The Grandmaster: Greetings, mortal. You are the one favored by my brother, aren't you? The Grandmaster: Or should I say, one of the many. Loyalty was never Taneleer's strong suit. He values objects above people, even his own family. The Collector: Stay away from the Summoner, En Dwi! I know you're afraid of the Champions they control! You will not seduce them to your side! The Grandmaster: Afraid? Dear brother... I can see your bluff, and I'll call it. I will deploy a SINGLE one of my Champions against your entire team of amateurs. The Grandmaster: May I introduce to you... Loki of Asgard. Loki: Brother against brother in a cosmic contest? How... nostalgic!
- Transmission #1 - Upon starting the Quest
Thor (Jane Foster): I have come to your aid, Summoner. The God of Mischief is not someone to be trifled with. Thor (Jane Foster): He is averse to physical confrontation, so he will try to manipulate others into fighting for him. However, be careful when engaging him directly. He is a son of Asgard, and his powers are fearsome. Thor (Jane Foster): Most of all, beware of his illusions. Nothing is what it seems with Loki.
- Transmission #2
Captain America: Quick, Summoner! Loki went that way! Follow me! Thor (Jane Foster): Don't believe him, Summoner. That is Loki, in a vain attempt to fool us! Enough with your shape-shifting, villain! Fight me now! Loki: Oohh, you caught me! But fear not. I would never lay a finger on a woman. Instead, why don't you send forth your best Champions? I am sure they will defend your honour... Thor (Jane Foster): FIGHT ME, YOU SNIVELING CUR!
- Transmission #3
Thor (Jane Foster): You are cornered, Laufeyson. Loki: You mean WE are cornered. You see, I always had this way with wild beasts... And this one is particularly susceptible to my whispering. Isn't that right, Dr. Banner? Hulk: RARRRGGHHH!!!! Loki: I believe you were involved last time, when I took his intellect away? Oh right, that was the other Thor. The one with much bigger arms. Well, have fun!
- Transmission #4 - Before fighting Hulk