False Dawn is the first Quest in the third Chapter in the Story Event Strange Fates.
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Wong: We did it! The ward is damaged, but still intact. So long as one still stands, the magic protecting the Battlerealm should hold.
Ecto-Wong: You always did love dooming yourself to failure. Romantic notions of "honorable sacrifice" distracting from what really matters.
Wong: I was waiting for you to show your handsome face, you cheap doppelganger.
Ecto-Wong: I like to think of myself more as... an upgrade. Wong version 2.0. Smarter. Stronger.
America Chavez: Smarmier.
Ecto-Wong: Hm. You cannot stop what is coming. The Devourer of Worlds will be here shortly and when he forces his way through the remnants of your wards...
Ecto-Wong: ...there will not be a force in all the Battlerealm that will be able to stop him.
- Transmission #1 - Upon starting the Quest
Wong: Except for you, in all your wit and wisdom? You have forgotten our place in the world.
Wong: You have forgotten all we learned from the Ancient One! You are a betrayal of everything we stand for!
Ecto-Wong: Our place?! Your place you mean! Relegated to the role of butler! Lacky! Strange's unpaid arcane intern!
Ecto-Wong: We were entrusted with the secrets of the cosmos! And what did we do with them? We let it all gather dust, sitting on shelves and under glass.
Ecto-Wong: Power is meant to be used, and none know better than us on how best to use it!
Wong: What we do may not be glamorous, but it is right! It is just, and I will never regret all I have done to protect life throughout the multiverse!
Wong: And that includes even one who is as lost as you are!
Wong: I cannot imagine what it must have felt like to be summoned into existence only to serve the whims of a man like Mordo...
Wong: ...but I think it must have been more than just lonely.
- Transmission #2
Ecto-Wong: Enough! I won't be condescended to by the likes of you!
Ecto-Wong: While Mordo schemed, I studied the spell that brought me to life. Armed with the might of the Darkhold, I have more than enough power to cast it.
Ecto-Wong: Shall I give you a demonstration? Perhaps our old friend Rintrah would like to study its effects first hand?
Caption: *Ecto-Wong calls forth a bubbling wave of magical energies, staggering the heroes.*
Caption: *Within moments, Ecto-Wong's chanting causes the energy to coagulate into a solid shape.*
Ecto-Rintrah: Grrraaaaaahhhh...
Ecto-Wong: Isn't he a sight to behold? Now... Rintrah?
Ecto-Rintrah: Hrgnh?!
Ecto-Wong: KILL.
- Transmission #3 - Before fighting Rintrah
To be added
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