Crystals are in-game items that can be opened for a chance to obtain Champions, items and resources. They can be purchased, found in Quests, claimed for free or built with varying amounts of Crystal Shards. However, Crystal Shard Crystals give fewer points towards Alliance Events than regular Crystals.
For the best reading experience, it's recommended to view this page on desktop mode.
Subheading yet to be added.
This Crystal peers into multiple dimensions to allow you to pick one of three randomized Champions. Guarantees at least a 3-Star Champion, with a rare chance of a 4 or 5-Star Champion.
Acquisition yet to be added.
5-Star Nexus Hero Crystal
5-Star Champion
4-Star Nexus Hero Crystal
4-Star Champion
3-Star Champion
Antiquated Grandmaster Crystal
Game Descriptions
Loot & Drop Rates
Subheading yet to be added.Description yet to be added.
Guarantees 4-Star to 6-Star Hero
Each Cavalier Crystal guarantees at least a 4-Star Hero, with a rare chance at, 5 and 6-Star Heroes.[sic]
Purchased for 2,000x Cavalier Crystal Shards
6-Star Nexus Hero Crystal
6-Star Champion
5-Star Nexus Hero Crystal
5-Star Champion
4-Star Champion
Cavalier Nexus Crystal
Game Descriptions
Loot & Drop Rates
Guarantees 3-Star to 6-Star Hero
This Crystal peers into multiple dimensions to allow you to pick one of three randomized Champions. Guarantees at least a 3-Star Champion, with a rare chance of a 4 or 5-Star Champion.
Acquisition yet to be added.
6-Star Nexus Hero Crystal
6-Star Champion
5-Star Nexus Hero Crystal
5-Star Champion
4-Star Champion
3-Star Champion
Antiquated Cavalier Crystal
Game Descriptions
Loot & Drop Rates
Guarantees 3-Star to 6-Star Hero
Each Cavalier Crystal guarantees at least a 3-Star Hero, with a rare chance at 4, 5 and 6-Star Heroes.
Choose from three randomized 4-Star Champions!
This crystal peers into multiple dimensions to allow you to pick one of three randomized 4-Star Champions
Choose from three randomized 5-Star Champions!
This Crystal peers into multiple dimensions to allow you to pick one of three randomized 5-Star Champions.
Choose from three randomized 6-Star Champions!
This Crystal peers into multiple dimensions to allow you to pick one of three randomized 6-Star Champions.
The following Crystals only grant variants of a specific type of resource:
Alliance War Boost Crystal
Game Descriptions
Loot & Drop Rates
Get Boosts to use in Alliance Wars.
Get this Crystal to obtain one of the following Boosts to be used in Alliance Wars: Advanced Power Boost, Combat Regeneration Boost, Invulnerability Boost, Champion Boost, Attack Boost, or Health Boost.
Subheading yet to be added.
These Crystals offer Class ISO-8 with a rare chance to obtain Tier 4 Basic Catalyst, Tier 4 Class Catalyst or Tier 1 Alpha Catalyst.
Try for a Tier 4 Class Catalyst!
These Crystals offer Tier 4 Basic Catalyst Fragments and Tier 4 Class Catalyst Fragments with a rare chance to obtain Tier 4 Basic Catalysts, Tier 4 Class Catalysts and Tier 2 Alpha Catalyst Fragments.
Purchased as part of the "Greater Ascendant Crystal Cache" (550 Units; special offer)
Try for Tier 5 Class Catalyst Fragments!
These Crystals offer Tier 5 Class Catalyst Fragments, Tier 5 Basic Catalyst Fragments or Tier 2 Alpha Fragments.
Purchased as part of the "Supreme Ascendant Bundle" (1,500 Units; limited release; limit 5 purchases)
Awarded to players who've completed Act 3 that complete Repeating Objectives.
These Crystals offer a chance to award ISO-8, Gold, Hero Crystal Shards or Catalysts.
Awarded to players who've completed Act 4 that complete Repeating Objectives.
These Crystals offer a chance to award ISO-8, Gold, Hero Crystal Shards or Catalysts.
Awarded to players who've completed Act 5 Chapter 2 that complete Repeating Objectives.
These Crystals offer a chance to award ISO-8, Gold, Hero Crystal Shards or Catalysts.
Awarded to players who've completed Act 6 Chapter 1 that complete Repeating Objectives.
These Crystals offer a chance to award ISO-8, Gold, Hero Crystal Shards or Catalysts.
Subheading yet to be added.
This Crystal has the chance to award one of the following: Gold Crystal, Energy Crystal, Premium Hero Crystal, Grandmaster Crystal or Greater Ascendant Crystal.
Purchased as part of "Crystal Crystal Bundle" (microtransaction; limit 1 purchase)
Grandmaster Crystal
Greater Ascendant Crystal
Energy Crystal
Golden Crystal
Premium Hero Crystal
Greater Crystal Crystal
Game Descriptions
Loot & Drop Rates
Awards other Crystals containing Champions or resources.
This Crystal has the chance to award one of the following: Greater Gold Crystal, Energy Crystal, Grandmaster Crystal, Cavalier Crystal or Greater Ascendant Crystal.
Purchased as part of "Greater Crystal Crystal Bundle" (microtransaction; limit 1 purchase)
Cavalier Crystal
Greater Ascendant Crystal
Energy Crystal
Greater Golden Crystal
Grandmaster Crystal
Forbidden Crystal
Game Descriptions
Loot & Drop Rates
Try for Units!
These Crystals offer Gold or Units.
Found by duplicating a 2-Star Champion with a maxed Signature Ability.
These Crystals award 3-Star Crystal Shards with a rare chance to obtain 3-Star Iron Fist.
Found by duplicating a 3-Star Champion with a maxed Signature Ability.
These Crystals award 3-Star Awaken Gems, 3-Star Signature Stones, or 4-Star Crystal Shards, with a rare chance to obtain 4-Star Iron Fist.
Found by duplicating a 4-Star Champion with a maxed Signature Ability.
These Crystals award 4-Star Awaken Gems, 4-Star Signature Stones, or 5-Star Crystal Shards, with a rare chance to obtain 5-Star Iron Fist.
Found by duplicating a 5-Star Champion with a maxed Signature Ability.
These Crystals award 5-Star Awaken Gems, 5-Star Signature Stones, or 6-Star Crystal Shards, with a rare chance to obtain 6-Star Iron Fist.
Found by duplicating a 6-Star Champion with a maxed Signature Ability.
These Crystals award 6-Star Awaken Gems, 6-Star Signature Stones, or 6-Star Crystal Shards, with a rare chance to obtain 6-Star Iron Fist.
Guarantees a 2-Star to 4-Star Hero
Guarantees a 2 to 4-Star Champion AND Gold, Battle Chips or Units AND Level 2 or 3 Health Potions, Level 1 Revive, Energy Refill, Small Energy Refills, Tier 2 Class Catalyst Crystal or Tier 4 Basic ISO-8.
Acquisition yet to be added.
Drop Rates & Loot yet to be added.
Ultimate Questing Crystal
Game Descriptions
Loot & Drop Rates
Get a 3 or 4-Star Hero!
Guarantees at least a 3-Star Champion with a rare chance at a 4-Star Champion AND Gold, Battle Chips or Units AND Level 2 or 3 Health Potions, Level 1 Revive, Energy Refill, Small Energy Refills, Tier 2 Class Catalyst Crystal or Tier 4 Basic ISO-8.
Awarded daily for those who have completed Act 3
These Crystals have an increased chance to award Tier 1 Alpha Catalyst Fragments, Tier 3 Class Catalysts, 3-Star Heroes, and more!
Awarded every 4-Hours for those who have completed Act 3
These Crystals have an increased chance to award Level 3 Health Potions, Level 2 Revives, Small Energy Refills, and more!
Awarded daily for those who have completed Act 4
These Crystals have an increased chance to award Tier 4 Basic Catalyst Fragments, 4-Star Hero Crystal Shards, 3-Star Heroes, and more!
Claimable for free once every 23 hours after completing Culmination prior to Abrogation.
Awarded every 4-Hours for those who have completed Act 4
These Crystals have an increased chance to award Level 3 Health Potions, Level 2 Revives, 2x Small Energy Refills, and more!
Claimable for free once every 4 hours after completing Culmination prior to Abrogation.
Claim your Uncollected Daily Crystal every day!
Open your Crystal every day for a chance to obtain Units, Tier 4 Class Catalyst Fragments, Tier 4 Basic Catalyst Fragments, Tier 2 Alpha Catalyst Fragments or a 4-Star Hero!
Claimable for free once every 23 hours after completing Abrogation prior to Birthright.
Claim your Cavalier Daily Crystal every day!
Description yet to be added.
Claimable for free once every 23 hours after completing Birthright prior to Reign.
Drop Rates & Loot yet to be added.
Cavalier Free Crystal
Game Descriptions
Loot & Drop Rates
Get a free Crystal every 4 Hours!
Description yet to be added.
Claimable for free once every 4 hours after completing Birthright prior to Reign.
Drop Rates & Loot yet to be added.
Daily Thronebreaker Crystal
Game Descriptions
Loot & Drop Rates
Claim your Daily Thronebreaker Crystal every day!
Claim your Crystal every day for a chance to obtain Units, Tier 4 and 5 Basic Catalyst Fragments, Tier 4 Class Catalyst Fragments, Tier 2 Alpha Catalyst Fragments or a 5-Star Hero, plus a very rare chance at Tier 5 Class Catalyst Fragments, 6-Star Hero Crystal Shards, and more!
Claim your Daily Paragon Crystal every day!
Description yet to be added.
Acquisition yet to be added.
Drop Rates & Loot yet to be added.
Free Paragon Crystal
Game Descriptions
Loot & Drop Rates
Get a free Crystal every 4 Hours!
Description yet to be added.
Acquisition yet to be added.
Drop Rates & Loot yet to be added.
Daily Valiant Crystal
Game Descriptions
Loot & Drop Rates
Claim your Daily Valiant Crystal every day!
Claim your Crystal every day for a chance to obtain Units, Tier 6 Basic Catalysts, Tier 6 Basic Catalyst Fragments, Tier 3 Alpha Catalyst Fragments, or 6-Star Hero Crystal, plus a very rare chance at a Tier 6 Class Catalyst, Tier 3 Alpha Catalyst or 7-Star Hero Crystal Shards!
Get a free Crystal every 4 Hours!
Description yet to be added.
Acquisition yet to be added.
Drop Rates & Loot yet to be added.
Alliance Crystals[]
Alliance Crystal
Game Descriptions
Loot & Drop Rates
Purchase this Crystal with Loyalty
Use your loyalty to win powerful Boosts or an Alliance Exclusive Champion! Earn Loyalty by interacting with your Alliance!
Purchased with 1,000 Loyalty while in an Alliance (limit 1 per day)
Guaranteed a bonus item or an increased quantity
Chance to win Tier 2 Basic or Class Catalysts, Tier 2 Basic or Class Fragments, Tier 3 Basic or Class Catalysts, Tier 3 Basic or Class Fragments, Tier 1 Alpha Catalysts, Tier 1 Alpha Fragments or Alliance Potions.
Guaranteed a bonus item or an increased quantity
Chance to win Tier 3 Basic or Class Catalysts, Tier 3 Basic or Class Fragments, Tier 4 Basic or Class Catalysts, Tier 1 Alpha Catalysts, Tier 1 Alpha Fragments or Alliance Potions.
Win Loyalty, ISO, Boosts or Alliance Potions!
Chance to win Loyalty, ISO, Boosts or Alliance Potions!
Acquisition yet to be added.
Drop Rates & Loot yet to be added.
War Victor Crystal
Game Descriptions
Loot & Drop Rates
Chance at Signature Stones or Arena Point Boosts!
Chance to win Loyalty, ISO, Alliance Potions or Boosts. Rare chance to obtain Signature Stones or Arena Point Boosts!
This Crystal guarantees a minimum of 250,000 Gold, a Tier 5 or Tier 6 Class ISO-8 Chunk AND a BONUS item. The bonus item can be one of the following: Tier 2 Alpha Catalysts, a Tier 3 Alpha Catalyst or Fragments, Tier 4 Alpha Catalyst Fragments, 6-Star +5 Class Signature Stones, 6-Star Signature Stone Crystals, a 6-Star Awakening Gem, a 6-Star Awakening Gem Crystal, a 6-Star Awakening Gem Crystal, 6 or 7-Star Hero Crystal Shards, Titan Crystal Shards, a 6-Star Nexus Hero Crystal, a 7-Star Gifted Guardians Crystal, a Paragon Gifted Guardians Crystal, a Tier 5 or 6 Basic Catalyst or Fragments, a Tier 5 Class Selector, a Tier 6 Class Catalyst or Fragments, a 5 to 6-Star Trophy Champ Selector featuring Vision, Kang, Thanos, Wolverine (Weapon X) and Jessica Jones, a 7-Star Kang or 7-Star Thanos!
This Crystal contains a minimum of 100,000 Gold, a Tier 5 or Tier 6 Class ISO-8 Chunk AND a BONUS item. The bonus item can be anything from Tier 2 Alpha Catalyst Fragments, Tier 3 Alpha Catalyst Fragments, 6-Star +5 Class Signature Stones, 6-Star Signature Stone Crystals, a 6-Star Awakening Gem, a 6-Star Class Awakening Gem Crystal, a 6-Star Awakening Gem Crystal, 5 or 6-Star Hero Crystal Shards, a 6-Star Nexus Hero Crystal, a 6-Star Featured Hero Crystal, a Cavalier Crystal, a Nexus Cavalier Crystal, a Nexus 6-Star Hero Crystal, Tier 4 Class Catalyst Crystals, Tier 5 Basic Catalyst Fragments, Tier 5 Class Catalyst Fragments, Tier 6 Basic Catalyst Fragments, Tier 6 Class Catalyst Fragments, Tier 6 Basic ISO, Gold, Scrap(Used in the Rocket's Workshop Side-Quest), a 5 or 6-Star Kang or Thanos or Wolverine (Weapon X) or Jessica Jones!
Guarantees a 5-Star Platinumpool Piece.
Guarantees one of the following 5-Star Platinumpool Pieces: Surprisingly Jacked Left Arm of the Fabulous One, Understandably Swole Right Arm of the Fabulous One, Strapping Young Legs of the Fabulous One, Beautiful Mouth of the Fabulous One, Rippling Torso of the Fabulous One.
Acquisition yet to be added.
Beautiful Mouth of the Fabulous One
Ripping Torso of the Fabulous One
Strapping Young Legs of the Fabulous One
Surprisingly Jacked Left Arm of the Fabulous One
Understandably Swole Right Arm of the Fabulous One
Super Card Captor Crystal
Game Descriptions
Loot & Drop Rates
Guarantees a 6-Star Platinumpool Piece.
Description yet to be added.
This Crystal guarantees a minimum of 2400 Gold AND a BONUS item. The bonus item can be anything from 3-Star Signature Stones, 3-Star Awakening Gems, 3, 4 or 5-Star Crystal Shards, Tier 3 Class Catalysts, or Tier 3 or 4 Class Catalyst Fragments!
This Crystal contains a minimum of 5000 Gold, a 5000 Class ISO Chunk AND a BONUS item. The bonus item can be anything from 4-Star Signature Stones, 4-Star Class Awakening Gems, 4 or 5-Star Crystal Shards or Tier 4 Catalysts or Catalyst Fragments!
Description yet to be added.
Acquisition yet to be added.
Drop Rates & Loot yet to be added.
Greater Gifting Crystal
Game Descriptions
Loot & Drop Rates
This Crystal contains a minimum of 50,000 Gold, a Tier 5 Class ISO-8 Chunk AND a BONUS item. The bonus item can be anything from Tier 2 Alpha Catalyst Fragments, 5-Star Signature Stones, a 5-Star Class Awakening Gem, 4, 5 or 6-Star Hero Crystal Shards, a Tier 4 Class Catalyst Crystal, Tier 5 Basic Catalyst Fragments, 4 or 5-Star Kang or Thanos, or 6-Star Kang!
Acquisition yet to be added.
Drop Rates & Loot yet to be added.
Greater Gifting Crystal
Game Descriptions
Loot & Drop Rates
This Crystal contains a minimum of 50,000 Gold, a Tier 5 Class ISO-8 Chunk AND a BONUS item. The bonus item can be anything from Tier 2 Alpha Catalyst Fragments, 5-Star +5 Class Signature Stones, 6-Star Signature Stone Crystals, a 5-Star Class Awakening Gem, 4, 5 or 6-Star Hero Crystal Shards, a 4, 5 or 6-Star Nexus Hero Crystal, a Tier 4 Class Catalyst Crystal, Tier 5 Basic Catalyst Fragments, Tier 5 Class Catalyst Fragments or a 4, 5 or 6-Star Kang or Thanos!
This Crystal contains a minimum of 50,000 Gold, a Tier 5 Class ISO-8 Chunk AND a BONUS item. The bonus item can be anything from Tier 2 Alpha Catalyst Fragments, Tier 3 Alpha Catalyst Fragments, 5-Star +5 Class Signature Stones, 6-Star Signature Stone Crystals, a 5-Star Class Awakening Gem Crystal, a 6-Star Awakening Gem Crystal, 5 or 6-Star Hero Crystal Shards, a 5 or 6-Star Nexus Hero Crystal, Tier 4 Class Catalyst Crystals, Tier 4 Basic Catalysts, Tier 5 Basic Catalyst Fragments, Tier 5 Class Catalyst Fragments, Tier 6 Basic Catalyst Fragments, a 4, 5 or 6-Star Kang or Thanos or a 5 or 6-Star Wolverine (Weapon X)!
Acquisition yet to be added.
Drop Rates & Loot yet to be added.
Holiday Crystal
Game Descriptions
Loot & Drop Rates
Get a Holiday Crystal every 9 Hours!
Come back often for a chance to win Crystal Shards, Catalyst Fragments & more!
Claimable for free once every 9 hours. (limited time)
Drop Rates & Loot yet to be added.
"Infinity" Crystal
Game Descriptions
Loot & Drop Rates
Crystal, Crystal and more Crystal!
Guarantees at least another Crystal with a rare chance at Pride and Accomplishment.
Given by "Cuisine of Champions is Back!" Mail on April 1, 2023
Chance to win a 3 or 4-Star Champion, Tier 3 Catalysts, Tier 3 Catalyst Fragments, 3 or 4-Star Signature Stones, 3-Star Awakening Gems, 3 or 4-Star Crystal Shards, Carbonadium Mastery Core or a Stony Mastery Core!
Purchased for 3,000x Initiative Crystal Shards (limited release)
Drop Rates & Loot yet to be added.
Lesser Initiative Crystal
Game Descriptions
Loot & Drop Rates
Chance to win a 2 or 3-Star Champion, Tier 2 or 3 Catalysts, Tier 2 or 3 Catalyst Fragments, 3-Star Signature Stones, 3-Star Awakening Gems, 3-Star Crystal Shards, Stony Mastery Core, ISO or Gold!
Purchased for 1,000x Initiative Crystal Shards (limited release)
Drop Rates & Loot yet to be added.
Greater Initiative Crystal
Game Descriptions
Loot & Drop Rates
Chance to win a 4-Star Champion, Tier 4 Catalysts, Tier 4 Catalyst Fragments, 4-Star Signature Stones, 4-Star Awakening Gems, 5-Star Crystal Shards, or a Carbonadium Mastery Core!
Purchased for 10,000x Initiative Crystal Shards (limited release)
Claimable for free once every week from the Summoner's Market.
Legends Celebration 7-Star Selector
Alpha Catalyst Selector
Class Catalyst Selector
Basic Catalyst Selector
Revive Selector
Team Revive Selector
Health Potion Selector
Team Health Potion Selector
Champion Crystal Selector
Crystal Shard Selector
Mastery Selector
Legends Celebration Crystal
Game Descriptions
Loot & Drop Rates
Claim your Crystal every 7 Hours!
These Crystals offer a chance at Hero Crystals & Shards, Basic, Class and Alpha Catalysts & Fragments, Boosts, Units, Potions, Revives, Mastery Cores and a very rare chance at a 7-Star Champion Selector featuring Black Panther, Ant-Man, Ebony Maw, Red Goblin, Captain America (Sam Wilson) and Emma Frost. These Legendary Login Crystals are too powerful to remain stable! Any Legends Celebration Crystals left in your inventory will disappear on September 6, 10:00 AM PDT.
Claimable for free once every 7 hours. (limited time; removed from inventory if unopened afterwards)
Drop Rates & Loot yet to be added.
Legends Celebration Crystal
Game Descriptions
Loot & Drop Rates
Claim your Crystal every 7 Hours!
These Crystals offer a chance to award 4-Star Hero Crystal Shards, 5-Star Hero Crystal Shards, a Tier 4 Basic or Class Catalyst, Tier 4 Basic or Class Catalyst Fragments, a Tier 1 Alpha Catalyst, an Energy Refill, Units, Loyalty, Boosts, Potions or Revives.
Claimable for free once every 7 hours. (limited time)
Chance to win a 3 or 4-Star Champion, Tier 3 Catalysts, Tier 3 Catalyst Fragments, 3 or 4-Star Signature Stones, 3-Star Awakening Gems, 3 or 4-Star Crystal Shards, Carbonadium Mastery Core or a Stony Mastery Core!
Purchased for 3,000x Liberty Crystal Shards (limited release)
Drop Rates & Loot yet to be added.
Lesser Liberty Crystal
Game Descriptions
Loot & Drop Rates
Chance to win a 2 or 3-Star Champion, Tier 2 or 3 Catalysts, Tier 2 or 3 Catalyst Fragments, 3-Star Signature Stones, 3-Star Awakening Gems, 3-Star Crystal Shards, Stony Mastery Core, ISO or Gold!
Purchased for 1,000x Liberty Crystal Shards (limited release)
Drop Rates & Loot yet to be added.
Greater Liberty Crystal
Game Descriptions
Loot & Drop Rates
Chance to win a 4-Star Champion, Tier 4 Catalysts, Tier 4 Catalyst Fragments, 4-Star Signature Stones, 4-Star Awakening Gems, 5-Star Crystal Shards, or a Carbonadium Mastery Core!
Purchased for 10,000x Liberty Crystal Shards (limited release)
Drop Rates & Loot yet to be added.
Nigh-Invulnerable Crystal
Game Descriptions
Loot & Drop Rates
Open for a very rare chance at a 7-Star Titania!
These Crystals offer a chance to earn Blood, Sweat and Tears Tokens, Dedication Medallions (trade both for rewards at the Trader's Outpost) and a very rare chance at a 7-Star Titania.
Chance to win Platinumpool Pieces and more!
These Crystals offer a chance at Hero Crystals & Shards, Basic Class and Alpha Catalyst Fragments and a rare chance at Platinumpool Piece Selectors.