The Collector: I hope the mission has gone well, Summoner. The Collector: Assigning you to these two was a stroke of genius, if I do say so myself. The Collector: You--ah--suit them better, I like to think. Deadpool (X-Force): Besties! Spidey, get over here for a selfie! Spider-Man (Symbiote): Don't you even try. Deadpool (X-Force): Suit yourself. Cliiiick! Oooh, this one is going on my ContestBook for sure!
- Transmission #1 - Upon starting the Quest
Moon Knight: More than persistent, you are capable. Moon Knight: Maybe, Summoner, you would be a vehicle for my vengeance against those who would harm the innocent. I will give you a chance to prove yourself. Spider-Man (Symbiote): And... us? Moon Knight: I'll pass. Deadpool (X-Force): Your loss pal, I can do all kinds of cool stuff!
- Transmission #2
Moon Knight: So here we are. Looks like I'm cornered. Deadpool (X-Force): Hang it up, Moon Knight! I'm judge, jury, AND executioner here! Spider-Man (Symbiote): I feel like I've lost IQ points by spending the day with you. Like I've forgotten actual vocabulary and equations. Deadpool (X-Force): I'm tired of your attitude, Arachnid Boy! Put 'em up! Spider-Man (Symbiote): Are you ser--OW! THAT'S IT! Deadpool (X-Force): Yeah, take a dip in the 'Pool, baby! I'll teach you to badmouth me!! Moon Knight: ... it seems like it's just you and me, Summoner. Moon Knight: Show me what you're capable of. Sway my mind with your strength, and I will join the Collector's ranks!
- Transmission #3 - Before fighting Moon Knight