Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki
Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki

Heads or Tails is the fourth Quest in Act 8 Chapter 4: Darkest Dawn, and was released on April 10, 2024. It contains 3 paths and has 7 Opponents per path, with Spot Science, Terrax Cosmic or Omega Red Mutant as the final boss.

It is preceded by 8.4.3: Bite the Hand and succeeded by 8.4.5: Hope Springs.


Caption portrait Caption: With their foe dispatched, the heroes quickly realize that this station is far from abandoned.
Caption portrait Caption: In fact, it is filled with an army of hibernating Adaptoid imposters, all of whom seem to be doppelgangers of Inhumans.
Carina portrait Carina: A battlestation filled with Inhumans hovering above a mutant oasis. That's a two ingredient recipe for disaster.
Civil Warrior portrait Civil Warrior: I've got a theory I need to check out, let me see what my tech can read about other gate-bases in the Battlerealm.
Guillotine portrait Guillotine: The scale of all this is impressive in a deeply horrifying way. So much planning, waiting, manipulating... But all this just for ISO?
Civil Warrior portrait Civil Warrior: The scale gets bigger, readings confirm my worst fears. Every other gate we saw back at Grand Central bad-guy? Same as this.
Civil Warrior portrait Civil Warrior: Each one an Adaptoid bomb waiting to get dropped to fuel the fire of conflict he stoked from here to Wakanda, to Atlantis and even Asgard.
Carina portrait Carina: ... Glykhan has been orchestrating a realm-wide war. Every rivalry of an already unsettled contest will be thrown into violent chaos.
Ægon portrait Ægon: But why do these warriors stand idle? The weapon is ready, why has it not been fired?
Carina portrait Carina: He must be waiting for them all to be right where he wants them. He has to gather the... oh gods. The Council. The summit!
- Transmission #1 - Upon starting the Quest

Carina portrait Carina: Dammit, I've been so focused on chasing these monsters I didn't stop to see the obvious plan Ouroboros was headed towards.
Civil Warrior portrait Civil Warrior: If you would not mind making the obvious plan more... obvious. That'd be appreciated.
Carina portrait Carina: All of their plots have been about causing chaos and war. They finally pushed hard enough that all the leaders of the contest have gathered.
Guillotine portrait Guillotine: I see, now Ouroboros just needs to wipe out the leaders, then launch these imposter attacks... and the confusion and paranoia will consume us all.
Carina portrait Carina: Steve, open all coms, get this gate going. Mass broadcast a warning as soon as you can.
Civil Warrior portrait Civil Warrior: Having a bit of trouble on that one, communications are blocked and the gates aren't responding. Maybe if I could just...
Caption portrait Caption: Before Steve can reconnect to the station's systems, one of the gates starts activating on its own.
Carina portrait Carina: Looks like we've got the attention of Ouroboros. Keep alert, team.
- Transmission #2

Caption portrait Caption: As the gate opens, a team of villains step through. The gate instantly closed behind them.
Omega Red portrait Omega Red: You warn no one. You go nowhere. Your meddling stops now.
Terrax portrait Terrax: We cannot allow you to spoil the surprise that Ouroboros has worked so very hard in crafting.
Spot portrait Spot: I uh... would like to note I'm mostly here to maintain some ship functions. But also to eject you out into space.
Civil Warrior portrait Civil Warrior: Three bad guys, five of us counting the Summoner, we won't even break a sweat.
Omega Red portrait Omega Red: Oh you most certainly shall be broken, little sad American warrior.
Civil Warrior portrait Civil Warrior: Alright, I know who I'm punching first. Summoner, you take the ugly guy.
- Transmission #3

Caption portrait Caption: The Summoner rushes towards Spot, Guillotine joining them.
Spot portrait Spot: Whoah! Hey! No! First of all, rude! Second of all...
Caption portrait Caption: Spot opens a portal, allowing him to hit a button across the room. The words "station wipe activated" flash on every screen.
Guillotine portrait Guillotine: Reverse what you just did. What is a station wipe?
Spot portrait Spot: Well, it's a wipe of the station. It'll launch me and my buds back to base and you will leave via a pre-programmed randomizer of horrible places.
Guillotine portrait Guillotine: Summoner, compel Spot to cease his meddling. I shall see what I can do about disabling this countdown.
Spot portrait Spot: Are they going to appeal to my better nature? Ouroboros has appealed to me with a steady pay-day and respectable health plan.
Guillotine portrait Guillotine: Does that health plan cover being beaten unconscious by the Summoner.
Spot portrait Spot: Honestly there was some clauses in it about that, yes. So let's try not to run up my deductible too much.

- Transmission #4 - Before fighting Spot

Caption portrait Caption: The Summoner rushes towards Terrax, Ægon and Carina joining them.
Terrax portrait Terrax: You insult my glorious form by following the warrior's childish words.
Carina portrait Carina: In our defense, your fashion sense leaves a lot to be desired. Metal neck-beards are out of season.
Terrax portrait Terrax: You face death, destruction, and the atomization of your realm... and yet you take further time to mock?
Carina portrait Carina: It has been a long few weeks and if I don't sneak a chuckle in then the pressure of all this may make me crack.
Terrax portrait Terrax: You know nothing of pressure. I have been a Herald of Galactus, a conqueror of worlds, a tamer of gods, and I have never begun to "crack".
Ægon portrait Ægon: Your head resembles a hard-boiled egg within a cup. Perhaps we should crack that so you are aware of the sensation.
Carina portrait Carina: Ægon, I see you trying to make a joke here, and I adore you for it.
Terrax portrait Terrax: And I shall destroy you for your impudence. I was promised a domain here, and I shall not be denied my prize when I am this close.

- Transmission #4 - Before fighting Terrax

Caption portrait Caption: The Summoner joins Civil Warrior as they rush towards Omega Red.
Civil Warrior portrait Civil Warrior: I suppose I should have been more specific, they are all pretty ugly.
Omega Red portrait Omega Red: Small words from a small man. A weakling with stolen power wrapped in the armor of failure to hide away from the world.
Omega Red portrait Omega Red: You want ugly? I have seen ugly. Ugly is mutants abandoning their purpose for the hollow life of "peace".
Omega Red portrait Omega Red: Ugly is when the weak feast only because the mighty starve themselves.
Omega Red portrait Omega Red: This place used to be magnificent. Filled with the smell of battle, the roar of destruction, the beauty of war.
Omega Red portrait Omega Red: This is why I work with Ouroboros, because with them we shall return this contest to its former glory.
Civil Warrior portrait Civil Warrior: I don't like judging a book by its cover, Red. But you seem like a short read with a pretty straightforward plot.
Omega Red portrait Omega Red: You seem like a book which I shall burn, so no one else ever hears your pathetic tale.

- Transmission #4 - Before fighting Omega Red


Story Quests
Book 1
Act 1: The Contest Challenge the Conqueror SurrenderThe PrizePursuitSneak AttackPathwaysMalice
Act 2: Escalation Surrender to the Contest New RecruitsThe Mad TitanEvolutionAdaptationUnstoppableConquered
Act 3: End Game Shadows Revealed A New FoeIntroductionPower SourceTranscendedManipulatorThe Automaton
Mysterious Origins The DoctorThe CaptainThe RocketThe CreatorThe OriginalThanos Enters
Act 4: Rebellion Metamorphosis Realm RebornA Little HelpIncognitoSymbioidsDark TimesTrust
Evolution Linked MightThe Guillotine DropsStraight Outta QueensAsgard's ChampionDark PresenceDefiance
Revolution Triumphant ReturnDark OmenThreatsInscrutableAce in the HoleStand Resolute
Devastation AllegiancesPlan in ActionDauntlessKnown UnknownsSurge of PowerCulmination
Act 5: Elder's War Fracture Fair PlayWeaponizedBack and ForthTauntedOverloadedDark Angel
Collector Bound Weird ScienceStrange BedfellowsThe DonLines in the SandInsurrectionAbrogation
The Struggle Game Begins AnewLight in the TunnelDire WarningFoul ConclusionForce of WillFitting Punishment
Cornerstone ContactFriends and FoesCalculationsDo the ImpossibleBreak the UnbreakableFight the Power
Act 6: Rebirth Great Revival Tentative StepsWorlds of PotentialA Father's ConcernPieces in PlayThe Only Game in TownBirthright
Guidance Power's PurposeSeveredHeadstrongCriminal ElementsMistrustRound Two
Lordly Caliber The World of TodayOverhangRevoltWinter MorningThe World for the PeopleFootsteps from Darkness
Succession Troubleshooting StarOne-Eyed SluggerReceive YouInterplanetary SparkJudgementReign
Book 2
Act 7: The Union Brave New Battlerealm RebootBreak OutRecycleUsurpMashupRemix
Upset the Meta WakeupZoningFootsiesPokeFrame by FrameNegative Edge
A Matter of Time UncertaintyDichotomyBootstrapCruel to Be KindAll Ravens Are BlackDeath May Die
Kangdom Come Manifest DestinyTempting FateParadise LostBetween the EonsFuture TenseNo Tomorrow
Act 8: The Radiance Casting Shadows Old SinsDark HorseThe ValleyMe and MineWithout a DoubtPitch Black
Binding Light ReflectionRefractionDiffractionLooking GlassPrismSuperposition
Illumination Reality CheckShame the DevilThe Sun, The MoonHigh FidelityChildren and FoolsStranger Than Fiction
Darkest Dawn The More You KnowTell No TalesBite the HandHeads or TailsHope SpringsThe Bell Tolls
Act 9: Revelation Casting Shadows Party CrashersWelcome WagonNo Stone UnturnedMisery Loves CompanyFree For AllSow The Wind
Original Acts 1 - 3
Act 1: The Contest Challenge the Conqueror SurrenderThe PrizePursuitSneak AttackPathwaysUnraveling
Adaptoid Ambush ThreatsHostilitiesExtinctionRageConfrontationSecrets
Battlerealm Revelations The MysteryThe WitchThe WarriorThe PantherThe GeniusThe Conqueror
The Feud Explodes InterrogationConflictDeceptionRevelationWrathMalice
Act 2: Escalation Surrender to the Contest New RecruitsThe Mad TitanEvolutionAdaptationUnstoppableThanos Ascendant
Thanos Ascendant ResistanceContemptThe PropositionThe WarningObstructionThe Alliance
The Contest Reborn EscalationIn ShadowsWarningsImmuneThe TideWhispers
Challenge Accepted BenefactorPurposeRevealedTwo ManiacsNearerConquered
Act 3: End Game Shadows Revealed A New FoeIntroductionPower SourceTranscendedManipulatorTwisted
Mysterious Origins The DoctorThe CaptainThe RocketThe CreatorThe OriginalThe Automaton
The Purpose UndefeatedSubmissionDominanceDefianceSuperchargedEmpty Threats
Thanos' Challenge The DealShowdownIntimidationImpossible OddsFearlessThanos Enters