Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki
Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki
Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki

Misty Knight is a Skill champion. Being a Skill champion, she has a class advantage against Science champions but a disadvantage against Mutant champions.


Expert detective and veteran of the toughest streets of New York, Mercedes “Misty” Knight is joining the contest to bring justice through any means necessary. After losing her arm in an incident while working with the NYPD Bomb Squad, Misty was gifted a cybernetic replacement from the one and only Tony Stark. This powerful prosthetic, made of Antarctic Vibranium, carries the ability to harness cryogenic energy and liquefy all but the strongest of metals. With these new powers, Misty has dedicated her life to taking down the most dangerous criminals across the globe. She isn't afraid to do whatever it takes to get the job done, even if it costs an arm.


Misty Knight builds two unique charges, Anti-Metal and Cryogenic. She can build these up by performing actions such as Parrying, Dodging, and ending Combos. Misty Knight wants to activate her Equilibrium ability by keeping these charges equal, giving her Precision, Unblockable, and Maximum Bionic Overcharge, which grants her Guaranteed Critical Hits for a short duration. When Misty Knight has high Charges, she can spend them using her Special Attacks to increase their power or add new utility.


Tier Max Rating Max Health Max Attack
TierStarTierStar 575 2191 201
AwakenedAwakened - - -
TierStarTierStarTierStar 1528 5821 534
AwakenedAwakenedAwakened - - -
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 3841 14596 1339
AwakenedAwakenedAwakenedAwakened - - -
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 7739 29264 2685
AwakenedAwakenedAwakenedAwakenedAwakened - - -
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 13200 49935 4581
AwakenedAwakenedAwakenedAwakenedAwakenedAwakened - - -


Anti-Metal and Cryogenic Charges - Max 12

  • Misty has the ability to build Anti-Metal and Cryogenic Charges using her metallic arm. These Charges provide benefits once they reach certain thresholds or become balanced, putting Misty into Equilibrium. Charges capped at 12 Charges each.
  • For each Anti-Metal Charge, Misty gains a 3% chance to instantly Purify any incoming Debuffs.
  • For each Cryogenic Charge, Misty gains a 1% chance to Evade attacks.

Dev Notes: Anti-Metal and Cryogenic Charges are the core to Misty Knight’s Kit, building them while doing your best to keep them balanced is the key to annihilating your opponents as Misty Knight. Additionally, the Purify and Evade are very useful defensive tools, however, you should be spending your charges often to deal maximum damage.

Building Charges

  • When either Champion performs a Well-Timed Block, Misty gains 2 Anti-Metal Charges. Against Science Champions, Misty gains 3 Charges instead.
  • When either Champion Dodges an attack, Misty gains 2 Cryogenic Charges. Against Science Champions, Misty gains 3 Charges instead. Cooldown: 0.8 Seconds.
  • When Misty lands a Light combo ender, she gains 1 Anti-Metal Charges.
  • When Misty lands a Medium combo ender, she gains 1 Cryogenic Charges.
  • The first hit of Misty’s Heavy attack raises her lower charge by 3 if there is a difference of at least 3 between her two Charges. First hit increases Anti-Metal, final hit increases Cryogenic.
  • When Misty gets struck by a basic attack, she has a 20% chance to increase her lower charge by 1, if they are currently equal, both Charges get increased by 1.

Dev Notes: Misty Knight’s core kit revolves around the Parry and Dexterity Masteries, you’ll be using them often to build up charges as Misty. Additional methods of building charges are focused on making minor changes to keep Misty in Equilibrium as easily as possible.

Master of Parry and Dexterity

  • Misty Knight benefits from Rank 1 of the Parry and Dexterity Mastery Bonuses, even if they are not activated.
  • If the Parry Mastery has already been activated, Misty starts with an extra 2 Anti-Metal Charges.
  • If the Dexterity Mastery has already been activated, Misty starts with an extra 2 Cryogenic Charges.

Dev Notes: The Masteries Parry and Dexterity come into play for the casual and intermediate players that haven’t unlocked them yet. Hardcore players are rewarded for having these Masteries by gaining a headstart on their Charge count.


  • Whenever both of Misty's Charges become equal, she gains non-stackable Buffs. If Misty is at max Charges and gains another, the Buffs are refreshed if they are not on cooldown.
  • When balanced at 3 or more Charges, Misty gains a Precision Buff for 14 seconds, increasing Critical Rating by X per charge.
Tier Critical Rating
TierStarTierStar 52.58
TierStarTierStarTierStar 57.22
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 61.86
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 64.95
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 69.59
  • When balanced at 6 or more Charges, Misty becomes Unblockable for 6 seconds. Once activated, this Ability goes on cooldown for 6 seconds.
  • When balanced at 9 or more Charges, Misty gains a Bionic Overcharge Buff, dealing guaranteed Critical Hits for 6 seconds. Once activated, this Ability goes on cooldown for 6 seconds.
  • All Equilibrium Buffs are paused during Special Attacks.

Dev Notes: This is where Misty Knight’s Skill aspect of her character starts to shine, once you get familiar with her kit you can do your best to start balancing your charges to gain huge benefits. The pause is added to make carrying these benefits between specials easier since her Special Attacks have long animations.

Signature Ability[]

Background Investigation - Passive

  • Misty analyzes the Opponent’s Class to gain a unique effect to counter them. Misty takes 47-27 seconds to investigate the Opponent. When the investigation is complete, she gains an effect lasting 18 seconds before restarting her investigation.
  • Science - Misty instantly Purifies all Debuffs and her Instant Purification chance jumps to 100%.
  • Skill - Misty gains a Fury Buff for each Bleed effect currently on her, increasing Attack Rating by X.
Tier Attack Rating
TierStarTierStar 40.2
TierStarTierStarTierStar 106.8
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 267.8
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 537
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 916.2
  • Mutant - The mysteries of the X-gene elude Misty’s superb detective skills.
  • Tech - If the Opponent has 2 or more Armor Up Buffs when Misty’s Special Attack 1 connects, a second Armor Break is applied.
  • Cosmic - Inflict a Disorient Debuff, decreasing their Block Proficiency by 5% and Defensive Ability Accuracy by 10% for each unique buff on the Opponent.
  • Mystic - Inflict a Suppression Debuff, reducing Opponent Combat Power Rate by 10% for each bar of power on the Opponent.

Dev Notes: The purpose of Misty Knight’s Signature Ability was to add unique effects based on the opponent that wouldn’t change her core loop. This timer-based system was chosen to allow opponents to play around them easily (IE. Not putting bleeds on Misty Knight until her Investigation had already started) this changes the fight while fighting Misty Knight - but not while playing as her.

Special Attacks[]

Special 1 - Metal Arm of the Law
Utilizing her incredible martial arts training, Misty performs a sequence of kicks and gunshots before finishing her opponent off by shattering the ground with her metal arm

  • Consumes all Anti-Metal Charges, increasing Attack Rating by X per Charge.
Tier Attack Rating
TierStarTierStar 40.2
TierStarTierStarTierStar 106.8
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 267.8
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 537
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 916.2
  • If Misty consumes 6 or more Anti-Metal Charges, the attack becomes Unblockable.
  • If Misty consumes 9 or more Anti-Metal Charges, inflict Armor Break Debuff on the first hit, reducing Armor Rating by X for 16 seconds.
Tier Armor Rating
TierStarTierStar 728.57
TierStarTierStarTierStar 792.86
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 857.14
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 900
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 964.29

Dev Notes: Misty Knight’s Special 1 is a huge cash moment for her Anti-Metal Charges to deal massive amounts of damage to her opponent. This also pairs very well with her Special 2 to deal massive damage, as the increased Attack Rating will also impact the damage of the Frostbites.

Special 2 - Freeze!
Misty fires multiple bullets at the opponent, leading up to a giant beam of Cryogenic energy, leaving them frozen and frostbitten.

  • Consumes all Cryogenic Charges to inflict a Coldsnap Debuff, dealing X Energy Damage over 14 seconds.
Tier Coldsnap Damage
TierStarTierStar 402
TierStarTierStarTierStar 1068
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 2678
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 5370
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 9162
  • While this Coldsnap is active, all basic attacks inflict an indefinite Frostbite Passive and Critical Hits inflict 1 additional Frostbite. When this Coldsnap expires naturally, all Frostbites are shattered, removing them and dealing X Energy Damage each.
Tier Energy Damage
TierStarTierStar 54.27
TierStarTierStarTierStar 144.18
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 361.53
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 724.95
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 1236.87
  • If Misty consumes 6 or more Cryogenic Charges, the Opponent is Stunned for 2 second(s) when all Frostbites shatter.

Dev Notes: Special 2 provides a large portion of Misty Knight’s Utility and Damage, as it opens up the opportunity to stack Frostbites on the opponent as well as prevent them from Evading, which can be found quite a bit in the Science Class.

Special 3 - Maximum Bionic Overcharge
Misty overloads the energy in her metallic arm to kick it into Maximum Overcharge, throwing out numerous punches and kicks before annihilating her opponent into the ground with an energy-filled metallic punch.

  • Instantly max out both Charges, gaining all effects of Equilibrium.
  • Gain an Energize Buff that increases Combat Power Rate by 35% for 14 seconds.

Dev Notes: The Special 3 acts as a great entry-level tool for long fights, since it immediately gives Misty Knight all benefits from Equilibrium along with an Energize to help her get back in the flow of using Special 2. This acts as a crutch for newer players that need help getting into Equilibrium easily.

Synergy Bonuses[]

Synergy Partner(s) Effect(s)
Knights in Shining Armor Iron Fist portraitIron Fist (Immortal) portraitCaptain America (Sam Wilson) portrait All Champions: +60 Armor Rating and 3% Power Gain.
All Rise Daredevil (Classic) portraitDaredevil (Hell's Kitchen) portraitShe-Hulk portrait Synergy Champions: +5% Attack Rating.
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
You're Busted Elsa Bloodstone portrait Misty Knight: When Misty gains a Cryogenic Charge, there is a 30% of inflicting a Busted Debuff on the opponent. Increasing potency of Coldsnap by 50% for 16 seconds.
Elsa Bloodstone: All Busted Debuffs have their durations increased by 15%.
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
Amazing Detectives Slash Geniuses Human Torch portrait Misty Knight: Misty starts with an extra 2 Anti-Metal and Cryogenic Charges.
Human Torch: Special 2’s Stun duration increased by 33%.
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
Heroes for Hire - Level 3 Black Cat portrait All Champions: +85 Block Proficiency & Physical Resistance.
Teammates - Level 3 Black Panther portraitLuke Cage portraitIron Man portraitWar Machine portrait All Champions: +5% Perfect Block Chance.
Incoming Synergy Partner(s) Effect(s)
Ice Queens Kate Bishop portrait Misty Knight: When an Opponent fails to trigger an Evade due to Coldsnap, inflict a personal Frostbite Passive.
Kate Bishop: When an Opponent fails to trigger an Evade due to Coldsnap or reduced Ability Accuracy, inflict a Frostbite Passive for 10 seconds, dealing 50% of Attack as Energy Damage when it expires.
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
How much for the Arms? Rocket Raccoon portrait Rocket Raccoon: Whenever Rocket inflicts Armor Break using his Heavy Attack, he gains an Armor Up Buff increasing Armor Rating by 400 for 10 seconds. Max 5.
Misty Knight: Whenever Misty would gain 2 Anti-Metal or Cryogenic Charges, she gains 3 instead.
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
Rival Metallurgy Shuri portrait Synergy Champions: Shock and Coldsnap effects gain +20% potency and are paused during the Opponent’s Special Attacks.
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
A Night to Remember Valkyrie portrait Valkyrie: While Valkyrie has an equal number of Pierce and Bulwark Buffs, she becomes Unstoppable while charging her Heavy Attack.
Misty Knight: Spending Anti-Metal or Cryogenic Charges pauses active Equilibrium Buffs for 11 second(s).
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.

Strengths and Weaknesses[]


  • Coldsnap
    • Misty Knight can apply Coldsnap on her opponent using her Special 2, this denies mobile Science Heroes their Evade capabilities and also allows her to place Frostbites on the opponent.
  • Anti-Metal Armor Breaks
    • Misty Knight consumes her Anti-Metal Charges to apply Armor Breaks to her opponent, taking out bulky threats with ease at the cost of her Charges.
  • Purify
    • Both Anti-Metal Charges and Misty Knight’s Signature Ability are great at Purifying Debuffs from the Opponent.


  • Imbalance
    • Misty Knight gains multiple benefits from keeping her Charges balanced, by performing actions that increase her charges you can skew her charges to ensure she never gains these benefits.
  • Purify Punish
    • Misty Knight has a chance to Purify incoming Debuffs based on her Anti-Metal Charge amount. Meaning you can increase her Anti-Metal Charges and punish her when she Purifies Stuns or other Debuffs.
  • Coldsnap Immunity
    • Misty Knight’s Primary source of damage comes from the burst of damage when her Coldsnap ends, meaning that you can cut off her primary damage source using Immunity.

Recommended Masteries[]

  • Parry
    • Increases Misty’s Anti-Metal Charges by 2.
  • Dexterity
    • Increases Misty’s Cryogenic Charges by 2.


  • Although Misty Knight was released on March 3rd, a 3-star version was gifted on February 11th.

External links[]

Kabam Forums Champion Spotlight Misty Knight. Kabam Forums. February 6, 2022.



Skill List of Skill Champions Skill

Playable: ÆgonAgent VenomAttumaBaron ZemoBlack CatBlack PantherBlack Panther (Civil War)Black WidowBlack Widow (Deadly Origin)BladeBullseyeChee'ilthCrossbonesDaredevil (Classic)Daredevil (Hell's Kitchen)ElektraElsa BloodstoneFalconGwenpoolHawkeyeHenchpoolHit-MonkeyJabari PantherKarnakKate BishopKillmongerKingpinKorgKravenMantisMasacreMisty KnightMole ManMoon KnightMoondragonNick FuryNight ThrasherPunisherRoninShang-ChiSilver SableSpider-Man (Stealth Suit)Squirrel GirlTaskmasterThor (Ragnarok)ValkyrieWinter Soldier
Not playable: AdaptoidBlack Widow (Scytalis)DeadpooloidDoombotFrank StrangeIron SkullPunishing AngelSentineloidSymbioidUltron Drone
Upcoming: Okoye

List of Hero Champions
Adam Warlock CosmicÆgon SkillAgent Venom SkillAmerica Chavez MysticAngela CosmicAnt-Man ScienceAnt-Man (Future) TechArchangel MutantBeast MutantBeta Ray Bill CosmicBishop MutantBlack Bolt CosmicBlack Cat SkillBlack Panther SkillBlack Panther (Civil War) SkillBlack Widow SkillBlack Widow (Claire Voyant) MysticBlack Widow (Deadly Origin) SkillBlade SkillCable MutantCaptain America ScienceCaptain America (Infinity War) ScienceCaptain America (Sam Wilson) TechCaptain America (WWII) ScienceCaptain Britain MutantCaptain Marvel CosmicCaptain Marvel (Classic) CosmicCassie Lang ScienceChee'ilth SkillCivil Warrior TechColossus MutantCosmic Ghost Rider CosmicCyclops (Blue Team) MutantDani Moonstar MutantDaredevil (Classic) SkillDaredevil (Hell's Kitchen) SkillDarkhawk TechDazzler MutantDoctor Strange MysticDoctor Voodoo MysticDomino MutantDragon Man MysticDrax CosmicDust MutantElektra SkillElsa Bloodstone SkillEmma Frost MutantFalcon SkillGambit MutantGamora CosmicGhost Rider MysticGladiator CosmicGroot CosmicGuardian TechGuillotine MysticGwenpool SkillHavok MutantHawkeye SkillHeimdall CosmicHercules CosmicHoward the Duck TechHulk ScienceHulk (Immortal) ScienceHulk (Ragnarok) ScienceHulkbuster TechHulkling CosmicHuman Torch ScienceHyperion CosmicIceman MutantIkaris CosmicInvisible Woman ScienceIron Fist MysticIron Fist (Immortal) MysticIron Man TechIron Man (Infamous) TechIron Man (Infinity War) TechIronheart TechJabari Panther SkillJessica Jones ScienceJubilee MutantKate Bishop SkillKitty Pryde MutantKorg SkillKushala MysticLongshot MysticLuke Cage ScienceMagik MysticMagneto (House of X) MutantMan-Thing MysticMantis SkillMedusa CosmicMister Fantastic ScienceMisty Knight SkillMoondragon SkillMs. Marvel CosmicMs. Marvel (Kamala Khan) CosmicNamor MutantNegasonic Teenage Warhead MutantNick Fury SkillNight Thrasher SkillNightcrawler MutantNorthstar MutantNova CosmicOdin CosmicOld Man Logan MutantPatriot SkillPeni Parker TechPhoenix CosmicPhoton ScienceProfessor X MutantProwler TechPsylocke MutantPunisher SkillQuake ScienceQuicksilver ScienceRed Guardian SkillRintrah MysticRocket Raccoon TechRogue MutantRonin SkillSasquatch MysticScarlet Witch MysticScarlet Witch (Classic) MysticSentry ScienceSersi CosmicShang-Chi SkillShe-Hulk ScienceShuri TechSilk ScienceSilver Centurion TechSilver Surfer CosmicSorcerer Supreme MysticSpider-Gwen ScienceSpider-Ham ScienceSpider-Man (Classic) ScienceSpider-Man (Miles Morales) ScienceSpider-Man (Stark Enhanced) TechSpider-Man (Stealth Suit) SkillSpider-Man (Supreme) MysticSpider-Man (Symbiote) CosmicSpider-Man 2099 ScienceSpider-Punk ScienceSquirrel Girl SkillStar-Lord TechStorm MutantSunspot MutantSuperior Iron Man CosmicThing ScienceThor CosmicThor (Jane Foster) MysticThor (Ragnarok) SkillTigra MysticValkyrie SkillVision TechVision (Aarkus) CosmicVision (Age of Ultron) TechViv Vision TechWar Machine TechWarlock TechWasp ScienceWerewolf By Night MysticWhite Tiger MysticWiccan MysticWolverine MutantWolverine (X-23) MutantWong Mystic
List of Mercenary Champions
Absorbing Man MysticBlack Widow SkillBlack Widow (Deadly Origin) SkillBullseye SkillCrossbones SkillDeadpool MutantDeadpool (X-Force) MutantDomino MutantElektra SkillGoldpool MutantGwenpool SkillHit-Monkey SkillKarnak SkillLuke Cage ScienceMasacre SkillMisty Knight SkillMoon Knight SkillNebula TechPlatinumpool MutantSabretooth MutantSilver Sable SkillTaskmaster SkillWinter Soldier SkillWolverine (Weapon X) MutantYondu Tech