Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki
Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki

Ms. Marvel Showcase is a Special Event Quest. Each quest has only Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan) to defeat in a TierStar2TierStar2TierStar2, TierStar2TierStar2TierStar2TierStar2 or TierStar2TierStar2TierStar2TierStar2TierStar2 form.


Test their abilities against your own! There are no rewards for this battle, with the exception of knowledge!

Shorthand Etymology[]

Ms Marvel Showcase

List of Quests[]

  • Chapter 1: KAMALA KHAN
    • MMS-1-1: 3-Star Boss
    • MMS-1-2: 4-Star Boss
    • MMS-1-3: 5-Star Boss


No rewards, only knowlegde.


  • Captain Marvel (Classic): Greetings Summoner! Welcome to the Collector's "Champion Showcase" arena.
    For the foreseeable future, the Collector will be displaying newly-released Champions here for you to test your skills against.
    This time, you'll be fighting against a personal friend of mine: Kamala Khan, also know as Ms.Marvel!
    Her special attack all generate Fury. The intensity of the special attack increases the chance of the Fury charge, and with a Special 3, she will PERMANENTLY gain a single Fury charge!
    These Fury charges benefit her twofold: Each one increases her Block Proficiency, a stacking effect. More Fury means better Blocks!
    To tie these effects together, her Signature ability makes these Fury charges even better. They will last longer and benefit both her damage and Block Proficiency even more.
    Don't let her fool you-she's a capable fighter and has excellent control of her abilities! Good luck!

—Upon starting each Quest
