Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki
Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki
Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki

Gamora is a Cosmic Champion. Being a Cosmic Champion, she has a Class Bonus against Tech Champions, but is weak to Mystic Champions.


"The most dangerous woman in the galaxy" is a title hard to earn, and much harder to keep. But Gamora has brawled and battled her way across the cosmos enough times to make that title stick. She's stronger than you, faster than you, and tougher than anyone. She is the adopted daughter of Thanos, but fiercely loyal to her comrades in the Guardians of the Galaxy.


Gamora is the Queen of stacking Buffs. Stack up her Fury and Cruelty Buffs to constantly increase her damage over the course of a fight. The longer a fight is, the more powerful Gamora will become! Keep up as many Buffs up as you can and Gamora will be able to deal with Defender Miss, Auto-Block, and Evade abilities. Additionally, Gamora can harness the power of her Godslayer Strike, making her Special Attacks even more powerful. Make sure to time your Specials to use this ability as often as possible to really get the most out of Gamora!


Tier Max Rating Max Health Max Attack
TierStar 257 1132 95
TierStarTierStar 560 2191 183
AwakenedAwakened - - -
TierStarTierStarTierStar 1472 5821 485
AwakenedAwakenedAwakened - - -
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 3687 14596 1216
AwakenedAwakenedAwakenedAwakened - - -
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 7417 29264 2437
AwakenedAwakenedAwakenedAwakenedAwakened - - -
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 12650 49935 4158
AwakenedAwakenedAwakenedAwakenedAwakenedAwakened - - -
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 32110 126834 10559
AwakenedAwakenedAwakenedAwakenedAwakenedAwakenedAwakened - - -


Light Attacks

  • 65% chance to gain a Fury Buff, granting +X Attack Rating for 14 seconds. Max: 25.
Tier Attack Rating
TierStarTierStar 29.28
TierStarTierStarTierStar 77.6
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 194.56
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 389.92
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 665.28
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 1689.44

Medium Attacks

  • 65% chance to gain a Cruelty Buff, increasing Critical Damage Rating by X for 14 seconds. Max: 25.
Tier Critical Damage Rating
TierStarTierStar 52.58
TierStarTierStarTierStar 57.22
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 61.86
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 64.95
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 69.59
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 85.05

Always Active

  • Gamora’s personal Buffs gain +1.5% duration for every 1 seconds that have passed during the fight. Max bonus: +60%.
  • If Gamora has 8 or more personal Buffs active, her attacks cannot Miss.

Heavy Attacks

  • Refreshes the duration of all personal Buffs.
Dev Notes: I love to cancel the first hit of my Heavy Attack into a Special Attack to make sure that I get the Buff refresh and get the strongest Specials possible!

All Attacks

  • 10% chance to increase Critical Damage Rating by 1066.67 for 7 seconds.

Signature Ability[]

Deadliest Woman in the Galaxy - Special Attacks - Godslayer Strike

  • Gamora’s skill with the Godslayer Blade grows, increasing the chance to activate it during Special Attacks to 100%. Additionally, the cooldown is reduced to X seconds.
Tier Cooldown (sec)
TierStarTierStar 50 - 24.98
TierStarTierStarTierStar 50 - 24.98
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 50 - 24.98
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 50 - 20
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 50 - 20
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 50 - 20

Special Attacks[]

Godslayer Strike

  • Gamora begins each fight with a Godslayer Strike ready, which has a 65% chance to activate during each Special Attack. Once Godslayer Strike is used, it goes on Cooldown for 100 seconds.

Special 1 - Vital Strike
One strike at opponent's vitals from the most dangerous woman in the galaxy.

  • This attack has 100% Critical Hit Chance.
  • 100% chance to inflict Bleed causing X Direct Damage over 5 seconds.
Tier Bleed Damage
TierStarTierStar 183
TierStarTierStarTierStar 485
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 1216
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 2437
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 4158
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 10559
  • Godslayer: Attack gains a flat +600% Critical Damage Multiplier.

Special 2 - The Jade Assassin
A spinning sword attack slices twice at anything in Gamora's way.

  • This attack has 100% Critical Hit Chance.
  • 80% chance to inflict an Armor Break Debuff, removing 1 Armor Up Buff and reducing Armor Rating by X for 18 seconds.
Tier Armor Rating
TierStarTierStar 323.81
TierStarTierStarTierStar 352.38
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 380.95
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 400
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 428.57
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 523.81
  • Godslayer: Armor Break Debuffs during the attack gain +50% Potency, +60% Duration and +150% Ability Accuracy.

Dev Notes: In longer fights, a few Special 2s stacked on top of each other spells a TON of damage.

Special 3 - Godslayer
Gamora's Godslayer blade tears her opponent apart in an acrobatic combination attack.

  • 100% chance to gain a True Strike Buff for 14 seconds, allowing this Champion to ignore Armor, Resistances, Auto-Block and all Evade effects.
  • Godslayer: 100% chance to inflict a Shock Debuff causing X Energy Damage over 10 seconds. If the opponent is a Robot, instead inflict a Degeneration Debuff that deals double damage.
Tier Shock Damage
TierStarTierStar 366
TierStarTierStarTierStar 970
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 2432
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 4874
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 8316
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 21118
Dev Notes: The bread and butter you need to deal with tons of tricky defenders in the contest is stored here in the Special 3. Make sure to rush to a Special 3 as fast as you can if you have to deal with any pesky Evade or Auto-Block Champions.

  • 90% chance to inflict Bleed, dealing 213.75 Direct Damage over 5 seconds.

Special 1 - Vital Strike
One strike at opponent's vitals from the most dangerous woman in the galaxy.

  • This attack has 100% Critical Hit Chance.

Special 2 - The Jade Assassin
A spinning sword attack slices twice at anything in Gamora's way.

  • This attack has 100% Critical Hit Chance.

Synergy Bonuses[]

Synergy Partner(s) Effect(s)
The Deadliest Force in the Galaxy Just Got Deadlier Star-Lord portraitDrax portraitGroot portraitRocket Raccoon portrait #Guardian Champions: +7% Attack Rating.
Huntresses of the Contest Angela portraitGuillotine portrait Gamora: +20% Attack Rating if at least 30 seconds have passed during the fight.
Angela: +15% Fury and Precision Buff Potency.
Guillotine: Gain 2 Soul Charge(s) each time the opponent is Immune to a Bleed.
Synergy Champions: +5% Attack Rating.
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
Sibling Rivalry Nebula portrait Gamora: Robot opponents suffer -10% Ability Accuracy and -2% Attack Rating for each personal Buff on Gamora.
Nebula: The first Special 1 each fight is a guaranteed Critical Hit. The same is true for the first Special 2.
Synergy Champions: +5% Attack Rating.
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
Cybernetics Upgrade – Assault Black Panther (Civil War) portraitMister Fantastic portrait Gamora: +20% Fury & Cruelty Buff Potency.
Synergy Champions: +5% Attack Rating.
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
Cybernetics Upgrade – Tactics Beast portraitIron Man (Infinity War) portrait Gamora: Godslayer Strike recharges 20% faster. Additionally, gain +20% Attack Rating during Special Attacks.
Synergy Champions: +5% Attack Rating.
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
Cybernetics Upgrade – Blitz Silver Centurion portraitGuillotine 2099 portrait Gamora: Personal Buffs gain +20% duration. Begin the fight with 1 Fury and 1 Cruelty Buff.
Synergy Champions: +5% Attack Rating.
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
Teammates - Level 3 Agent Venom portraitDrax portraitGroot portraitNova portrait All Champions: +5% Perfect Block Chance.
Friends - Level 3 Star-Lord portraitStorm portraitShe-Hulk portrait All Champions: +130 Armor Rating.
Incoming Synergy Partner(s) Effect(s)
Goldie Adam Warlock portrait Synergy Champions: +115 Critical Rating.
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
Friends - Level 3 Angela portrait All Champions: +130 Armor Rating.
Rivals - Level 3 Black Widow (Deadly Origin) portrait All Champions: +115 Critical Damage Rating.
Cosmic Power Captain America (Infinity War) portrait Cosmic Champions: Increase their Buff Duration by +25%.
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
Friends - Level 3 Captain Marvel (Classic) portrait All Champions: +130 Armor Rating.
Yes! We Shall Guard the Galaxy Together! Drax portrait #Guardian Champions: +7% Attack Rating.
Rivals - Level 3 Drax portrait All Champions: +115 Critical Damage Rating.
We Are Groot! Groot portrait #Guardian Champions: +7% Attack Rating.
Teammates - Level 3 Groot portrait All Champions: +5% Perfect Block Chance.
This One Can Sense That Things Are Complicated Mantis portrait Mantis: The duration of personal Infuriate and Intimidate Debuffs are increased by 2 seconds.
Gamora: While Gamora has at least 6 Personal Buffs active, her Special 2 becomes passively Unblockable.
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
Rivals - Level 2 Nebula portrait All Champions: +90 Critical Damage Rating.
Phalanx Feud Nova portrait Nova: Increase the potency of Fury Buffs by 15%.
Gamora: When performing a Dash Attack, 30% chance to gain an Aptitude Buff increasing the Potency of Fury Buffs by 15% for 12 seconds.
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
Teammates - Level 3 Phoenix portrait All Champions: +5% Perfect Block Chance.
Me and These Idiots are Gonna Obliterate You! Rocket Raccoon portrait #Guardian Champions: +7% Attack Rating.
Teammates - Level 3 Rocket Raccoon portrait All Champions: +5% Perfect Block Chance.
Rivals - Level 3 Ronan portrait All Champions: +115 Critical Damage Rating.
We're the Flarking Guardians of the Galaxy! Star-Lord portrait #Guardian Champions: +7% Attack Rating.
Teammates - Level 3 Star-Lord portrait All Champions: +5% Perfect Block Chance.
Family - Level 3 Thanos portrait All Champions: +6% Health.
Support Enhancement War Machine portrait War Machine: Gain 2 additional Cleanse Charges.
Other Synergy Champions: +25% Buff Duration.
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.

Strengths and Weaknesses[]


  • Buffs
    • Gamora can float a ton of Buffs over the course of a fight, if Buffs are your aim Gamora is the one for you!
  • Miss Counter
    • As Gamora’s Damage builds with her Buffs, she also gains the ability to counter any opponent’s Miss ability letting her play much safer into some tricky match-ups.


  • Nullify
    • Gamora is all Buffs all the time, and relies on them heavily in her kit. Running into an opponent that has the ability to Nullify away large amounts of Buffs will spell a big problem for her!


  • Gamora is described as "Battle Armor Variant" in the motion comic.

External links[]



Cosmic List of Cosmic Champions Cosmic

Playable: Adam WarlockAir-WalkerAngelaAnnihilusBeta Ray BillBlack BoltCaptain MarvelCaptain Marvel (Classic)Carnage (Pre-Update) ● Corvus GlaiveCosmic Ghost RiderCull ObsidianDraxGalanGamoraGladiatorGorrGrootHeimdallHelaHenchpoolHerculesHulklingHyperionIkarisKing GrootKing Groot (Deathless)KnullMaestro (Cosmic)MedusaMs. MarvelMs. Marvel (Kamala Khan)NovaOdinPhoenixProxima MidnightRed GoblinRonanScreamSersiSilver SurferSpider-Man (Symbiote)Super-SkrullSuperior Iron ManTerraxThanosThe ChampionThe SerpentThorVenom (Pre-Update) ● Venom the DuckVenompoolVision (Aarkus)Vox
Not playable: AdaptoidBoltagon the AccuserDark PhoenixDeadpooloidDoombotGwenperionSentineloidSuperior FistSymbioidUltron Drone
Upcoming: Thanos (Deathless)

Guardians Logo List of Guardians of the Galaxy Champions Guardians Logo
Agent Venom SkillDrax CosmicGamora CosmicGroot CosmicMantis SkillMoondragon SkillRocket Raccoon TechStar-Lord Tech
List of Hero Champions
Adam Warlock CosmicÆgon SkillAgent Venom SkillAmerica Chavez MysticAngela CosmicAnt-Man ScienceAnt-Man (Future) TechArchangel MutantBeast MutantBeta Ray Bill CosmicBishop MutantBlack Bolt CosmicBlack Cat SkillBlack Panther SkillBlack Panther (Civil War) SkillBlack Widow SkillBlack Widow (Claire Voyant) MysticBlack Widow (Deadly Origin) SkillBlade SkillCable MutantCaptain America ScienceCaptain America (Infinity War) ScienceCaptain America (Sam Wilson) TechCaptain America (WWII) ScienceCaptain Britain MutantCaptain Marvel CosmicCaptain Marvel (Classic) CosmicCassie Lang ScienceChee'ilth SkillCivil Warrior TechColossus MutantCosmic Ghost Rider CosmicCyclops (Blue Team) MutantDani Moonstar MutantDaredevil (Classic) SkillDaredevil (Hell's Kitchen) SkillDarkhawk TechDazzler MutantDoctor Strange MysticDoctor Voodoo MysticDomino MutantDragon Man MysticDrax CosmicDust MutantElektra SkillElsa Bloodstone SkillEmma Frost MutantFalcon SkillGambit MutantGamora CosmicGhost Rider MysticGladiator CosmicGroot CosmicGuardian TechGuillotine MysticGwenpool SkillHavok MutantHawkeye SkillHeimdall CosmicHercules CosmicHoward the Duck TechHulk ScienceHulk (Immortal) ScienceHulk (Ragnarok) ScienceHulkbuster TechHulkling CosmicHuman Torch ScienceHyperion CosmicIceman MutantIkaris CosmicInvisible Woman ScienceIron Fist MysticIron Fist (Immortal) MysticIron Man TechIron Man (Infamous) TechIron Man (Infinity War) TechIronheart TechJabari Panther SkillJessica Jones ScienceJubilee MutantKate Bishop SkillKitty Pryde MutantKorg SkillKushala MysticLongshot MysticLuke Cage ScienceMagik MysticMagneto (House of X) MutantMan-Thing MysticMantis SkillMedusa CosmicMister Fantastic ScienceMisty Knight SkillMoondragon SkillMs. Marvel CosmicMs. Marvel (Kamala Khan) CosmicNamor MutantNegasonic Teenage Warhead MutantNick Fury SkillNight Thrasher SkillNightcrawler MutantNorthstar MutantNova CosmicOdin CosmicOld Man Logan MutantPatriot SkillPeni Parker TechPhoenix CosmicPhoton ScienceProfessor X MutantProwler TechPsylocke MutantPunisher SkillQuake ScienceQuicksilver ScienceRed Guardian SkillRintrah MysticRocket Raccoon TechRogue MutantRonin SkillSasquatch MysticScarlet Witch MysticScarlet Witch (Classic) MysticSentry ScienceSersi CosmicShang-Chi SkillShe-Hulk ScienceShuri TechSilk ScienceSilver Centurion TechSilver Surfer CosmicSorcerer Supreme MysticSpider-Gwen ScienceSpider-Ham ScienceSpider-Man (Classic) ScienceSpider-Man (Miles Morales) ScienceSpider-Man (Stark Enhanced) TechSpider-Man (Stealth Suit) SkillSpider-Man (Supreme) MysticSpider-Man (Symbiote) CosmicSpider-Man 2099 ScienceSpider-Punk ScienceSquirrel Girl SkillStar-Lord TechStorm MutantSunspot MutantSuperior Iron Man CosmicThing ScienceThor CosmicThor (Jane Foster) MysticThor (Ragnarok) SkillTigra MysticValkyrie SkillVision TechVision (Aarkus) CosmicVision (Age of Ultron) TechViv Vision TechWar Machine TechWarlock TechWasp ScienceWerewolf By Night MysticWhite Tiger MysticWiccan MysticWolverine MutantWolverine (X-23) MutantWong Mystic