Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki
Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki

Henchpools are Champions that can appear in all six Classes. They could be collected from November 13th, 2024 until December 4th, 2024[1], by completing several special Solo Objectives. Henchpools have the same model and graphics as Deadpooloids.


Henchpools are a wholly original creation from the fine minds at Deadpool Labs LLC. Any Similarity between them and any other cosmic or cloned creatures is entirely coincidental and possibly breaks canon. Original Character. Please do not steal.



Always Active

  • Immune to Armor Break effects.
  • This champion gains an indefinite Fury Buff every 8 seconds, each increasing Attack Rating by 27.68. Max stacks 8.

Special Attack 1

  • This champion gains 2 Buff effects chosen at random, each lasting 10 seconds, from among:
  • 300 Armor Up
  • 300 Precision
  • 168.13 Cruelty
  • 425 Physical Resistance
  • 188 Regeneration

Special Attack 2

  • This champion gains 3 Buff effects, chosen at random, from the same effects as Special 1.


Always Active

  • Start the battle with 10 Armor Up Buffs, each increasing Armor Rating by 188.89.

Special Attacks

  • Burns up to 20% of the target's max Power and inflicts Direct Damage proportionate to the amount lost.


Always Active

  • Each time this champion loses 20% of its max Health, it gains a Regeneration Buff, recovering 120.48 Health over 5 seconds.

Special Attacks

  • On activation, gain a 28% Prowess Buff for 15 seconds.


Always Active

  • 58% change to Purify incoming Weakness, Fatigue, Exhaustion, Armor Break, Bleed, Poison Debuffs after 1.50 seconds.

Special Attack 1

  • 40% chance on each hit to inflict a permanent Bleed Debuff, dealing 3.08 direct damage every 0.5 seconds.

Special Attack 2

  • The final two hits each inflict a permanent Bleed Debuff, dealing 5.07 Direct Damage every 0.5 seconds.


Always Active

  • An enhanced immune system provides full Immunity to Poison.
  • Every 6 seconds, this Champion gains an indefinite 147.83 Physical Resistance Passive. Once 4 of these are active, one is lost every 6 seconds instead. Once 0 are active, they start gaining them again.

Light Attacks

  • 20% to inflict a Physical Vulnerability Debuff reducing Physical Resistance by 373.17 for 9 seconds.


Always Active

  • Generates 3.33% of a Bar of Power every 0.5 seconds.

On Opponent Buff Activation

  • 20% Potency Fury, Precision, Cruelty, Armor Up, and Physical Resistance. Regeneration grants 52.17 Health. All Buffs last 10 second.
  • 80% change to Nullify the Opponent's Fury, Armor Up, Regeneration, Cruelty, Precision or Physical Resistance Buffs. When one of those Buffs is Nullified, gain the same Buff with the listed Potency and Duration.

Signature Ability[]


Sunder Strikes - All Attacks

  • Planetary power allows all attacks to rip through opponents and Passively reduce their Armor Rating by 16 - 85.04% of their current Rating.


Hypersonic Aura - Always Active

  • Consistently resonating sound waves weaken the opponent's Armor. Every 10 seconds they are inflicted with an indefinite Armor Break Debuff, reducing Armor Rating by 70.83 - 386.42. Max stacks 8.


Overrun - Special Attacks

  • Enhanced and empowered genetics allow Special Attacks to become Unblockable as long as the opponent is above 75 - 48.46% Health.


Final Push - When Attacked

  • When death looms close, training kicks in an grants a 35 - 99.17% chance to activate a final push. Passively Regenerating all health, then becoming inflicted with Degeneration, dealing 2442 damage over 11 seconds. Only triggers once per fight.


Toxic Aura - Always Active

  • Toxic fumes in the air sicken the Opponent. Whenever they fill a Bar of Power, 50 - 75.02% chance to be inflicted with an indefinite Poison Debuff, dealing 1.76 Direct Damage every 0.5 seconds.


Life Leech - Always Active

  • When a personal Buff activates, also Passively gain 70.5 - 281.72 Health.

Special Attacks[]


Special 1 - Swingin', Thwippin' & Kickin'
A spinning heel kick into double boots to the fase is then topped off with a back-flip for style points.

Special 2 - Grafeful Barrage
Display the agility and grace of a ballerina, with the precision and devastation of a ninja.

Special 3 - ...


Special 1 - Ant Swarm
Launch a swarm of angry bullet ants to eat away at their Opponent. Millions of tiny ants leads to millions of tiny stings.

Special 2 - Shoulder Artillery
Launch a Stark Industries heavy artillery shell from their trusted shoulder cannon.

Special 3 - ...


Special 1 - Pym Punch
With the help of Pym Particles, deliver a micro-sized uppercut punch.

Special 2 - Spinnin' Groin Punch
A fancy way to punch someone where it counts.

Special 3 - ...


Special 1 - Blast Barrage
Firing their wrist-mounted minigun, bombard the opponent with over 250 rounds in less than 2 seconds.

Special 2 - Shuriken Jutsu
A master of ninjitsu, let fly two deadly shuriken, striking with blinding speed and precision.

Special 3 - ...


Special 1 - Stomp
When they puts their foot down, everyone listens.

Special 2 - Shorten the Odds
With a stomp of their foot, and a slap of their hands, send two boulders slamming into their Opponent's head at high speed.

Special 3 - ...


Special 1 - Fracture
Expands their magnetic grasp deep under the arena, impaling their Opponent with metal from below.

Special 2 - Faltinian Triplicate
Orchestrate three Flames of the Faltines in a fiery symphony.

Special 3 - ...

Synergy Bonuses[]

Class Synergy Partner(s) Effect(s)
Cosmic Cosmic Henchemony Deadpooloid (Mutant) portraitDeadpooloid (Skill) portraitDeadpooloid (Science) portraitDeadpooloid (Mystic) portraitDeadpooloid (Tech) portrait All Champions: Gain +4% base Attack Rating.
Tech Tech Henchemony Deadpooloid (Mutant) portraitDeadpooloid (Skill) portraitDeadpooloid (Science) portraitDeadpooloid (Mystic) portraitDeadpooloid (Cosmic) portrait All Champions: Gain +90 Armor.
Mutant Mutant Henchemony Deadpooloid (Skill) portraitDeadpooloid (Science) portraitDeadpooloid (Mystic) portraitDeadpooloid (Cosmic) portraitDeadpooloid (Tech) portrait All Champions: Gain +7% Special Attack Damage.
Skill Skill Henchemony Deadpooloid (Mutant) portraitDeadpooloid (Science) portraitDeadpooloid (Mystic) portraitDeadpooloid (Cosmic) portraitDeadpooloid (Tech) portrait All Champions: Gain +90 Critical Rating.
Science Science Henchemony Deadpooloid (Mutant) portraitDeadpooloid (Skill) portraitDeadpooloid (Mystic) portraitDeadpooloid (Cosmic) portraitDeadpooloid (Tech) portrait All Champions: Gain +90 Physical Resistance.
Mystic Mystic Henchemony Deadpooloid (Mutant) portraitDeadpooloid (Skill) portraitDeadpooloid (Science) portraitDeadpooloid (Cosmic) portraitDeadpooloid (Tech) portrait All Champions: Gain +90 Energy Resistance.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Kabam Forums Spiral's Royal Hunt. Forums. November 1, 2024.


Cosmic List of Cosmic Champions Cosmic

Playable: Adam WarlockAir-WalkerAngelaAnnihilusBeta Ray BillBlack BoltCaptain MarvelCaptain Marvel (Classic)Carnage (Pre-Update) ● Corvus GlaiveCosmic Ghost RiderCull ObsidianDraxGalanGamoraGladiatorGorrGrootHeimdallHelaHenchpoolHerculesHulklingHyperionIkarisKing GrootKing Groot (Deathless)KnullMaestro (Cosmic)MedusaMs. MarvelMs. Marvel (Kamala Khan)NovaOdinPhoenixProxima MidnightRed GoblinRonanScreamSersiSilver SurferSpider-Man (Symbiote)Super-SkrullSuperior Iron ManTerraxThanosThe ChampionThe SerpentThorVenom (Pre-Update) ● Venom the DuckVenompoolVision (Aarkus)Vox
Not playable: AdaptoidBoltagon the AccuserDark PhoenixDeadpooloidDoombotGwenperionSentineloidSuperior FistSymbioidUltron Drone
Upcoming: Thanos (Deathless)

Mutant List of Mutant Champions Mutant

Playable: ApocalypseArchangelBeastBishopCableCaptain BritainColossusCyclops (Blue Team)Cyclops (New Xavier School)Dani MoonstarDazzlerDeadpoolDeadpool (X-Force)DominoDustEmma FrostGambitGoldpoolHavokHenchpoolIcemanJubileeKitty PrydeMagnetoMagneto (House of X)Mister SinisterNamorNegasonic Teenage WarheadNightcrawlerNorthstarOld Man LoganOmega RedOnslaughtPlatinumpoolProfessor XPsylockeRogueSabretoothSauronStormStorm (Pyramid X)StryfeSunspotToadWolverineWolverine (Weapon X)Wolverine (X-23)
Not playable: AdaptoidCyverineDeadpooloidDoombotIce PhoenixNightcarnageSentineloidSymbioidUltron Drone
Upcoming: Gentle

Mystic List of Mystic Champions Mystic

Playable: Absorbing ManAmerica ChavezBlack Widow (Claire Voyant)DiabloDoctor DoomDoctor StrangeDoctor VoodooDormammuDragon ManEbony MawEnchantressGhost RiderGuillotineGuillotine (Deathless)HenchpoolIron FistIron Fist (Immortal)IsophyneJuggernautKindredKushalaLokiLongshotMagikMangogMan-ThingMephistoMojoMordoMorningstarPurgatoryRintrahSasquatchScarlet WitchScarlet Witch (Classic)ShathraSorcerer SupremeSpider-Man (Supreme)SpiralSymbiote SupremeThe DestroyerThe HoodThor (Jane Foster)TigraUnstoppable ColossusWerewolf By NightWhite TigerWiccanWong
Not playable: AdaptoidDeadpooloidDoctor Strange (Marvel NOW!)DoombotScarlet Witch (Ultimate)SentineloidSymbioidUltron DroneUnstoppable AntVoodoo Skull
Upcoming: None

Science List of Science Champions Science

Playable: AbominationAbomination (Immortal)Ant-ManAnti-VenomCaptain AmericaCaptain America (Infinity War)Captain America (WWII)Cassie LangCount NefariaElectroFalcon (Joaquín Torres)HenchpoolHulkHulk (Immortal)Hulk (Ragnarok)Human TorchInvisible WomanJessica JonesJoe FixitLuke CageM.O.D.O.K.Mister FantasticMister NegativeMorbiusPhotonQuakeQuicksilverRed GuardianRed HulkRhinoSandmanScorpionSentryShe-HulkShe-Hulk (Deathless)SilkSpider-GwenSpider-HamSpider-Man (Classic)Spider-Man (Miles Morales)Spider-Man 2099Spider-PunkSpotThe OverseerThingTitaniaVoidWaspYellowjacket
Not playable: AdaptoidDarren CrossDeadpooloidDoombotElectro LukeHulk (Bahamet)Human Torch SentineloidSpider-WitchSymbioidUltron Drone
Upcoming: None

Skill List of Skill Champions Skill

Playable: ÆgonAgent VenomAttumaBaron ZemoBlack CatBlack PantherBlack Panther (Civil War)Black WidowBlack Widow (Deadly Origin)BladeBullseyeChee'ilthCrossbonesDaredevil (Classic)Daredevil (Hell's Kitchen)ElektraElsa BloodstoneFalconGwenpoolHawkeyeHenchpoolHit-MonkeyJabari PantherKarnakKate BishopKillmongerKingpinKorgKravenMantisMasacreMisty KnightMole ManMoon KnightMoondragonNick FuryNight ThrasherPunisherRoninShang-ChiSilver SableSpider-Man (Stealth Suit)Squirrel GirlTaskmasterThor (Ragnarok)ValkyrieWinter Soldier
Not playable: AdaptoidBlack Widow (Scytalis)DeadpooloidDoombotFrank StrangeIron SkullPunishing AngelSentineloidSymbioidUltron Drone
Upcoming: Okoye

Tech List of Tech Champions Tech

Playable: Ant-Man (Future)ArcadeArnim ZolaCaptain America (Sam Wilson)Civil WarriorDarkhawkDoctor OctopusGhostGreen GoblinGuardianGuillotine 2099HenchpoolHoward the DuckHulkbusterIron ManIron Man (Infamous)Iron Man (Infinity War)Iron PatriotIronheartJack O'LanternKang the ConquerorLady DeathstrikeMysterioNebulaNimrodOmega SentinelPeni ParkerProwlerPsycho-ManPunisher 2099Red Skull Rocket RaccoonSentinelShockerShuriSilver CenturionSpider-Man (Stark Enhanced)Star-LordUltronUltron (Classic)VisionVision (Age of Ultron)Vision (Deathless)Viv VisionVultureWar MachineWarlockYondu
Not playable: Adaptoid (Hydra) ● CerastesDeadpooloidDoombotKang the ConquerorSentineloidStar-KangSymbioidUltron Drone
Upcoming: None
