Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki
Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki
Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki

Crystal Shards are pieces of Crystals gained from doing things like completing Quests, Arenas, duplicating/selling Champions or opening Crystal Shard Crystals. When enough shards are collected, they can be traded for a Crystal, while some shards also gain access to a Special Event quest.

It should be noted, however, that Shard Crystals account for less points than regular Crystals do in Alliance Events.

List of Shards Per Crystal[]

Image No. of Shards Crystal
Premium Hero Crystal Shards Premium Hero Crystal Shards2,000x Premium Hero Crystal Shards Premium Hero Crystal
3-Star Crystal Shards 3-Star Crystal Shards2,000x 3-Star Crystal Shards 3-Star Hero Crystal
4-Star Crystal Shards 4-Star Crystal Shards2,000x 4-Star Crystal Shards 4-Star Hero Crystal
5-Star Crystal Shards 5-Star Crystal Shards10,000x 5-Star Crystal Shards 5-Star Hero Crystal
5-Star Crystal Shards15,000x 5-Star Crystal Shards Featured 5-Star Hero Crystal
5-Star Crystal Shards10,000x 5-Star Crystal Shards Science and Mystic Dual Crystal

Mutant and Skill Dual Crystal
Cosmic and Tech Dual Crystal

6-Star Crystal Shards 6-Star Crystal Shards10,000x 6-Star Crystal Shards 6-Star Hero Crystal
6-Star Crystal Shards15,000x 6-Star Crystal Shards Featured 6-Star Hero Crystal
7-Star Crystal Shards 7-Star Crystal Shards15,000x 7-Star Crystal Shards 7-Star Hero Crystal
7-Star Titan Crystal Shards 7-Star Titan Crystal Shards20,000x 7-Star Titan Crystal Shards 7-Star Titan Crystal
3-Star Relic Crystal Shards 3-Star Relic Crystal Shards2,000x 3-Star Relic Crystal Shards 3-Star Relic Crystal
4-Star Relic Crystal Shards 4-Star Relic Crystal Shards2,000x 4-Star Relic Crystal Shards 4-Star Relic Crystal
5-Star Relic Crystal Shards 5-Star Relic Crystal Shards10,000x 5-Star Relic Crystal Shards 5-Star Relic Crystal
6-Star Relic Crystal Shards 6-Star Relic Crystal Shards10,000x 6-Star Relic Crystal Shards 6-Star Relic Crystal
Grandmaster Crystal Shards Grandmaster Crystal Shards2,000x Grandmaster Crystal Shards Grandmaster Crystal
Lesser Solo Crystal Shards Lesser Solo Crystal Shards1,000x Lesser Solo Crystal Shards[† 1] Lesser Solo Crystal
Solo Crystal Shards Solo Crystal Shards1,000x Solo Crystal Shards Solo Crystal
Solo Crystal Shards2,000x Solo Crystal Shards[† 2] Greater Solo Crystal
Solo Crystal Shards10,000x Solo Crystal Shards Supreme Solo Crystal
Unified Crystal Shards Unified Crystal Shards2,000x Unified Crystal Shards Unified Crystal
Unified Crystal Shards4,000x Unified Crystal Shards Grandmaster Unified Crystal
Grandmaster Women of Power Crystal
Cavalier Women of Power Crystal
Shattered Heart Crystal Shards Shattered Heart Crystal Shards2,000x Shattered Heart Crystal Shards Shattered Heart Crystal
Shattered Heart Crystal Shards4,000x Shattered Heart Crystal Shards Grandmaster Shattered Heart Crystal
Dimensional Tier 1 Crystal Shards Dimensional Tier 1 Crystal Shards10,000x Dimensional Tier 1 Crystal Shards Tier 1 Dimensional Crystal
Dimensional Tier 1 Crystal Shards10,000x Dimensional Tier 1 Crystal Shards[† 3] Dimensional Rift (Beginner)
Dimensional Tier 2 Crystal Shards Dimensional Tier 2 Crystal Shards10,000x Dimensional Tier 2 Crystal Shards Tier 2 Dimensional Crystal
Dimensional Tier 2 Crystal Shards10,000x Dimensional Tier 2 Crystal Shards Dimensional Rift (Normal)
Dimensional Tier 3 Crystal Shards Dimensional Tier 3 Crystal Shards2,000x Dimensional Tier 3 Crystal Shards[† 4] Spider-Verse Crystal
Dimensional Tier 3 Crystal Shards10,000x Dimensional Tier 3 Crystal Shards Tier 3 Dimensional Crystal
Dimensional Tier 3 Crystal Shards10,000x Dimensional Tier 3 Crystal Shards Dimensional Rift (Heroic)
Dimensional Tier 4 Crystal Shards Dimensional Tier 4 Crystal Shards10,000x Dimensional Tier 4 Crystal Shards Tier 4 Dimensional Crystal
Dimensional Tier 4 Crystal Shards10,000x Dimensional Tier 4 Crystal Shards Dimensional Rift (Master)
Guardians of the Galaxy Crystal Shards Guardians of the Galaxy Crystal Shards2,000x Guardians of the Galaxy Crystal Shards[† 5] Guardians of the Galaxy Crystal
Liberty Crystal Shards Liberty Crystal Shards1,000x Liberty Crystal Shards[† 6] Lesser Liberty Crystal
Liberty Crystal Shards3,000x Liberty Crystal Shards Liberty Crystal
Liberty Crystal Shards10,000x Liberty Crystal Shards Greater Liberty Crystal
Initiative Crystal Shards Initiative Crystal Shards1,000x Initiative Crystal Shards[† 7] Lesser Initiative Crystal
Initiative Crystal Shards3,000x Initiative Crystal Shards Initiative Crystal
Initiative Crystal Shards10,000x Initiative Crystal Shards Greater Initiative Crystal
Monsters & Hunters Crystal Shards Monsters & Hunters Crystal Shards2,000x Monsters & Hunters Crystal Shards[† 8] Monsters & Hunters Crystal
Epoch Shards Epoch Shards2,000x Epoch Shards[† 9] Provenance Crystal, Annum Crystal, Biennium Crystal, Triennium Crystal, Quadrennium Crystal, Quinquennium Crystal, Sexennium Crystal
Epoch Shards4,000x Epoch Shards Grandmaster Provenance Crystal, Cavalier Provenance Crystal, Grandmaster Annum Crystal, Cavalier Annum Crystal, Grandmaster Biennium Crystal, Cavalier Biennium Crystal, Grandmaster Triennium Crystal, Cavalier Triennium Crystal, Grandmaster Quadrennium Crystal, Cavalier Quadrennium Crystal, Grandmaster Quinquennium Crystal, Cavalier Quinquennium Crystal, Grandmaster Sexennium Crystal, Cavalier Sexennium Crystal[† 10]
Hand To Hand Combat Crystal Shards Hand To Hand Combat Crystal Shards4,000x Hand To Hand Combat Crystal Shards[† 11] Grandmaster Hand To Hand Combat Crystal
Cavalier Hand To Hand Combat Crystal
5-Star Hand To Hand Combat Crystal Shards 5-Star Hand To Hand Combat Crystal Shards10,000x 5-Star Hand To Hand Combat Crystal Shards[† 12] 5-Star Hand To Hand Combat Crystal
Iron Tomb Crystal Shards Iron Tomb Crystal Shards4,000x Iron Tomb Crystal Shards[† 13] Grandmaster Iron Tomb Crystal
Cavalier Iron Tomb Crystal
Heroes and Gods Crystal Shards Heroes and Gods Crystal Shards4,000x Heroes and Gods Crystal Shards[† 14] Grandmaster Heroes and Gods Crystal
Cavalier Heroes and Gods Crystal
Legendary Crystal Shards Legendary Crystal Shards10,000x Legendary Crystal Shards Legendary Crystal
Mythic Crystal Shards Mythic Crystal Shards10,000x Mythic Crystal Shards Mythic Crystal
Marauder Mystery Crystal Shards Marauder Mystery Crystal Shards3,000x Marauder Mystery Crystal Shards Grandmaster Marauder Mystery Crystal
Marauder Mystery Crystal Shards4,000x Marauder Mystery Crystal Shards Cavalier Marauder Mystery Crystal
Cosmic Eclipse Crystal Shards Cosmic Eclipse Crystal Shards3,000x Cosmic Eclipse Crystal Shards Grandmaster Cosmic Eclipse Crystal
Cosmic Eclipse Crystal Shards4,000x Cosmic Eclipse Crystal Shards Cavalier Cosmic Eclipse Crystal
Grandmaster Metal and Mutant Crystal
Cavalier Metal and Mutant Crystal
World's End Crystal Shards World's End Crystal Shards4,000x World's End Crystal Shards Grandmaster World's End Crystal
Cavalier World's End Crystal
Bewhiskered Crystal Shards Bewhiskered Crystal Shards4,000x Bewhiskered Crystal Shards Grandmaster Bewhiskered Crystal
Cavalier Bewhiskered Crystal
Sinister Synergy Crystal Shards Sinister Synergy Crystal Shards4,000x Sinister Synergy Crystal Shards Grandmaster Sinister Synergy Crystal
Cavalier Sinister Synergy Crystal
Anthropomorphic Crystal Shards Anthropomorphic Crystal Shards4,000x Anthropomorphic Crystal Shards Grandmaster Anthropomorphic Crystal
Cavalier Anthropomorphic Crystal
Cast and Crew Crystal Shards Cast and Crew Crystal Shards2,000x Cast and Crew Crystal Shards Grandmaster Cast and Crew Crystal
Cavalier Cast and Crew Crystal


  1. Lesser Solo Crystal Shards were deprecated in September 2020[1], the Lesser Solo Crystal, renamed to Solo Crystal, can be formed by 1000 Greater Solo Crystal Shards
  2. Greater Solo Crystal Shards were renamed in September 2020[1] to Solo Crystal Shards. The Greater Solo Crystal cost to be formed were updated from 1000 to 2000 Solo Crystal Shards.
  3. Dimensional Crystal Shards were later named Chaos Crystal Shards, during the Chaos Rift
  4. Spider-Verse Crystal Shards could be obtained during Stark Assignments and Solo Objectives
  5. Guardians of the Galaxy Crystal Shards could be obtained during Rocket's Scrapyard
  6. Liberty Shards could be obtained during Cosmic Civil War
  7. Initiative Shards could be obtained during Cosmic Civil War
  8. Monsters & Hunters Shards could be obtained during Hades Invasions - Limbo and a special Punishing Arena.
  9. Epoch Shards could be obtained during Spider-Ham: Back on the Air! event and a special Calendar. They can be traded for crystals in the Holiday Store.
  10. The Grandmaster type crystals are available for Summoners that are Uncollected or above, and the Cavalier type crystals for Cavalier and above.
  11. Hand To Hand Combat Crystal Shards could be obtained during Shang-Chi Solo Objectives and Lei Tai Arena milestones, and a special Calendar
  12. 5-Star Hand To Hand Combat Crystal Shards could be obtained in The Ten Ring Tournament Epic and Legendary Quest rewards.
  13. Iron Tomb Crystal Shards could be obtained during Langurian Castle Rifts, Storm the Castle Arena milestones, Solo Objectives and Solo Events.
  14. Heroes and Gods Crystal Shards could be obtained during Assault on Olympus and a special Gift From The Gods Login Calendar.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Kabam Forums Update to Solo Events.. Kabam. September 18, 2020.
Marvel: Contest of Champions Terminology
Game Modes Alliance WarArena (QuickMatch3 vs. 3) • BattlegroundsIncursions
Quests Alliance QuestBack IssuesDaily QuestEvent Quest (Story) • Special EventStory Quest
Champions Fighting AttackBlockBuffCombo • Damage (DirectPhysicalEnergy) • DashDebuffDodgeNodesPowerSpecial AttackStriker
Stats ArmorArmor PenetrationAttackBlock (PenetrationPerfect Block ChanceProficiency) • Class (Bonus) • Combat Power RateCritical Rating (DamageResistence) • Energy ResistanceHealthHero RatingPhysical ResistancePrestigeRegeneration RateSignature AbilitySpirit Gain RateSynergy BonusTagsTierUpgradingVictory Animation
Resources Items Boosts (ArenaChampion) • CatalystsCrystals (Featured ChampionGrouped ChampionShards) • Duel CreditsEnergy RefillsHealth PotionsISO-8Mastery CoresRank Down TicketRank Up GemRevivesSignature Stone
Treasury ArtifactsBattle ChipsElder's MarkGloryGoldLoyaltyMysteriumTrophy TokensUnits
Progression CalendarCutscenesEnergyMasterySolo EventsSolo ObjectivesStory MilestonesTutorial (Introduction) • XP
Miscellaneous Alliance (ChatEvents) • The ContestCalloutsChatElder's AlphabetFeatured ChampionsGatesGiftingLocationsMarvel: Realm of ChampionsProfile PicRelicsSummonerSummoner ShowdownTitle