Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki
Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki

Ironheart is a Tech Champion. Being a Tech Champion, she has a Class Bonus against Mutant Champions, but is weak to Cosmic Champions.


Riri Williams was just a 15-year-old engineering super-genius student studying at MIT, until she designed a suit of armor similar to the Iron Man armor using materials stolen from campus. After learning of Riri’s accomplishment, Tony Stark visited her and chose to endorse Riri’s desire to become a super hero.


One unique thing for Ironheart is her Pre-fight ability that allows her to switch out her damage type prior to battle, allowing her to bypass enemy resistances and Immunities. This is a strong power to have throughout many game modes. Her ability to effectively apply Damage over time effects also make her a standout in the class, as this helps build into the efficacy of her Special Attack loops.


Pre-Fight Ability - Repulsor Debuffs

  • Ironheart can inflict Damaging effects called Repulsor Debuffs, dealing 2079 damage over 18 seconds. Her default Repulsor Debuff is an Incinerate, but she can override with Rupture in the Pre-Fight Screen. [Max Stacks: 50]
  • Medium Attacks inflict Repulsor Debuffs. Additionally, triggering the Dexterity Mastery inflicts 2 Repulsor Debuffs. This goes on cooldown until Ironheart’s next Special Attack.
  • During Special Attacks, pause Repulsor Debuffs, personal Armor Ups. Hits inflict instant versions of the Repulsor Debuffs dealing a burst of 831.6 damage.

Dev Notes: So when originally pitching Ironheart, I was thinking a mix of Scorpion meets Omega Sentinel. Allow her to be able to switch up between a bunch of DoT types and pause them for maximum effectiveness. This is how the Pre-fight came to be, giving Ironheart the ability to switch between two damage types, being a strong utility on offense for the tech class now in this regard as she can bypass certain defenses, willingly. The ability to do this via Dexterity is a little nod to the fact that she’s an agile, nimble character, different then most other iron suit champions in this regards. Using a gameplay action associated with mobility hopefully helps portray this! As to not be abusive though, it’s limited in usage.

Armor Up

  • The advanced systems within Ironheart’s custom crafted suit allow her to start each fight with an indefinite Armor Up Buff granting +1211.54 Armor Rating.
  • If this Buff is lost, it restores itself after 12 seconds. This timer is paused while Ironheart is suffering from an Armor Break.
  • Ironheart’s first 3 Light Attacks have a 30% chance to grant an Armor Up Buff granting +250 Armor Rating for 15 seconds. Her fourth Light Attack has a 100% chance.
  • While Ironheart has an Armor Up effect, she’s Immune to Reversed Controls, Incinerate, Coldsnap, and Frostbite. Additionally, her personal Debuffs are unaffected by Ability Accuracy modification against Mutants.

Dev Notes: Armor Ups aren’t meant to be a strong thing in Ironheart’s kit as she is more of a Glass Cannon than the other iron suit champions. BUT this is still a defining trait for Tech class champions, so needed to be considered. With that in mind, we kept it as a Binary Effect, allowing things to trigger simply if they are ON or OFF. This allowed me to keep the design of Armor Ups a bit more simplified but tie a lot of great gameplay utility behind it. This would be why Armor Breaks and Shatters are super strong against her, as they shut down a lot of her defensive abilities. Giving the ability to gain an Armor Up via light attacks as well helped lighten the load on the Medium-Medium-Parry loop.

Target Lock!

  • While the Opponent is suffering from 5 or more Debuffs, Ironheart inflicts a Tracking Passive, bypassing the effects of Miss.
  • Opponents that are #Robots or are suffering from a Tracking effect suffer -100% Offensive Ability Accuracy when hitting Ironheart’s Block. Mutants suffer a -150% reduction.
  • While a Tracking effect is on the Opponent, Ironheart’s AI can predict enemy attacks, allowing her to trigger the Parry Mastery against non-contact attacks and Block Mutant’s Unblockable Special Attacks.

Dev Notes: One of her Goals was to be a stronger counter to some of the more powerful Meta Mutants in the game currently. The Tracking effect and the Offensive Ability Accuracy Reduction should not only assist with this, but some are even better against their Class in particular. Also, being that she is utilizing an iron suit, has some great tech at her disposal to allow for this.

Heavy Attack

  • The first hit inflicts a non-stacking Suppression Debuff reducing Combat Power Rate by 30% for 15 seconds.
  • The final hit Invalidates Prowess effects from the Opponent equal to the amount of Repulsor Debuffs they have.

Dev Notes: This ability is utilized for Power Suppression and breaking out of the normal Gameplay Loop you’ll find yourself in with this kit. The heavy attack has a strong focus on being especially effective against Mutants as well, again. This is noticed via the Invalidate. Stacking a boat load of Repulsor Debuffs on the Opponent prior to utilizing this should prove an efficient way to deal with Prowess ramping on Mutant Champions.

Signature Ability[]

Protective Heart - Always Active

  • Once per fight when Ironheart drops below 15% Health, she gains a Regeneration Buff healing 35% of her Maximum Health over 10 seconds. While she has this Buff, she gains +15~35% Critical Resistance.
  • While she has any active Armor Up effect, Ironheart gains a Bulwark Passive increasing Block Proficiency by +25%.
  • Repulsor Debuffs gain 22.19% increased potency.

Dev Notes: The Signature Ability is meant to get Ironheart back into the fight if she is taking a beating. In combination with the Regeneration Buff, granting Critical Resistance and the Bulwark Passive should be enough strong utility to allow Ironheart to sustain attacks and fully benefit from her Regeneration, not being killed off during the process. The additional bonus to the Repulsor Debuffs just allows her Gameplay Loop to become that much stronger and reliable for damage.

Special Attacks[]

Special Attack 1 - Light Show

  • The first and final hits inflict 1 Repulsor Debuff.
  • The final hit also inflicts a non-stacking Vulnerability Passive reducing Physical and Energy Resistance by 831.6 for 20 seconds, and pauses Repulsor Debuffs for 8 seconds.

Dev Notes: The Special 1 is an integral part of this kit as it Pauses the Repulsor Debuffs for enough time for you to build them up and make critical decisions with the count on the Opponent. The purpose of the Pause is to allow enough time to build up to your Special Attack 2 as that attack benefits for additional Repulsor Debuffs on the Opponent.

Special 2 - Uni-beamed

  • Each hit gains +1039.5 Attack Rating for each Repulsor Debuff on the Opponent and Armor Up effect on Ironheart.

Dev Notes: This attack is the real fight finisher. Players should be building up as much Armor Ups and Repulsor Debuffs on the Opponents as possible before executing this attack, which lends to needing to use the Special Attack 1 above properly. This is a hard to dex special as well, so most likely will connect.

Special 3 - Stasis Protocol

  • Instantly Power Drain the Opponent for up to 2 Bars of Power. For each Bar of Power Drained, gain an indefinite Armor Up Passive, increasing Armor Rating by +250 and inflict an indefinite Repulsor Debuff. Max stacks: 5. Indefinite Repulsor Debuffs suffer 20% reduced potency for each indefinite Repulsor Debuff already active when inflicted.

Dev Notes: This is a nice power control ability if you get pushed to this level. Players will hope to utilize this as soon as their Opponent reaches their Special 2 as to benefit the most from this ability. The indefinite Buffs and Debuffs this grants allows for an indefinite increase in damage output from your Special 2, pairing nicely together for longer fights. The reduced potency is to avoid having way to much consistent Damage Per Second in longer end game content via the indefinite Debuffs.

Synergy Bonuses[]

Synergy Partner(s) Effect(s)
Wakanda Strong Black Panther portraitShuri portrait Black Panther: First and final hits of Special Attack 1 have a 100% chance to be a Guaranteed Critical Hit.
Shuri: Special Attack 1 hits have a 30% chance to inflict a personal Shock Debuff.
Ironheart: Final hit of Special Attack 1 grants an Unstoppable Buff for 8 seconds
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
Champions Spider-Man (Miles Morales) portraitMs. Marvel (Kamala Khan) portraitDust portraitViv Vision portrait Spider-Man (Miles Morales), Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan), Dust: Final hit of Special Attack 1 Pauses all personal Debuffs and Furies for 3 seconds.
Ironheart, Viv Vision: Reduce the duration of Armor Up cooldowns by 2 seconds.
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
Family Lv. 3 Iron Man portraitIron Man (Infinity War) portrait All Champions: Gain +6% Health
Enemies Lv. 3 Captain Marvel (Classic) portraitIron Man (Infamous) portraitUltron portraitRhino portraitDoctor Octopus portrait All Champions: Gain +155 Critical Rating

Strengths and Weaknesses[]


  • Rupture
    • Her Rupture Repulsor Debuff choice allows her Medium Attacks and Dex’ing properly to inflict Rupture Debuffs, as well as her special attacks deal bursts of the physical damage associated with Rupture Debuffs.
  • Incinerate
    • Her Incinerate Repulsor Debuff choice allows her Medium Attacks and Dex’ing properly to inflict Incinerate Debuffs, as well as her special attacks deal bursts of the energy damage associated with Incinerate Debuffs.
  • Armor Up
    • This is a throwback to tech classes and ironsuits in general having Armor Up as a gameplay mechanic. A lot of her Immunities and some additional gameplay effects will play off of this binary effect so Armor Shatter/Break will be a useful counter to this champion.
  • Tracking
    • Tracking is a strong mechanic that will let Ironheart bypass Miss, hitting enemies that generally benefit from this gameplay effect! This will be a strong utility for some meta counters she comes across. Plus the ability to parry non contact hits and Unblockable special attacks from Mutants is going to benefit her well. The Offensive Ability Accuracy at this point is just icing on the cake.


  • Armor Break / Shatter
    • Seeing that a lot of thing trigger off of Armor Ups being active on Ironheart, being able to prevent her from utilizing these gameplay effects will be a giant weakness for her.
  • Unblockable / Unstoppable
    • Not giving her a chance to stop you or get a hit in without getting hit herself will be very detrimental to her, as she is a Glass Cannon.
  • Special Lock
    • Her Special Attack 1 carries her gameplay loop and feeds into her Special Attack 2 so special locking her will stop her from generating mass amounts of damage in her kit and shut down her Debuff loop.

Recommended Masteries[]


  • Reducing the healing and Regeneration potency per Debuff effect on the Opponent can be used to almost shut down these effects entirely if need be as her Debuff application is super reliable.

Collar Tech[]

  • Combined with the Suppression she has via her Heavy Attack, this can combine to be a very strong Power Control utility.


  • The reduction of enemy Attack will almost always be maxed at the 36% with her effective application of Debuffs. This is a strong utility, and will reduce 1/3rd of the damage she’s taking, almost always.

Recommended Relics[]


  • Really adds to Incinerate potency and efficacy in her kit.

Green Goblin[]

  • Being able to throw specials more often with this relic will increase her DPS greatly, as she utilizes her Special 1 and Special 2 to do her most damage! Also plays off the Power Drain in her kit.



Tech List of Tech Champions Tech

Playable: Ant-Man (Future)ArcadeArnim ZolaCaptain America (Sam Wilson)Civil WarriorDarkhawkDoctor OctopusGhostGreen GoblinGuardianGuillotine 2099HenchpoolHoward the DuckHulkbusterIron ManIron Man (Infamous)Iron Man (Infinity War)Iron PatriotIronheartJack O'LanternKang the ConquerorLady DeathstrikeMysterioNebulaNimrodOmega SentinelPeni ParkerProwlerPsycho-ManPunisher 2099Red Skull Rocket RaccoonSentinelShockerShuriSilver CenturionSpider-Man (Stark Enhanced)Star-LordUltronUltron (Classic)VisionVision (Age of Ultron)Vision (Deathless)Viv VisionVultureWar MachineWarlockYondu
Not playable: Adaptoid (Hydra) ● CerastesDeadpooloidDoombotKang the ConquerorSentineloidStar-KangSymbioidUltron Drone
Upcoming: None

Champions (2016) logo List of Champions Champions Champions (2016) logo
Black Widow SkillBlack Widow (Deadly Origin) SkillDust MutantGhost Rider MysticIronheart TechMs. Marvel (Kamala Khan) CosmicSpider-Man (Miles Morales) ScienceViv Vision Tech
List of Hero Champions
Adam Warlock CosmicÆgon SkillAgent Venom SkillAmerica Chavez MysticAngela CosmicAnt-Man ScienceAnt-Man (Future) TechArchangel MutantBeast MutantBeta Ray Bill CosmicBishop MutantBlack Bolt CosmicBlack Cat SkillBlack Panther SkillBlack Panther (Civil War) SkillBlack Widow SkillBlack Widow (Claire Voyant) MysticBlack Widow (Deadly Origin) SkillBlade SkillCable MutantCaptain America ScienceCaptain America (Infinity War) ScienceCaptain America (Sam Wilson) TechCaptain America (WWII) ScienceCaptain Britain MutantCaptain Marvel CosmicCaptain Marvel (Classic) CosmicCassie Lang ScienceChee'ilth SkillCivil Warrior TechColossus MutantCosmic Ghost Rider CosmicCyclops (Blue Team) MutantDani Moonstar MutantDaredevil (Classic) SkillDaredevil (Hell's Kitchen) SkillDarkhawk TechDazzler MutantDoctor Strange MysticDoctor Voodoo MysticDomino MutantDragon Man MysticDrax CosmicDust MutantElektra SkillElsa Bloodstone SkillEmma Frost MutantFalcon SkillGambit MutantGamora CosmicGhost Rider MysticGladiator CosmicGroot CosmicGuardian TechGuillotine MysticGwenpool SkillHavok MutantHawkeye SkillHeimdall CosmicHercules CosmicHoward the Duck TechHulk ScienceHulk (Immortal) ScienceHulk (Ragnarok) ScienceHulkbuster TechHulkling CosmicHuman Torch ScienceHyperion CosmicIceman MutantIkaris CosmicInvisible Woman ScienceIron Fist MysticIron Fist (Immortal) MysticIron Man TechIron Man (Infamous) TechIron Man (Infinity War) TechIronheart TechJabari Panther SkillJessica Jones ScienceJubilee MutantKate Bishop SkillKitty Pryde MutantKorg SkillKushala MysticLongshot MysticLuke Cage ScienceMagik MysticMagneto (House of X) MutantMan-Thing MysticMantis SkillMedusa CosmicMister Fantastic ScienceMisty Knight SkillMoondragon SkillMs. Marvel CosmicMs. Marvel (Kamala Khan) CosmicNamor MutantNegasonic Teenage Warhead MutantNick Fury SkillNight Thrasher SkillNightcrawler MutantNorthstar MutantNova CosmicOdin CosmicOkoye SkillOld Man Logan MutantPatriot SkillPeni Parker TechPhoenix CosmicPhoton ScienceProfessor X MutantProwler TechPsylocke MutantPunisher SkillQuake ScienceQuicksilver ScienceRed Guardian SkillRintrah MysticRocket Raccoon TechRogue MutantRonin SkillSasquatch MysticScarlet Witch MysticScarlet Witch (Classic) MysticSentry ScienceSersi CosmicShang-Chi SkillShe-Hulk ScienceShuri TechSilk ScienceSilver Centurion TechSilver Surfer CosmicSorcerer Supreme MysticSpider-Gwen ScienceSpider-Ham ScienceSpider-Man (Classic) ScienceSpider-Man (Miles Morales) ScienceSpider-Man (Stark Enhanced) TechSpider-Man (Stealth Suit) SkillSpider-Man (Supreme) MysticSpider-Man (Symbiote) CosmicSpider-Man 2099 ScienceSpider-Punk ScienceSquirrel Girl SkillStar-Lord TechStorm MutantSunspot MutantSuperior Iron Man CosmicThing ScienceThor CosmicThor (Jane Foster) MysticThor (Ragnarok) SkillTigra MysticValkyrie SkillVision TechVision (Aarkus) CosmicVision (Age of Ultron) TechViv Vision TechWar Machine TechWarlock TechWasp ScienceWerewolf By Night MysticWhite Tiger MysticWiccan MysticWolverine MutantWolverine (X-23) MutantWong Mystic