Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki
Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki
Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki

Domino is a Mutant Champion. Being a Mutant Champion, she has a Class Bonus against Skill Champions, but is weak to Tech Champions.


Neena Thurman a.k.a. Domino is the lucky result of an unlucky government weapons program designed to breed the perfect weapon. After escaping a top-secret facility with her mother, she honed her Mutant ability to manipulate probabilities and joined the mercenary group known as X-Force.


Tier Max Rating Max Health Max Attack
TierStarTierStar 575 2314 189
AwakenedAwakened - - -
TierStarTierStarTierStar 1518 6148 501
AwakenedAwakenedAwakened 2056 6208 551
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 3804 15417 1255
AwakenedAwakenedAwakenedAwakened - - -
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 7661 30911 2516
AwakenedAwakenedAwakenedAwakenedAwakened - - -
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 13060 52743 4292
AwakenedAwakenedAwakenedAwakenedAwakenedAwakened - - -
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 33180 133968 10902
AwakenedAwakenedAwakenedAwakenedAwakenedAwakenedAwakened - - -


Probability Field Passive

  • At the start of the fight, opponents lose X Critical Rating and Domino gains the same amount.
Tier Critical Rating
TierStarTierStar 188.89
TierStarTierStarTierStar 205.56
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 222.22
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 233.33
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 250
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 305.56
  • Opponents lose 15% Ability Accuracy. This reduction has no effect against abilities that trigger at the start of a fight.
  • Whenever one of Domino’s abilities fails to trigger, she gains +10% Ability Accuracy for 8 seconds.
  • Domino’s Bleed abilities tend to strike vital points and have a chance to benefit from her Critical Damage bonuses equal to her Critical Chance.
  • Opponents’ Bleed abilities tend to graze and have a 50% chance to expire after only 1 second(s). Whenever a Bleed expires prematurely, Domino is inspired and gains 10% of her maximum Power instantly.

All Attacks

  • Domino uses her pistol for her first Light hit, her second Medium hit, and her final Heavy hit. These hits do not make contact with opponents.
  • Benefit from up to +X Attack Rating selected at random.
Tier Attack Rating
TierStarTierStar 75.6
TierStarTierStarTierStar 200.4
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 502
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 1006.4
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 1716.8
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 4360.8
  • Benefit from up to +X Critical Damage selected at random.
Tier Critical Damage
TierStarTierStar 1133.33
TierStarTierStarTierStar 1233.33
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 1333.33
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 1400
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 1500
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 1833.33
  • A Critical Hit with a maximum roll in both Attack and Critical Damage Ratings results in a Perfect Critical Hit that inflicts Stun for 1 to 3 second(s).

Heavy Attacks

  • If the opponent is Stunned, Attack Rating is increased by +X for this attack.
Tier Attack Rating
TierStarTierStar 189
TierStarTierStarTierStar 501
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 1255
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 2516
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 4292
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 10902


  • Benefit from up to +X Block Proficiency selected at random.
Tier Block Proficiency
TierStarTierStar 1133.33
TierStarTierStarTierStar 1233.33
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 1333.33
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 1400
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 1500
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 1833.33
  • A Well-Timed Block with a high roll in Block Proficiency results in a Perfect Block, reducing incoming attack damage to zero and granting 10% maximum Power instantly.
  • While Lucky, a Block with a maximum roll in Block Proficiency also results in a Perfect Block and bonus Power.

When Filling a Bar of Power

  • 30% chance for Domino to gain a Lucky Passive. 25% of Domino’s current Combo Meter count is added to this chance.
  • 30% chance for opponents to suffer an Unlucky Passive. 25% of the opponents’ current Combo Meter count is added to this chance.
  • Lucky and Unlucky effects last for a random duration between 1 and 5 seconds plus 1.5 additional second(s) for each full Bar of Power at the time of activation.
  • Skill Champions are always Unlucky.
  • Tech Champions are never Unlucky.

Lucky Passive

  • +X Critical Rating.
Tier Critical Rating
TierStarTierStar 231.82
TierStarTierStarTierStar 252.27
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 272.73
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 286.36
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 306.82
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 375
  • +X Critical Damage Rating.
Tier Critical Damage Rating
TierStarTierStar 323.81
TierStarTierStarTierStar 352.38
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 380.95
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 400
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 428.57
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 523.81
  • +15% Ability Accuracy.
  • +X Block Proficiency.
Tier Block Proficiency
TierStarTierStar 300
TierStarTierStarTierStar 326.47
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 352.94
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 370.59
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 397.06
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 485.29
  • 10% chance to Evade attacks.
  • Stun expires 35% faster.
  • Domino is more likely to earn a higher roll when selecting Attack Rating, Critical Damage Rating, and Block Proficiency bonuses at random.

Unlucky Passive

  • -X Critical Rating.
Tier Critical Rating
TierStarTierStar -231.82
TierStarTierStarTierStar -252.27
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar -272.73
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar -286.36
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar -306.82
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar -375
  • -X Critical Damage Rating.
Tier Critical Damage Rating
TierStarTierStar -234.48
TierStarTierStarTierStar -255.17
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar -275.86
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar -289.66
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar -310.34
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar -379.31
  • -X Critical Resistance.
Tier Critical Resistance
TierStarTierStar -188.89
TierStarTierStarTierStar -205.56
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar -222.22
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar -233.33
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar -250
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar -305.56
  • -35% Ability Accuracy.
  • -X Block Proficiency.
Tier Block Proficiency
TierStarTierStar -300
TierStarTierStarTierStar -326.47
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar -352.94
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar -370.59
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar -397.06
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar -485.29
  • 100% chance for Evade or the Dexterity Mastery to fail.
  • Bleed abilities deal 50% less damage.

Signature Ability[]

Critical Failure - Passive

  • Opponents take up to X Energy Damage over 1.5 second(s) whenever their abilities fail to trigger. Damage scales with Base Attack only. Potency decreases temporarily for consecutive triggers.
Tier Energy Damage
TierStarTierStar 19.85 - 113.41
TierStarTierStarTierStar 52.63 - 300.62
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 131.84 - 753.06
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 257.89 - 1509.6
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 439.93 - 2575.2
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 1117.46 - 6541.2

Special Attacks[]

Special 1 - Stroke of Luck
Domino fires a bullet that strikes a grenade at exactly the right angle to maximize damage.

  • Each hit has 25% chance to inflict Bleed, dealing X Direct Damage over 7 seconds.
Tier Bleed Damage
TierStarTierStar 207.9
TierStarTierStarTierStar 551.1
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 1380.5
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 2767.6
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 4721.2
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 11992.2
  • If Domino is Lucky, this attack refreshes all Stun and Bleed effects on the opponent.
  • If the opponent is Unlucky, this attack has +X Attack Rating for each second that passed since the last time Domino hit with a Special Attack.
Tier Attack Rating
TierStarTierStar 37.8
TierStarTierStarTierStar 100.2
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 251
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 503.2
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 858.4
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 2180.4

Special 2 - Auspicious Onslaught
Domino fires four shots in style while upside down and airborne.

  • Each hit has a 25% chance to inflict Bleed, dealing X damage over 7 seconds. This Bleed does not benefit from the Lucky bonus below.
Tier Bleed Damage
TierStarTierStar 453.6
TierStarTierStarTierStar 1202.4
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 3012
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 6038.4
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 10300.8
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 26164.8
  • If Domino is Lucky, this attack has +X Attack Rating if Domino suffered from Bleed at least once this fight.
Tier Attack Rating
TierStarTierStar 189
TierStarTierStarTierStar 501
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 1255
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 2516
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 4292
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 10902
  • If the opponent is Unlucky, they’re inflicted with a Taunt passive by this flashy attack, reducing their Attack by 20% until they are no longer Unlucky.

Special 3 - Soldier of Fortune
After two shots, Domino kicks her pistol at the opponent then unleashes a larger weapon.

  • 74% chance to inflict Bleed, dealing X Direct Damage over 7 seconds.
Tier Bleed Damage
TierStarTierStar 453.6
TierStarTierStarTierStar 1202.4
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 3012
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 6038.4
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 10300.8
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 26164.8
  • If Domino is Lucky, this attack has +X Attack Rating for every Critical Hit that occured this fight by either Domino or her opponent (Max: 100 Critical Hits).
Tier Attack Rating
TierStarTierStar 5.67
TierStarTierStarTierStar 15.03
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 37.65
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 75.48
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 128.76
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 327.06
  • If the opponent is Unlucky, this attack inflicts Armor Break, removing one Armor Up and reducing Armor by X for 4 seconds.
Tier Armor Rating
TierStarTierStar 479.49
TierStarTierStarTierStar 521.79
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 564.1
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 592.31
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 634.62
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 775.64

Synergy Bonuses[]

Synergy Partner(s) Effect(s)
Six Pack Deadpool portrait Domino: +10% damage against Champions that aren’t female or robots.
Deadpool: Special 1 has a 50% chance to Stun Champions that aren’t female or robots for 2 second(s).
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
X-Force Deadpool (X-Force) portrait Domino: Each time Domino performs a well-timed Block, the chance for her to be Lucky increases by +10% the next time she fills a Bar of Power.
Deadpool (X-Force): Bleed deals 20% more damage.
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
Weapon X Strike Team Old Man Logan portraitSabretooth portrait Domino: Each time Domino avoids an attack by Dashing Back, the chance for her to be Lucky increases by +6% the next time she fills a Bar of Power.
Old Man Logan or Sabretooth: Regeneration and Fury are 12% more effective.
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
Mercs for Money Masacre portrait Masacre: At the start of the fight, and when Ignited expires, gain between 1 and 5 Ignition Charges.
Domino: Debuffs last 1 second(s) longer.
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
Code Red Revelations Red Hulk portrait Domino: Heavy Attacks inflict an Incinerate that deals damage equal to that Heavy Attack’s damage over 2 second(s).
Red Hulk: Special 2 Regeneration consumes 1 less Heat Charge and recovers 18% more Health.
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
Better Luck Next Time M.O.D.O.K. portraitTaskmaster portrait Domino: If Domino never hit with a Special Attack while both Lucky and Unlucky were active, then she has +20% chance to activate them during her next fight.
M.O.D.O.K. or Taskmaster: Bleed abilities last 2 second(s) longer.
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
It's Complicated Cable portrait Domino: Start the fight with either Lucky or Unlucky active for 7 seconds.
Cable: +15% Armor Rating and +3% Power Gain.
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
Romance - Level 3 Colossus portraitWolverine portrait All Champions: +5% Power Gain.
Incoming Synergy Partner(s) Effect(s)
Probability Pals Black Cat portrait Black Cat: Start the fight with 40 additional hits in Black Cat’s Combo Meter.
Domino: Whenever an Opponent’s ability fails to trigger, Domino adds +1 Combo to her Combo Meter.
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
It's Good to Be Lucky Captain Britain portrait Synergy Champions: Striking an Opponent with a Critical Hit has a 21% chance to grant a non-stacking Precision Buff, increasing Critical Rating by 14% for 7 seconds.
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
Friends - Level 3 Colossus portrait All Champions: +130 Armor Rating.
Weapon-X Force - Level 3 Lady Deathstrike portrait All Champions: +5% Perfect Block Chance.
Probably OP Longshot portrait Longshot: Pure of Heart lasts 4 seconds longer.
Domino: If an Opponent was not Struck over the Duration of a Stun, Domino gains 10% of a bar of Power.
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
Mercs for Money Masacre portrait Masacre: At the start of the fight, and when Ignited expires, gain between 1 and 5 Ignition Charges.
Domino: Debuffs last 1 second(s) longer.
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
Genetic Recode - Probability Venom the Duck portrait Venom the Duck: +35% Ability Accuracy during Special Attacks.
Solo: Only affects this Champion and does not stack.
Mutant Agenda - Level 3 Warlock portrait Mutant Champions: Mutant landed strikes during Special Attacks gain +12% Attack rating.

Strengths and Weaknesses[]


  • She’s great when Bleed is present. Whether attacking or defending, if the enemy triggers Bleed, she’ll be in a good place. Conveniently, a lot of notorious Skill Champions rely on stacking Bleeds. Blade comes to mind.
  • Opponents that trigger abilities frequently, such as on every hit, will have a chance to fail on each of those events, and therefore trigger her Signature Critical Failure Ability often.


  • Tech opponents, opponents that don’t Bleed or don’t inflict Bleed, and opponents with few abilities or reliably (100% trigger rates) abilities can walk all over Domino. Vision captures all three of these aspects.

Recommended Masteries[]

  • Offensively, the big numbers come from maximizing Critical Rate, Critical Damage, and Bleed damage. There are several Crit Masteries to choose from – all are great for Domino – and Deep Wounds to boost her Bleed damage. Stacking Attack Rating with Critical Rate and Critical Damage has a compounding effect on her Bleed damage, since her Bleeds have a chance to Crit as well. A Critical Bleed deals bonus Bleed damage equal to her Critical Damage at the time of the Bleed trigger.
  • It’s worth mentioning the benefits of Double Edge. The self-inflicted Bleed will end early and grant a bit of bonus Power in 50% of her fights. In every fight, it guarantees she’ll benefit from the damage bonus applied to Special 2 while Lucky.
  • Defensively – and don’t let the high damage potential fool you, she’s a highly effective defender as well – you’ll want to focus on Health, Block Proficiency, and Perfect Block Chance. The longer she’s alive, the more iterations through Lucky or Unlucky she’ll go through, and the more opportunities she’ll have to harm her opponent. It’s really that simple; however, fights against Domino aren’t ever over until the very end, as her Special 1 and 3 attacks both have the potential to accrue massive damage over the course of longer fights and surprise opponents with a last-ditch attack for high damage.
  • Coagulate and Willpower will also add even more anti-Bleed (and general all-around longevity) to grant Domino pseudo Bleed Immunity. In many cases – especially against Champion’s with more frequent, weaker Bleeds – Domino will profit with either Health, Power, or both when Bleed is inflicted upon her, making this pseudo-immunity better than actual immunity.



Mutant List of Mutant Champions Mutant

Playable: ApocalypseArchangelBeastBishopCableCaptain BritainColossusCyclops (Blue Team)Cyclops (New Xavier School)Dani MoonstarDazzlerDeadpoolDeadpool (X-Force)DominoDustEmma FrostGambitGoldpoolHavokHenchpoolIcemanJubileeKitty PrydeMagnetoMagneto (House of X)Mister SinisterNamorNegasonic Teenage WarheadNightcrawlerNorthstarOld Man LoganOmega RedOnslaughtPlatinumpoolProfessor XPsylockeRogueSabretoothSauronStormStorm (Pyramid X)StryfeSunspotToadWolverineWolverine (Weapon X)Wolverine (X-23)
Not playable: AdaptoidCyverineDeadpooloidDoombotIce PhoenixNightcarnageSentineloidSymbioidUltron Drone
Upcoming: Gentle

X-Force logo1 List of X-Force Champions X-Force logo1
Archangel MutantCable MutantColossus MutantDani Moonstar MutantDeadpool (X-Force) MutantDomino MutantMagneto MutantPsylocke MutantStorm MutantSunspot MutantWolverine MutantWolverine (X-23) Mutant
Xmen Logo List of X-Men Champions Xmen Logo
Archangel MutantBeast MutantBishop MutantCable MutantCaptain Britain MutantColossus MutantCyclops (Blue Team) MutantCyclops (New Xavier School) MutantDani Moonstar MutantDazzler MutantDeadpool MutantDomino MutantDust MutantEmma Frost MutantGambit MutantHavok MutantIceman MutantJubilee MutantKitty Pryde MutantLongshot MysticMagik MysticMagneto (House of X) MutantNamor MutantNegasonic Teenage Warhead MutantNightcrawler MutantNorthstar MutantOld Man Logan MutantPhoenix CosmicProfessor X MutantPsylocke MutantRogue MutantStorm MutantStorm (Pyramid X) MutantSunspot MutantUnstoppable Colossus MysticWolverine MutantWolverine (X-23) Mutant
List of Hero Champions
Adam Warlock CosmicÆgon SkillAgent Venom SkillAmerica Chavez MysticAngela CosmicAnt-Man ScienceAnt-Man (Future) TechArchangel MutantBeast MutantBeta Ray Bill CosmicBishop MutantBlack Bolt CosmicBlack Cat SkillBlack Panther SkillBlack Panther (Civil War) SkillBlack Widow SkillBlack Widow (Claire Voyant) MysticBlack Widow (Deadly Origin) SkillBlade SkillCable MutantCaptain America ScienceCaptain America (Infinity War) ScienceCaptain America (Sam Wilson) TechCaptain America (WWII) ScienceCaptain Britain MutantCaptain Marvel CosmicCaptain Marvel (Classic) CosmicCassie Lang ScienceChee'ilth SkillCivil Warrior TechColossus MutantCosmic Ghost Rider CosmicCyclops (Blue Team) MutantDani Moonstar MutantDaredevil (Classic) SkillDaredevil (Hell's Kitchen) SkillDarkhawk TechDazzler MutantDoctor Strange MysticDoctor Voodoo MysticDomino MutantDragon Man MysticDrax CosmicDust MutantElektra SkillElsa Bloodstone SkillEmma Frost MutantFalcon SkillGambit MutantGamora CosmicGhost Rider MysticGladiator CosmicGroot CosmicGuardian TechGuillotine MysticGwenpool SkillHavok MutantHawkeye SkillHeimdall CosmicHercules CosmicHoward the Duck TechHulk ScienceHulk (Immortal) ScienceHulk (Ragnarok) ScienceHulkbuster TechHulkling CosmicHuman Torch ScienceHyperion CosmicIceman MutantIkaris CosmicInvisible Woman ScienceIron Fist MysticIron Fist (Immortal) MysticIron Man TechIron Man (Infamous) TechIron Man (Infinity War) TechIronheart TechJabari Panther SkillJessica Jones ScienceJubilee MutantKate Bishop SkillKitty Pryde MutantKorg SkillKushala MysticLongshot MysticLuke Cage ScienceMagik MysticMagneto (House of X) MutantMan-Thing MysticMantis SkillMedusa CosmicMister Fantastic ScienceMisty Knight SkillMoondragon SkillMs. Marvel CosmicMs. Marvel (Kamala Khan) CosmicNamor MutantNegasonic Teenage Warhead MutantNick Fury SkillNight Thrasher SkillNightcrawler MutantNorthstar MutantNova CosmicOdin CosmicOld Man Logan MutantPatriot SkillPeni Parker TechPhoenix CosmicPhoton ScienceProfessor X MutantProwler TechPsylocke MutantPunisher SkillQuake ScienceQuicksilver ScienceRed Guardian SkillRintrah MysticRocket Raccoon TechRogue MutantRonin SkillSasquatch MysticScarlet Witch MysticScarlet Witch (Classic) MysticSentry ScienceSersi CosmicShang-Chi SkillShe-Hulk ScienceShuri TechSilk ScienceSilver Centurion TechSilver Surfer CosmicSorcerer Supreme MysticSpider-Gwen ScienceSpider-Ham ScienceSpider-Man (Classic) ScienceSpider-Man (Miles Morales) ScienceSpider-Man (Stark Enhanced) TechSpider-Man (Stealth Suit) SkillSpider-Man (Supreme) MysticSpider-Man (Symbiote) CosmicSpider-Man 2099 ScienceSpider-Punk ScienceSquirrel Girl SkillStar-Lord TechStorm MutantSunspot MutantSuperior Iron Man CosmicThing ScienceThor CosmicThor (Jane Foster) MysticThor (Ragnarok) SkillTigra MysticValkyrie SkillVision TechVision (Aarkus) CosmicVision (Age of Ultron) TechViv Vision TechWar Machine TechWarlock TechWasp ScienceWerewolf By Night MysticWhite Tiger MysticWiccan MysticWolverine MutantWolverine (X-23) MutantWong Mystic
List of Mercenary Champions
Absorbing Man MysticBlack Widow SkillBlack Widow (Deadly Origin) SkillBullseye SkillCrossbones SkillDeadpool MutantDeadpool (X-Force) MutantDomino MutantElektra SkillGoldpool MutantGwenpool SkillHit-Monkey SkillKarnak SkillLuke Cage ScienceMasacre SkillMisty Knight SkillMoon Knight SkillNebula TechPlatinumpool MutantSabretooth MutantSilver Sable SkillTaskmaster SkillWinter Soldier SkillWolverine (Weapon X) MutantYondu Tech