Future Tense is the fifth Quest in Act 7 Chapter 4: Kangdom Come, and was released on March 23, 2022. It contains 6 paths and has 7 Opponents per path, with Mister Negative , Killmonger or Namor as the final boss.
It is preceded by 7.4.4: Between the Eons and succeeded by 7.4.6: No Tomorrow.
Gwenpool: Great reunion, so happy to see you, can't wait to catch up--how the hell did you not get killed by that guy's death ray?
Kang the Conqueror: Step outside your role as a simpleton for a moment, girl, and consider the obvious: I sent myself briefly back in time.
Kang the Conqueror: I knew that Carina and the Summoner would pull "Superior" Kang's attention, and that gave me the time to escape and recalculate.
Kang the Conqueror: But, much like the rest of you, I quickly discovered that we were dealing with much more than me in a new suit.
Kang the Conqueror: It is comforting to see my potential so fully realized... were that it were I, instead of him.
Kang the Conqueror: But enough of that. You hope that I have some key to felling a wiser and more capable version of myself, hmm?
Carina: I don't think you'd be fighting back if you didn't have some idea, Kang.
Kang the Conqueror: You are smarter than you look, Elder child. This Kang knows the Battlerealm's temporal energies better than anyone has or will.
Carina: So I was right then... Superior Kang was using smaller-scale time travel to turn every encounter into a victory.
Kang the Conqueror: Indeed. But the core of his power is still -my- power. And I believe I have a way to prevent our work from being undone.
- Transmission #1 - Upon starting the Quest
Ægon: What are our next steps then, Kang?
Kang the Conqueror: You will do what you do best, gladiator. Find critical elements for a more intelligent entity.
Ægon: I am best at healing.
Kang the Conqueror: *Sigh*... we need to craft a Chrono-Anchor. They limit the "distance" time-traveling beings can slide in the timeline.
Kang the Conqueror: Normally they are used intentionally, to specify a chronological "region" for usage. But if we used one offensively, it would limit Kang's ability to defy us.
Kang the Conqueror: Unfortunately, the most vital ingredient is... Vibranium.
Gwenpool: Ahhh, the universe's rarest and most valuable ore. Cool, cool, cool, cool-cool-cool-cool, no doubt no doubt--
Kang the Conqueror: Silence! It would be rare, were several regions of Wakanda not present in the Battlerealm. If we can collect what little remains, we will have a chance.
Guillotine: Wakanda's region has been oppressed by Superior Kang... our removal of the enemy forces there will be most welcome to them.
Kang the Conqueror: I don't care what you do, so long as we get our hands on that Vibranium, and my hands upon Superior Kang's throat.
- Transmission #2
Caption: Using clever time-traveling tricks and some good-old-fashioned asteroid hopping, the Summoner and their allies arrive on the edge of Wakandan territory.
Caption: It is quiet and desolate, save the occasional roar of an armada cruiser passing by.
Kang the Conqueror: Here we are... I assume we will meet opposition. I will need all of you peons to act as my personal shield, given that I am the only one who can build the Anchor.
Ægon: I will be watching you closely, Kang. Should you overstep, I will not hesitate to put you down.
Kang the Conqueror: No need to puff yourself up, gladiator. My personal vendetta against "The Conqueror" far outweighs my loathing for all of you.
Kang the Conqueror: I know from multiple personal experiences that I cannot exact my revenge without help from all of... you.
Carina: Good, then let's keep it down. We're close enough that I can sense the Vibranium through the ISO-8 that has touched it... it's in the Royal Palace!
- Transmission #3
Mister Negative: Well well, if it isn’t our invaders. Was hoping to run across you guys. Real big win for me.
Kang the Conqueror: You have an interesting interpretation of victory. You should be very afraid.
Mister Negative: Of you? Buddy, I heard about what the Conqueror did to you. Brought ‘im into this world, and you got stomped right away. How embarrassing.
Kang the Conqueror: Grrrr...
Mister Negative: No, it’s a big win for me because I’m trying to climb the ranks. I’m Superior Kang’s eyes, and Killmonger’s fist.
Mister Negative: But if I take you guys outta the picture, I might get my own slice of this pie. Don’t take it too personally.
Mister Negative: It’s just business.
Killmonger: Ahh... rats, scurrying around my throne. I was wondering when you'd come for my kingdom's scraps.
Carina: Your kingdom, huh?
Killmonger: Always has been. The Conqueror just had the vision to see who could do it right.
Killmonger: Those who knew who the true king always was have been suitably rewarded. Those who ignored my right have been put to work, where they belong.
Killmonger: I assume you're here for our Vibranium, like everyone else.
Killmonger: Come and take it.
Carina: It should be right around here...
Kang the Conqueror: Ah-ha! In this vault! The Vibranium stores... and so much more than I had assumed.
Carina: Great. Take exactly as much as you need, Kang. And no more.
Kang the Conqueror: Given that I will be saving all of our lives, I think how much I "need" should be up to me.
Guillotine: This is hardly the time to barter, Kang. You want to see what you will pay in kind?
Gwenpool: (I think she means your soul.)
Kang the Conqueror: We will revisit this discussion later.
- Transmission #5 - On the final node