Beast: Who was that you were arguing with? Where did Scott go? Emma Frost: *Sigh* That was Nathaniel Essex. Bishop: What in the world were you doing with Mister Sinister? You don't need me to tell you he's nothing but bad news. Wolverine: Probably promised ya a nice little boost in power, eh? Emma Frost: Not just for me, Logan. For all of us…
- Transmission #1 - Upon starting the Quest
Emma Frost: We've been working together for months, holed away in the science labs you conveniently failed to reach when you infiltrated my academy last time. Emma Frost: He promised an exponential gain in mutation potency and resilience - not just the end of regressive and deadly mutations… Mutant ascendancy! Emma Frost: I saw his vision of a mutant utopia in the Battlerealm. Gambit: Don't sound so bad ta me. Emma Frost: It didn't to me either, until I found out how he's going to do it: he's been experimenting on the DNA of different mutants as a means to this "mutant parade." Emma Frost: His latest subject is Alex Summers: Havok.
- Transmission #2
Emma Frost: You've no doubt noticed your powers seem to be… inhibited lately. Bishop: We figured you had something to do with it. Emma Frost: It's all Essex. His early tests on Havok are the cause, but it's only a matter of time before he conducts the full experiment. Emma Frost: I kicked him out of my academy hoping to starve him of resources but a man of his intelligence with such a singular vision won't be slowed for long. Gambit: Sounds like we oughtta just leave well enough alone. He said it'd be a "mutant paradise" and we's all mutants, ain't we?
- Transmission #3
Magneto: I will not stand by and watch Essex build a "utopia" on top of mutant bones. I will die before I see him succeed. Beast: On that, Erik, we can agree. Emma Frost: Looks like we managed to find something we all have in common. There is one more thing I must tell you -- Sabretooth: Not so fast. I think it's about time to put an end to this touching moment. Magneto: Victor? What are you doing? Sabretooth: Earnin' my paycheck. Wolverine: Once a merc always a merc. You need to learn who to trust, Erik.
- Transmission #4 - Before fighting Sabretooth