Thor (Ragnarok): That was just the beginning. Hela rules over death itself, it will take more than a simple duel to stay her. Thor (Ragnarok): And why do you let her run amok, Grandmaster? Is this not your Contest? Your domain? The Grandmaster: You presume I've lost control here, Son of Asgard. She's just another interesting wrinkle in the playbook. The Grandmaster: So stop questioning me... and enjoy the games!
- Transmission #1 - Upon starting the Quest
Thor (Ragnarok): Clearly our loving host has no concerns about Hela's presence here. Something he will no doubt regret. Thor (Ragnarok): If her goal is as simple as reveling in death, then we may have an advantage. Thor (Ragnarok): We shall strike at her early, before she can gain momentum!
- Transmission #2
Thor (Ragnarok): Banner! How grand to see you here! Are you in the tourney as well? I should hope-- Hulk: TINY HAMMER MAN FORGET HULK NAME? HULK IS HULK? BANNER WEAK! Thor (Ragnarok): Oh--sorry Hulk, I did not intend to imply-- Hulk: HULK HERE TO FIGHT! HULK FIGHT YOU! Thor (Ragnarok): YES, I LOVE IT! Ready yourself, Summoner! The Hulk only speaks one language: That of glorious battle!
- Transmission #3 - Before fighting Hulk