iron Man (Infinity War): F.R.I.D.A.Y., what's the data look like on those energy bursts? Caption: ** I've been cross-referencing with our database, and there's only one match. **
Thor (Ragnarok): The Cosmic Cube. Captain America (Infinity War): Thor? Korg: Thor! Aw, hey man. Good to see a friendly face. I was beginning to wonder about these guys, they haven't asked me a bloody thing about myself.
- Transmission #1 - Upon starting the Quest
Thor (Ragnarok): Yes, thank you Korg. I did not know you'd made it to the Contest. Iron Man (Infinity War): Glad to see you back in action Point Break. What've you been up to? Thor (Ragnarok): I returned to Asgard after the defeat of Thanos to be with my people, but I found only chaos and destruction.
- Transmission #2
Thor (Ragnarok): Loki has once again forsaken his people for more power. He's given that angry red man the Cosmic Cube from Odin's Vault… Korg: Actually Thor, he's apparently called "the Red Skull." Captain America (Infinity War): How did Loki even get the cube? I thought Asgard had a Gatekeeper… Thor (Ragnarok): It does, but even Heimdall cannot always sense Loki's treacherous movements. Thor (Ragnarok): We need to find my brother. Perhaps I can appeal to him and figure out what the "Red Skull" is planning…
- Transmission #3
Punisher 2099: I thought I told you to back off Rogers. Iron Man (Infinity War): You know this meathead, Steve? Want me to blast him? Punisher 2099: He knows who I represent, and I would recommend against engaging me, Stark. Punisher 2099: You think that suit makes you invincible, but inside you're flesh and blood. Punisher 2099: And flesh and blood are my areas of expertise.
- Transmission #4 - Before being ambushed by Punisher 2099
Caption: ** More energy spikes, right in front of us. Step back! **
Loki: Hello brother. Thor (Ragnarok): Loki! End this madness. How many times must Asgard fall at your feet before you realize you are her prince? Loki: A reclusive kingdom guarded by a sulking mook, or an entire Battlerealm with infinite possibilities. Loki: Yes, brother. The all-seeing, all-hearing Heimdall drags Hofund behind him like a sad child. Loki: The skull will raise his machination from its slumber and the Cabal will emerge victorious, but you won't be around to witness such glory.
- Transmission #5 - Before fighting Loki