Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki
Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki
Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki

Iron Man (Infamous) is a Tech Champion. Being a Tech Champion, he has a Class Bonus against Mutant Champions, but is weak to Cosmic Champions.


Following an epiphany about his possible calling in life, Doctor Victor Von Doom decides to take on the role of Iron Man after Stark’s lapse into a coma. Donning one of Tony’s suits, Doom sets out to use his intricate knowledge of the supercriminal world to obliterate it completely. Though he has good intentions and is legitimate in his attempt to atone, his lack of social skills and the weight of his past deeds make it impossible for his former enemies, S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Fantastic 4, to trust him.


Move over Tony Stark! There’s a new Iron Man in town! Hot off the heels of being a literal god, Victor Von Doom has had an apparent change of heart! Villains beware: Doom’s callus efficiency and legendary power is now pointed at you!

Like his original incarnation, this Doctor Doom is all about control. Using a potent combination of Power Burn and Special Lock, Iron Man (Infamous) can prevent his Opponents from activating their Special Attack 3, and dish out the damage while doing so. Showcasing his ability to dominate any threat, Iron Man (Infamous)’s damage output actually rises as his Opponent’s Power Meter grows. Together, these traits form a playstyle all about keeping your Opponent right at the precipice of throwing their most powerful attacks, but using Iron Man’s abilities to prevent them from doing so.

As many players will know, one of the most famously satisfying parts of Doctor Doom’s kit is his ability to stun a Shocked Opponent, allowing him to chain a 4 hit Combo into what has become known as the “Doom Heavy.” Player’s will be excited to know that the Doom Heavy is making a return in full force, not only inflicting the Opponent with Cowardice, but also allowing Iron Man (Infamous) to shortcut right into one of his most powerful abilities: the Aura of Iron.

Similar to the Aura of Haazareth called upon by the original Doctor Doom, the Aura of Iron can be activated to temporarily grant Iron Man (Infamous) a suite of additional powers, including Unblockable Special Attacks, Knock Down Resistance, and access to extremely potent Power Burns. The Aura can be entered via Special 1, Special 3, and as mentioned above, Iron Man (Infamous)’s Heavy attack.

This Aura is extremely powerful, but can only be entered while Iron Man (Infamous) has his personal Armor Up effect, which not only grants him an Armor Rating even higher than original Doom, but also Immunity to Incinerate and Shock effects. Be careful not to lose it!

Last, but certainly not least, whenever an Opponent attempts to gain two or more Prowesses at the same time, Iron Man (Infamous) will instantly remove them, and replace them with a devastating Energy Vulnerability Debuff, significantly increasing the damage of all of his future attacks. Champions who regularly gain large amounts of Prowess at once, such as Bishop, simply stand no chance!


Tier Max Rating Max Health Max Attack
TierStarTierStar 605 2122 190
AwakenedAwakened - - -
TierStarTierStarTierStar 1606 5639 503
AwakenedAwakenedAwakened - - -
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 4033 14140 1261
AwakenedAwakenedAwakenedAwakened - - -
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 8124 28350 2527
AwakenedAwakenedAwakenedAwakenedAwakened - - -
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 13860 48374 4311
AwakenedAwakenedAwakenedAwakenedAwakenedAwakened - - -


Always Active

  • When Iron Man (Infamous) would land a Critical Hit, he instead inflicts an instant Shock dealing Energy Damage equal to the damage the Critical would’ve dealt.
  • If an Opponent would gain 2 or more Prowess effects at once, those Prowesses are converted into a single indefinite Energy Vulnerability Debuff that reduces their Energy Resistance by X. Each subsequent Debuff is 10% less potent than the previous one.
Tier Energy Resistance
TierStarTierStar 728.57
TierStarTierStarTierStar 792.86
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 857.14
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 900
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 964.29

Dev Notes: Iron Man (Infamous)’s Crit Replacement effect makes him excellent for dealing with Mutants who trigger abilities when struck by a Critical Hit. Also, note that the subsequent reduction is based on the potency of the previous Debuff, not the original potency, so this ability’s potency will never reach 0.

Armor Up

  • Victor Von Doom’s modifications to his Iron Man armor grant him extra protection. He starts the fight with an indefinite Armor Up Buff granting X Armor Rating. While he has this Buff, he is immune to Shock and Incinerate.
Tier Armor Rating
TierStarTierStar 1133.33
TierStarTierStarTierStar 1233.33
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 1333.33
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 1400
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 1500
  • If this Buff is lost, it restores itself after 12 seconds. This timer is paused while Iron Man (Infamous) is suffering from an Armor Break.

Dev Notes: This is a juicy Armor Up Buff and it comes with some serious benefits! Plus, like many other Champs, if you do lose it, it’ll come back again before too long. Just be extra careful of Armor Break effects, as they will make it take much longer to regain the Armor Up. This is the lynchpin of his kit. Without it, you face a serious uphill battle. With it, it’s genuinely hard to lose.

Basic Attacks

  • Iron Man (Infamous)’s Medium Attacks do not make contact and inflict Shock Debuffs dealing X Energy Damage over 2 seconds.
Tier Shock Damage
TierStarTierStar 19
TierStarTierStarTierStar 50.3
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 126.1
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 252.7
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 431.1
  • While charging a Heavy Attack, if the Opponent is within striking distance and suffering from Shock, all their Shock effects are consumed and replaced with a Passive Stun for 0.6 seconds. This cannot trigger during the Opponent’s Special Attacks.
  • The final hit of Iron Man (Infamous)’s Heavy Attack inflicts a non-stacking Cowardice Debuff, reducing the Opponent’s Special Attack damage by 40% for 5 seconds.
  • When one or more Shocks are consumed by Iron Man (Infamous)’s abilities, he triggers Aura of Iron for 2.6 seconds for each Shock removed, if it is not already active.

Dev Notes: The Doom Heavy is back! I love the Doom Heavy, and I hope you do too! It simply had to return for Doom 2: Electric Boogaloo. Of considerable note, the fact that it can allow you to throw a Special 2 in Aura of Iron without using the other Specials is extremely powerful.

To access Iron Man (Infamous)’s full damage potential, you need to hit the Opponent with a Special 2 while they have 3 full Bars of Power, which normally necessitates Special Locking them with the Special 3 and Special 1. But with this Heavy, players who are skilled at manipulating the AI into not throwing Specials can get their Opponent to 3 Bars without Special Locking them, and then Heavy cancel into Special 2 for full damage right off the bat!

Aura of Iron – Passive

  • The Aura of Iron can’t trigger while Iron Man (Infamous) does not have his personal Armor Up Buff, and its duration is reduced by 4 seconds for each unique, non-Prowess Buff on the Opponent above two.
  • The Aura is paused during both Champion’s Special Attacks. While paused this way, landing a Medium Attack ends the Aura early.
  • Iron Man (Infamous)’s Special Attacks are passively Unblockable.
  • Each time he inflicts one of his personal Shocks, it is immediately replaced by an instant Energy Power Burn that burns a percentage of the Opponent’s current Power based on the potency of the replaced Shock. Deals X Energy Damage to the Opponent per percent of Max Power burned.
Tier Energy Damage
TierStarTierStar 34.2
TierStarTierStarTierStar 90.54
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 226.98
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 454.86
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 775.98
  • Iron Man (Infamous) becomes passively Unstoppable and Stun Immune against the last hit of incoming Special 1, Special 2, and Heavy Attacks. In addition, if the damage of the hit exceeded 5% of his Maximum Health, he gains a Regeneration Buff, restoring the excess damage over 5 seconds.

Dev Notes: The spiritual successor to Doctor Doom’s Aura of Haazareth, the Aura of Iron bestows many of the same powers, with a Tech Twist! Remember: the stronger the Shock replaced by the Aura, the more of the Opponent’s Power is Burned away. This means you’ll primarily be focusing on your Special 2 Shocks/Power Burns for damage, and your Medium and Crit Shocks/Power Burns for Power Control. Also of note: make sure to wait for your current Aura duration to run out before trying to Stun the Opponent with the Doom Heavy again. That only works while the Opponent is Shocked, and no Shocks can exist while the Aura of Iron is active.

Signature Ability[]

Arcane Overload - Passive

  • Once per fight, when Iron Man (Infamous)’s Health drops below 15%, he gains a Regeneration Buff, healing X% of his Maximum Health over 10 seconds. While this effect is active, the Opponent is passively Special Locked.
Tier Regeneration %
TierStarTierStar 5 - 35%
TierStarTierStarTierStar 5 - 35%
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 5 - 35%
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 5 - 35%
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 5 - 35%
  • While Aura of Iron is active, the Opponent suffers 100% flat reduced Unblockable Ability Accuracy.
  • While his personal Armor Up Buff is active, Iron Man (Infamous) gains X Block Proficiency and Energy Resistance.
Tier Block Prof./Energy Resist
TierStarTierStar 89.55 - 728.56
TierStarTierStarTierStar 97.45 - 792.85
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 105.35 - 857.13
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 110.52 - 899.98
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 118.42 - 964.26

Dev Notes: Right out of the gate, at Signature Level 1, Iron Man (Infamous) gets the ability to Block Unblockable attacks. Not just Specials, or Mutant Specials, but almost any Unblockable attack. Since Aura of Iron can be triggered on practically every Heavy Attack, and is paused during Specials, the AI bias to throw Specials upon standing up makes it all but guaranteed that the Aura will be active when the Opponent decides to throw an Unblockable Special attack. And if that wasn’t enough, Victor Von Doom, not satisfied with the Iron Man armor’s self repair abilities, modified it so that just the act of triggering its self-repair function Special Locks the Opponent, allowing you to Regen in peace.

Special Attacks[]

Special 1 - Zero-Point Barrage
Enhancing the repulsor tech of the Model-Prime Iron Man armor with his own command of mystical energies, Victor von Doom slams his Opponent with a massive zero-point energy shockwave followed by a piercing repulsor beam attack.

  • On Activation, enter Aura of Iron for 8 seconds.
  • If it was already active, the Opponent is passively Special Locked for Aura of Iron’s remaining duration.

Dev Notes: It’s not 100% consistent, but this attack will most often Crit and Power Burn the Opponent off of their Special 3. For even more consistency, cancel your Heavy Attack into this Special to Special Lock the Opponent for a brief window in which you can land a Medium Attack. Because you will be in Aura of Iron, your guaranteed Shock turns into a guaranteed Power Burn, which is just enough to turn that Bar from red to yellow. Also remember that because this attack always activates Aura of Iron, it will always be Unblockable.

Special 2 - Aerial Uni-Bombardment
Making creative use of his new armor, Infamous Iron Man launches off his Opponent by firing his repulsor boots directly into their face, then flying back around for a uni-beam strafing run.

  • After the first hit of this attack lands, Iron Man (Infamous) gains +X Attack Rating for each of the Opponent’s filled Bars of Power for the remainder of the attack.
Tier Attack Rating
TierStarTierStar 47.5
TierStarTierStarTierStar 125.75
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 315.25
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 631.75
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 1077.75
  • Each beam hit inflicts a Shock Debuff dealing X Energy Damage over 5 seconds.
Tier Shock Damage
TierStarTierStar 209
TierStarTierStarTierStar 553.3
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 1387.1
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 2779.7
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 4742.1

Dev Notes: It’s worth noting that the first hit of this Attack doesn’t gain the extra damage from the Attack Rating boost, but don’t worry, you won’t need it. The lion’s share of this attack’s damage is dealt by the three beam hits which, if the Opponent is at 3 full Bars of Power, will burn ~1 – 1.5 Bars of Power (depending on Crits) and deal some major damage! It’s also important to understand that the Opponent’s Power Meter is measured after they gain Power from the hit, but before any Power Burn takes place, meaning that so long as the actual hit brings them to full Power, even for a moment, you still get the full Attack Rating boost.

Special 3 - Wrath of von Doom
In the chaos of battle, a stray blow knocks off the Iron Man mask. In the moments that follow, the perpetrator will beg for mercy as the restraint of the Infamous Iron Man cracks and, for an instant, they face the full wrath of Lord Doom.

  • On Activation, enter Aura of Iron for 24 seconds. This Aura cannot be ended early, and until it next expires, Iron Man (Infamous) has +X Critical Rating for each of the Opponent’s filled Bars of Power.
Tier Critical Rating
TierStarTierStar 1700
TierStarTierStarTierStar 1850
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 2000
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 2100
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 2250
  • If Aura of Iron was already active, both Iron Man (Infamous) and his Opponent gain an Energize Passive increasing their Combat Power Rates by 100%, each lasting until Aura of Iron next expires.

Dev Notes: Combine this Special with Special 1 to truly have your Opponent at your mercy. Since the Special Lock from the Special 1 lasts until the Aura next expires, they will be Special Locked for up to ~20 seconds, depending on how fast you get to your Special 1. During that time, you’ll be Criting and Power Burning like crazy, so make sure to throw this Special just after you throw your Heavy to get that juicy Energize. It may seem strange that the Opponent gets one as well, but it’s all according to Doom’s plans, as it only serves to raise their Power Bar faster, thereby raising Iron Man (Infamous)’s damage.

Synergy Bonuses[]

Synergy Partner(s) Effect(s)
I Know How They Think Iron Man (Infamous) portrait Iron Man (Infamous): While fighting #Villains, gain +460 Critical Damage Rating for each knocked out team member.
Solo: Only affects this Champion and does not stack.
Atonement Doctor Doom portrait Hero Champions: +8% Attack Rating.
Robot Champions: +20% Ability Accuracy.
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
The Iron Mantle Iron Man (Infinity War) portraitWar Machine portraitCivil Warrior portraitIron Patriot portrait All Champions: Increase the potency of the team’s Armor Up effects by 10% for each synergy member present.
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
Trust Issues Thing portraitHuman Torch portraitMister Fantastic portrait Iron Man (Infamous): Gains +4900 Critical Rating while the Opponent has 2 or more Bars of Power.
Thing: When Rock Stacks are removed, Thing gains an extra Fury Passive.
Human Torch: Chance to Incinerate when Struck increased by a flat 100%.
Mister Fantastic: Imprison the Opponent’s Soul at the start of the fight, reducing their chance to activate Buffs by 100% for 15 seconds.
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
Doctor Despots Doctor Strange portrait Iron Man (Infamous): Cowardice effects on the Opponent are 50% more potent.
Doctor Strange: Heavy Attacks refresh all existing Blessings, and all effects of Special 1 are increased by a flat 100% for each active Blessing.
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
Contingency Protocols Peni Parker portrait Synergy Champions: Whenever one of either Champion’s personal Shocks or Incinerates is prevented by an immunity, they inflict a corresponding Incinerate or Shock respectively. These Incinerates still count as Shocks for the purposes of Iron Man (Infamous)’s abilities.
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
Rotted Souls Mephisto portrait Iron Man (Infamous): Whenever Iron Man (Infamous) is immune to an effect, he deals the Opponent a burst of Energy Damage equal to 200% of his Attack Rating. Each subsequent time this ability triggers, the potency is reduced by 20%.
Mephisto: Duration of Soul Imprisonment is doubled.
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
Incoming Synergy Partner(s) Effect(s)
Q Branch Shuri portrait Synergy Champions: Start each fight with an indefinite Failsafe Charge. When struck by a Special Attack 1 or 2, consume the Failsafe to gain an Indestructible Passive for the duration of the Special.
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.

Strengths and Weaknesses[]


  • Special 3 Control
    • Iron Man (Infamous) has easy access to Power Burn on both his Heavy Attack, and his Special 1, as well as a few other places. In the hands of a skilled player, it is nearly impossible for an Opponent to get a chance to throw a Special 3, even if their Power Bar turns red.
  • Prowess Removal
    • Against Champions that gain multiple Prowess Buffs at once, it is difficult to overstate just how powerful Iron Man (Infamous)’s Prowess control is. Not only does he prevent Champions like Bishop and Apocalypse from gaining Prowess the whole fight, but doing so skyrockets his damage potential because all of his attacks deal Energy Damage.
  • Survivability
    • Not only does Iron Man (Infamous) have an Armor Rating higher than original Doctor Doom, comparable Critical Resistance, and Immunity to both Shock and Incinerate, his Signature Ability takes its own spin on the classic Arc Overload by granting him a huge Regeneration Buff. It also passively Special Locks his Opponent while that Buff is active, meaning that you will be completely safe from your Opponent’s Special Attacks while that vital healing is taking place.


  • Armor Break + Nullify
    • Iron Man (Infamous) channels his already considerable power through the hyper-advanced Model Prime Iron Man armor to truly fearsome effect. However if he loses access to the Armor Up Buff provided by the suit, he is severely weakened, becoming unable to enter the Aura of Iron, and losing his immunities to Incinerate and Shock. Remain wary of fights where Armor Break and Nullify are common to avoid losing a large amount of his damage and utility.
  • Unique Buffs
    • While an Opponent has three or more Unique Buffs active at once, Iron Man (Infamous)’s Aura of Iron duration suffers. While this won’t immediately render him useless, it will considerably limit his options, as the duration of his Aura from Special 1 suffers, and he can no longer enter his Aura from Heavy Attack at all. Avoid fights with even more Unique Buffs, as the penalty to Aura of Iron’s duration grows with each Unique Buff beyond the third.
  • Shock Immunity
    • Iron Man (Infamous)’s primary source of damage is not actually his Shocks, but his Power Burns that replace these Shocks while he is in his Aura of Iron. Regardless, he can still only inflict these Power Burns if he successfully inflicts a Shock, and as such an Opponent with Immunity to Shock effectively has immunity to his Power Burns, leaving him without much means of dealing damage. Fear not though, for he has a Synergy that negates this very weakness!

Recommended Masteries[]

  • Courage
    • While normally not a great idea to plan to play at less than half HP, Iron Man (Infamous)’s Armor, Crit Resistance, and the Regeneration from his Signature Ability make it much safer to have your Health bar this low.
  • Stand Your Ground
    • While Iron Man (Infamous)’s Block is usually pretty safe thanks to his Signature Ability, this Mastery takes it to the next level by allowing him to resist Knock Downs, even when his Aura of Iron is not active.



Tech List of Tech Champions Tech

Playable: Ant-Man (Future)ArcadeCaptain America (Sam Wilson)Civil WarriorDarkhawkDoctor OctopusGhostGreen GoblinGuardianGuillotine 2099HenchpoolHoward the DuckHulkbusterIron ManIron Man (Infamous)Iron Man (Infinity War)Iron PatriotIronheartJack O'LanternKang the ConquerorLady DeathstrikeMysterioNebulaNimrodOmega SentinelPeni ParkerProwlerPsycho-ManPunisher 2099Red Skull Rocket RaccoonSentinelShockerShuriSilver CenturionSpider-Man (Stark Enhanced)Star-LordUltronUltron (Classic)VisionVision (Age of Ultron)Vision (Deathless)Viv VisionVultureWar MachineWarlockYondu
Not playable: Adaptoid (Hydra) ● CerastesDeadpooloidDoombotKang the ConquerorSentineloidStar-KangSymbioidUltron Drone
Upcoming: None

List of Hero Champions
Adam Warlock CosmicÆgon SkillAgent Venom SkillAmerica Chavez MysticAngela CosmicAnt-Man ScienceAnt-Man (Future) TechArchangel MutantBeast MutantBeta Ray Bill CosmicBishop MutantBlack Bolt CosmicBlack Cat SkillBlack Panther SkillBlack Panther (Civil War) SkillBlack Widow SkillBlack Widow (Claire Voyant) MysticBlack Widow (Deadly Origin) SkillBlade SkillCable MutantCaptain America ScienceCaptain America (Infinity War) ScienceCaptain America (Sam Wilson) TechCaptain America (WWII) ScienceCaptain Britain MutantCaptain Marvel CosmicCaptain Marvel (Classic) CosmicCassie Lang ScienceChee'ilth SkillCivil Warrior TechColossus MutantCosmic Ghost Rider CosmicCyclops (Blue Team) MutantDani Moonstar MutantDaredevil (Classic) SkillDaredevil (Hell's Kitchen) SkillDarkhawk TechDazzler MutantDoctor Strange MysticDoctor Voodoo MysticDomino MutantDragon Man MysticDrax CosmicDust MutantElektra SkillElsa Bloodstone SkillEmma Frost MutantFalcon SkillGambit MutantGamora CosmicGhost Rider MysticGladiator CosmicGroot CosmicGuardian TechGuillotine MysticGwenpool SkillHavok MutantHawkeye SkillHeimdall CosmicHercules CosmicHoward the Duck TechHulk ScienceHulk (Immortal) ScienceHulk (Ragnarok) ScienceHulkbuster TechHulkling CosmicHuman Torch ScienceHyperion CosmicIceman MutantIkaris CosmicInvisible Woman ScienceIron Fist MysticIron Fist (Immortal) MysticIron Man TechIron Man (Infamous) TechIron Man (Infinity War) TechIronheart TechJabari Panther SkillJessica Jones ScienceJubilee MutantKate Bishop SkillKitty Pryde MutantKorg SkillKushala MysticLongshot MysticLuke Cage ScienceMagik MysticMagneto (House of X) MutantMan-Thing MysticMantis SkillMedusa CosmicMister Fantastic ScienceMisty Knight SkillMoondragon SkillMs. Marvel CosmicMs. Marvel (Kamala Khan) CosmicNamor MutantNegasonic Teenage Warhead MutantNick Fury SkillNight Thrasher SkillNightcrawler MutantNorthstar MutantNova CosmicOdin CosmicOld Man Logan MutantPatriot SkillPeni Parker TechPhoenix CosmicPhoton ScienceProfessor X MutantProwler TechPsylocke MutantPunisher SkillQuake ScienceQuicksilver ScienceRed Guardian SkillRintrah MysticRocket Raccoon TechRogue MutantRonin SkillSasquatch MysticScarlet Witch MysticScarlet Witch (Classic) MysticSentry ScienceSersi CosmicShang-Chi SkillShe-Hulk ScienceShuri TechSilk ScienceSilver Centurion TechSilver Surfer CosmicSorcerer Supreme MysticSpider-Gwen ScienceSpider-Ham ScienceSpider-Man (Classic) ScienceSpider-Man (Miles Morales) ScienceSpider-Man (Stark Enhanced) TechSpider-Man (Stealth Suit) SkillSpider-Man (Supreme) MysticSpider-Man (Symbiote) CosmicSpider-Man 2099 ScienceSpider-Punk ScienceSquirrel Girl SkillStar-Lord TechStorm MutantSunspot MutantSuperior Iron Man CosmicThing ScienceThor CosmicThor (Jane Foster) MysticThor (Ragnarok) SkillTigra MysticValkyrie SkillVision TechVision (Aarkus) CosmicVision (Age of Ultron) TechViv Vision TechWar Machine TechWarlock TechWasp ScienceWerewolf By Night MysticWhite Tiger MysticWiccan MysticWolverine MutantWolverine (X-23) MutantWong Mystic