Game Begins Anew is the first Quest in Act 5 Chapter 3: The Struggle, and was released on September 6, 2017. This Quest promotes the use of Mystic Champions and reduces the Attack Rating of Champions from all other Classes.
It contains 5 paths and ranges from 7 to 14 Opponents per path. There are 3 gates requiring Cosmic, Science and Mystic Class Keys. A Cosmic and Mystic Class Key can be found as Path Rewards, while a Science Class Key can be obtained by completing the Quest.
It is preceded by 5.2.6: Abrogation and succeeded by 5.3.2: Light in the Tunnel.
Global []
Name | Effect(s) |
Ancient Knowledge | All Champion classes but Mystic reduce their Base Attack by 50%. |
Champion Boost | +300% Attack & Health |
Iso-Infused | +50% Attack and Health |
WARNING | A third Special Attack has been activated! |
The Grandmaster: Summoner, my most faithful and useful game piece. You are well rested, I trust?
The Grandmaster: I should hope so. The game is now truly afoot! And I won't have anyone stepping out of line.
The Grandmaster: To help assist in... organizing my younger brother's collection, I have dampened the strength of any Champion that does not match this area's Class categorization.
The Grandmaster: You will find that this effect persists in the disparate areas throughout, so prepare your teams accordingly.
- Transmission #1 - Upon entering the Quest
Doctor Voodoo: Ah, a familiar face, even in these turbulent times.
Doctor Voodoo: It seems Stark and Rogers were correct, my friend. "Exchanging one despot for another," as the Captain so eloquently put it.
Doctor Voodoo: I do not grasp the Grandmaster's ultimate goal, but separating us by our classifications will make unity difficult.
Doctor Voodoo: It will be up to you: play his game, find out his plans, and see how we fit into it all... if we even do.
Doctor Strange: Well said, Jericho. In the meantime, we will learn all we can about our new "benefactor."
- Transmission #2
The Grandmaster: There are murmurs of disquiet, of concern for my plans. Surely you and the Champions have faith in me?
The Grandmaster: Even so the rules must be followed, even by you, no matter how much you have assisted me.
The Grandmaster: With my brother... indisposed, there will be no exception for daliance or insubordination.
The Grandmaster: WE. WILL. PLAY.
- Transmission #3
Mordo: The Grandmaster's directive is simple. Fight to win.
Mordo: I may not know his end goals, but I won't be caught up in sentimental rebellion or complicating the narrative.
Doctor Strange: Mordo, don't do this! We need to work with the Summoner!
Mordo: Enough, Strange. I desire my freedom, and I will not risk it for your hunches and guesswork!
Doctor Voodoo: Then we are opposed. Hold nothing back, Summoner!
- Transmission #4 - Before fighting Mordo
Carina's Challenges[]
- Vol. 1 - Mystic Dispersed: Complete Act 5, Chapter 3, Quest 1 with only non-Mystic 3 Star Champions in your team roster. (For Thronebreaker or above)
Rewards:- 1x 3-Star Cyclops (Blue Team)
- 1x 3-Star Cyclops (New Xavier School)
- 15,000x 6-Star Crystal Shards
- 3x Tier 4 Class Catalyst Crystal