Captain America (WWII): That was a close call. Thanks, Summoner, we owe you one. Vision: My calculations were incorrect. The Collector is apparently finished working with M.O.D.O.K. on his nefarious contraptions. We must locate another means of escaping. Deadpool (X-Force): Does this mean The Collector can come to my BBQ now that he's done developing Portals? Doctor Voodoo: That's it! Portals! Summoner, do you remember how Portals work? Vision: I would surmise that they involve dimensional bridges, would they not? Doctor Voodoo: You would surmise correctly. They are instabilities in the fabric of the Battlerealm itself, but perhaps The Collector is not the only one who can manipulate them.
- Transmission #1 - Upon starting the Quest
Doctor Voodoo: A Portal is just ahead, Summoner! Step inside and perhaps we can study it from within. Captain America (WWII): Doctor, are you sure? It could be dangerous -- The Collector knows we're trying to escape. Doctor Voodoo: Nothing ventured, nothing gained, Captain. This may be our best option for freedom from that twisted Elder's grasp. Lead the way Summoner.
- Transmission #2
Gwenpool: Okay... Keys... Wallet... Notepad... Dang! I forgot the notepad... Well, whatever, I'm pretty sure I remember what I was supposed to tell you guys. Wolverine: I thought I told you to get lost, bub. Vision: I detect no deception in her voice. We may want to listen. Captain America (WWII): The Collector has corrupted the minds of Champions before...Let's keep moving. Time is of the essence. Gwenpool: Hey, wait! It's really important! I promise! Gwenpool: COME BACK HERE!
- Transmission #3
Gwenpool: Hey! I'm talking to you! I'm supposed to tell you something and you just keep walking away! How rude is that? Gwenpool: And now we're at the end of the quest and I don't even get a cool cutscene or anything! Gwenpool: And now I'm gonna have to find you in another timeline and I'm out of dialogue and we're gonna have to fight and you seem nice enough but I'm the boss so I can't hold back yanno? Okay, Let's do this!
- Transmission #4 - Before fighting Gwenpool