Frame by Frame is the fifth Quest in Act 7 Chapter 2: Upset the Meta, and was released on May 19, 2021. It contains 6 paths and has 7 Opponents per path, with Void , Platinumpool or Dragon Man as the final boss.
It is preceded by 7.2.4: Poke and succeeded by 7.2.6: Negative Edge.
Caption: Carina awakens, looking around rapidly, and then to the Summoner. Guillotine similarly stirs, rising up and brushing off her cloak.
Carina: I’m so glad you’re both okay! It looks like that reaction wasn’t fatal, but...
Caption: Carina climbs to her feet, looking up and around at her surroundings.
Carina: ... this space is distorted. I sense a faint disconnect, we’re in some sort of pocket dimension.
Guillotine: As if the Battlerealm itself coagulated space and time to stymie the infection, no?
Carina: Very much so. We’ll have to watch our step as we move ahead.
Guillotine: If we’re here, Gwenpool has to be. If we can get to her and shut down the ISO-Sphere, the pocket should revert.
- Transmission #1 - Upon starting the Quest
Carina: Ægon! What are you doing here?!
Carina: Not that I’m not glad to see you!
Ægon: I had heard you were on some sort of mission, but when I caught wind of the danger I made great haste.
Ægon: My haste quickly lead me into some sort of expanding pit, though it now seems auspicious.
Carina: That’s one way to put it, Stardust. Think you can give us a hand?
Ægon: Absolutely. We must beware, I was not the only one cast into this place.
- Transmission #2
Void: The Battlerealm’s guardians, just in time.
Void: I’m sure you seek to “fix” this space? You fail to see the potential for chaos and death, as expected.
Carina: Oh gee, I hadn’t figured out you were a bad guy yet, thanks for cluing me in.
Void: When I use the sphere, I will expand this pocket to encompass the Battlerealm, releasing countless evils with the weakening barrier.
Void: It is almost too simple. So fortunate. Or perhaps the unseen machinations of a force beyond...
Void: Regardless, your lives are already forfeit. Die!
- Transmission #3 - Before fighting Void
Guillotine: It’s getting worse in here... I could have sworn we walked that path already.
Carina: I think I -saw- us walk that path already. From above.
Ægon: Take heart, for we have wayland all the foes between us and Gwenpool. It should be simple from here.
Guillotine: Ægon is right, once we get the sphere from Gwen, your power should be more than enough to fix this.
Carina: I hope you both are right...
- Transmission #4 - On the final node