Heads or Tails is the fourth Quest in Act 8 Chapter 4: Darkest Dawn, and was released on April 10, 2024. It contains 3 paths and has 7 Opponents per path, with Spot , Terrax
or Omega Red
as the final boss.
It is preceded by 8.4.3: Bite the Hand and succeeded by 8.4.5: Hope Springs.
Caption: With their foe dispatched, the heroes quickly realize that this station is far from abandoned.
Caption: In fact, it is filled with an army of hibernating Adaptoid imposters, all of whom seem to be doppelgangers of Inhumans.
Carina: A battlestation filled with Inhumans hovering above a mutant oasis. That's a two ingredient recipe for disaster.
Civil Warrior: I've got a theory I need to check out, let me see what my tech can read about other gate-bases in the Battlerealm.
Guillotine: The scale of all this is impressive in a deeply horrifying way. So much planning, waiting, manipulating... But all this just for ISO?
Civil Warrior: The scale gets bigger, readings confirm my worst fears. Every other gate we saw back at Grand Central bad-guy? Same as this.
Civil Warrior: Each one an Adaptoid bomb waiting to get dropped to fuel the fire of conflict he stoked from here to Wakanda, to Atlantis and even Asgard.
Carina: ... Glykhan has been orchestrating a realm-wide war. Every rivalry of an already unsettled contest will be thrown into violent chaos.
Ægon: But why do these warriors stand idle? The weapon is ready, why has it not been fired?
Carina: He must be waiting for them all to be right where he wants them. He has to gather the... oh gods. The Council. The summit!
- Transmission #1 - Upon starting the Quest
Carina: Dammit, I've been so focused on chasing these monsters I didn't stop to see the obvious plan Ouroboros was headed towards.
Civil Warrior: If you would not mind making the obvious plan more... obvious. That'd be appreciated.
Carina: All of their plots have been about causing chaos and war. They finally pushed hard enough that all the leaders of the contest have gathered.
Guillotine: I see, now Ouroboros just needs to wipe out the leaders, then launch these imposter attacks... and the confusion and paranoia will consume us all.
Carina: Steve, open all coms, get this gate going. Mass broadcast a warning as soon as you can.
Civil Warrior: Having a bit of trouble on that one, communications are blocked and the gates aren't responding. Maybe if I could just...
Caption: Before Steve can reconnect to the station's systems, one of the gates starts activating on its own.
Carina: Looks like we've got the attention of Ouroboros. Keep alert, team.
- Transmission #2
Caption: As the gate opens, a team of villains step through. The gate instantly closed behind them.
Omega Red: You warn no one. You go nowhere. Your meddling stops now.
Terrax: We cannot allow you to spoil the surprise that Ouroboros has worked so very hard in crafting.
Spot: I uh... would like to note I'm mostly here to maintain some ship functions. But also to eject you out into space.
Civil Warrior: Three bad guys, five of us counting the Summoner, we won't even break a sweat.
Omega Red: Oh you most certainly shall be broken, little sad American warrior.
Civil Warrior: Alright, I know who I'm punching first. Summoner, you take the ugly guy.
- Transmission #3
Caption: The Summoner rushes towards Spot, Guillotine joining them.
Spot: Whoah! Hey! No! First of all, rude! Second of all...
Caption: Spot opens a portal, allowing him to hit a button across the room. The words "station wipe activated" flash on every screen.
Guillotine: Reverse what you just did. What is a station wipe?
Spot: Well, it's a wipe of the station. It'll launch me and my buds back to base and you will leave via a pre-programmed randomizer of horrible places.
Guillotine: Summoner, compel Spot to cease his meddling. I shall see what I can do about disabling this countdown.
Spot: Are they going to appeal to my better nature? Ouroboros has appealed to me with a steady pay-day and respectable health plan.
Guillotine: Does that health plan cover being beaten unconscious by the Summoner.
Spot: Honestly there was some clauses in it about that, yes. So let's try not to run up my deductible too much.
Caption: The Summoner rushes towards Terrax, Ægon and Carina joining them.
Terrax: You insult my glorious form by following the warrior's childish words.
Carina: In our defense, your fashion sense leaves a lot to be desired. Metal neck-beards are out of season.
Terrax: You face death, destruction, and the atomization of your realm... and yet you take further time to mock?
Carina: It has been a long few weeks and if I don't sneak a chuckle in then the pressure of all this may make me crack.
Terrax: You know nothing of pressure. I have been a Herald of Galactus, a conqueror of worlds, a tamer of gods, and I have never begun to "crack".
Ægon: Your head resembles a hard-boiled egg within a cup. Perhaps we should crack that so you are aware of the sensation.
Carina: Ægon, I see you trying to make a joke here, and I adore you for it.
Terrax: And I shall destroy you for your impudence. I was promised a domain here, and I shall not be denied my prize when I am this close.
Caption: The Summoner joins Civil Warrior as they rush towards Omega Red.
Civil Warrior: I suppose I should have been more specific, they are all pretty ugly.
Omega Red: Small words from a small man. A weakling with stolen power wrapped in the armor of failure to hide away from the world.
Omega Red: You want ugly? I have seen ugly. Ugly is mutants abandoning their purpose for the hollow life of "peace".
Omega Red: Ugly is when the weak feast only because the mighty starve themselves.
Omega Red: This place used to be magnificent. Filled with the smell of battle, the roar of destruction, the beauty of war.
Omega Red: This is why I work with Ouroboros, because with them we shall return this contest to its former glory.
Civil Warrior: I don't like judging a book by its cover, Red. But you seem like a short read with a pretty straightforward plot.
Omega Red: You seem like a book which I shall burn, so no one else ever hears your pathetic tale.