Guillotine: Docteur?... How did you find me? Doctor Strange: Thanks to a group of very talented mystics. And of course the Summoner. Guillotine: We've... met before. Merci. Doctor Strange: We don't have much time. You are being anchored here by a magic spell. if we don't complete the incantation, you will be recalled to your incarceration. Scarlet Witch (Classic): Strange, there's incoming Symbioids! Doctor Strange: Summoner, quick! Protect the circle!
- Transmission #1
Guillotine: I am... fading... Doctor Strange: Guillotine! NO! IT'S TOO SOON! Guillotine: Listen, Stephen... Thanos found a way to make his own Infinity Stones. ISO-8 is the key... it allows great energy disturbances to be concentrated into newborn gems. Find the next great conflict in the Battlerealm, and Thanos will be there to harvest his prize. Doctor Strange: I'll find you Jeannine. I promise!
- Transmission #2
Doctor Voodoo: It's no coincidence the circle failed. We were betrayed! Mordo: You wouldn't know anything about that, would you, God of Lies? Loki: Oh, but that's precious. Who do you think disguised your clumsy spell from the Mad Titan? You'd all be dead if it wasn't for me! Scarlet Witch (Classic): Stop everybody! You can accuse each other later! We still need to get out of this maze alive!
- Transmission #3
Doctor Voodoo: So Loki, what do you have to say for yourself? Loki: I say you're all morons. Thanos can control minds, do you know that? Anyone could be the traitor, even you! Loki: But of course you're not. That distinction goes to a much more... cooperative individual. Right, Mordo? Doctor Strange: Mordo?! Mordo: I'm sorry, Stephen. There's no resisting his power. Doctor Strange: WHERE IS HE? WHERE IS THANOS? Mordo: Very close, yet out of reach. He says your time will come. Meanwhile, you can keep fighting among yourselves...
- Transmission #4