Domino: Played by the Hood, of all people. I hop I'm not losing my touch. Deadpool: So tell me again why we're tracking down this copycat? The Avengers literally think it's just me. I could take his place and no one would know. Domino: Because he owes me, and I'm not about to lose that line of credit. And also, Wade: they would know. Venompool: He is alssso nicer than you. Deadpool: I'm very nice! Domino, are you still mad about the chicken in the vent thing in San Fran? That was like… 8 years and 7 months ago! Domino: Shove it, you two. We're getting into Black-ISO Mafia territory now.
- Transmission #1 - Upon starting the Quest
Deadpool: I'm just gonna be Mr. Plot Direction over here and ask something nobody has yet: why do they want me? Or that guy cosplaying as me? Deadpool: If they wanted that they should just go to a convention. There's at least a few mediocre simulacrums of me at every one. Domino: Like I said before: they're working with M.O.D.O.K. on some kind of weird science project. Domino: Maybe it has to do with your powers? Deadpool: Well, I -do- have the best power set in this entire game. Venompool: You're no Blade. Deadpool: He's blatantly overpowered! At least I don't need synergies to be awesome!
- Transmission #2
Domino: What the hell are you doing, Venompool? Get out of the way. Venompool: Sssorry, chumps! You're getting too close to our base and we can't have you mucking this up! Deadpool: Venompool… You're working for an organized crime syndicate? Deadpool: I'm so proud of you! Look at how you've grown! Now give us some villainous exposition, my boy! Venompool: Shut it! We need your copycat's powersss; M.O.D.O.K. is going to clone you to create an army of unssstoppable soldiers! Domino: You realize Masacre doesn't have any powers, right? He isn't actually Deadpool. He just dresses like him. Venompool: W… What? Deadpool: Hahaha! Oh, man!
- Transmission #3 - Before fighting Venompool