The Collector: Strange times are these, Summoner. We come out of the thick of a Civil War, and already another conflict brews in the Battlerealm. The Collector: This time, it is at the hands of Magneto, the Master of Magnetism. I gave him an opportunity to unite the Mutants of the Contest. The Collector: I HAD hoped that it would bring their clannish ways in line... instead they have grown defiant. You will stop them.
- Upon starting the quest
The Collector: You would think they would be grateful! The Collector: Plucked from a planet full of strife and misunderstanding, brought to a land where everyone is as odd as they are! The Collector: Alas, no one appreciates my work like you do, Summoner.
- Before the fifth fight
The Collector: Ahead lies an example of the wild and unpredictable nature of the mutants. The Collector: When you fight this... thing, you will understand why I seek to contain their threat. The Collector: Impress me, Summoner! Wolverine (Weapon X): Rrrrgggh! Get away! GET AWAY!
- Before fighting Wolverine (Weapon X)