Monte is the first Quest in the second Chapter in the Story Event Phantasmagoria.
To be added
Deadpool: You'll never guess what happened!
Spider-Man (Classic): You lost her while trying to take a picture of you two?
Deadpool: Close! I was trying to... uh... "acquire" her phone's battery. Mine is running low, and if we're going to be seeing every Spider-person today, I need to make sure I can get photographic proof of our friendship!
Deadpool: But not only did she not have it, she vanished in a puff of smoke before I could question her!
Spider-Man (Classic): I'm going to ignore your attempted robbery for a just a second... Did you say she also vanished from the scene of the crime while passed out?
Deadpool: Yeah, in a large cloud of smoke, just like my damage deposit when Al tried out the shooting range I set up in the living room.
Spider-Man (Classic): Miles can turn invisible, so he could escape pretty easily. Gwen can't though, and she also doesn't use smoke bombs.
Spider-Man (Classic): They must have been fakes. Designed to vanish before anyone can figure out they aren't real.
Deadpool: I see where you're going with this! It can't be attempted robbery if the person doesn't exist, right?
- Transmission #1 - Upon starting the Quest
Spider-Man (Classic): ... regardless of if they exist it's still attempted robbery... Wait, who's that over there?
Deadpool: That's just the Summoner's omnipresent face over the Battlerealm; just try to not make direct eye contact.
Spider-Man (Classic): No, that person! The one sneaking around in the black suit.
Spider-Man (Stealth Suit): Yeah, that's probably it. Can you get someone to run diagnostics on the ones we've seen?
Spider-Man (Classic): He's talking to himself. Interesting...
Deadpool: Oh now you find people who talk to themselves interesting?!
Caption: Yeah! Where was that optimism when you first met me? We could have been best buddies so much sooner!
Caption: Well it probably has to do with the fact that of the three voices talking, he can only hear one of them.
Deadpool: Yeah, that's a good point!
Spider-Man (Classic): Uhh... sure. You do whatever it is you're doing, I'm going to get closer.
- Transmission #2
Spider-Man (Stealth Suit): What was that? Who's there? Identify yourself before I use force.
Deadpool: *Ahem* Meow?
Spider-Man (Classic): Wow. Great job Wade.
Deadpool: Good job? Cats can't vocally berate me so you are the one that blew our cover, Mr. Webbed Onesie.
Spider-Man (Stealth Suit): Hey, Nick... I mean Director Fury, I see two Spider-people, one armed. It appears they're teaming up now.
Spider-Man (Stealth Suit): Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.
Spider-Man (Stealth Suit): SMOKE BOMB!
Caption: *The echoing crash of a metal canister hitting the ground is soon drowned out by a constant hiss as smoke covers the immediate area.*
Spider-Man (Classic): Great! Now we need to be on the lookout for another Spider-Man in a black suit.
Deadpool: How hard could that be to find?
- Transmission #3
Deadpool: Watch this. Hello there sir, have you perchance come across a Spider-Man dressed in a dapper black suit?
Deadpool (X-Force): Oh just my luck! First people don't like me on their teams, then I get attacked by a trio of black suited Spider-people, and then, to top it all off, the less cool version of me pops up just to rub it in my face. Well good day sir!
Deadpool (X-Force): I SAID GOOD DAY!
Deadpool: There we go, I found you three whole black suited Spider-people!
Agent Venom: More like we found two suspicious people in cheap spider costumes. Not bad enough you've been attacking people and giving everyone with a spider logo a hard time, but now you're actively looking for "black suited Spider-people". Suspicious isn't it?
Spider-Man (Symbiote): ...
Venom: Sssurrender yourssselvesss to the ssssuperior sssymbiote lifeformsss or ssssuffer a--
Deadpool: Jeez, would you like to buy a vowel for all of those consonants you're spitting? Hey Sssssummoner, wanna take a sssstab at thisss sssucker?
- Transmission #4 - Before fighting Venom
Agent Venom: I thought the big lug would put up more of a fight. No matter.
Deadpool: Oh yeah? Well, uh... wait a sec, I need to think of a nickname for you.
Deadpool: I can think of a few, but they're all pretty insensitive towards your... uh, current position.
Agent Venom: Don't worry about it. I can still kick your ass no problem.
Spider-Man (Classic): Flash, do you really want to go toe-to-toe with your childhood hero? We're also trying to figure out what's happening and we could use your help.
Spider-Man (Classic): Right now we need the help of Eugene Thompson; war hero and friend to Spider-Man.
Deadpool: Wait! Your name is Eugene? Forget silly nicknames, I just need to go with that! Who names their kid Eugene?
Agent Venom: So close. You almost convinced me, Spider-Sham. Now let's see how well you stack up to some real spider powers.
- Transmission #5 - Before fighting Agent Venom
Spider-Man (Classic): Not every interaction needs to end with us fighting, Wade.
Deadpool: Suit yourself. I'll wait off-screen.
Spider-Man (Classic): Hey, look. I know there are a bunch of fake Spider-Man wannabes running around, but we're not them, and we don't want to fight.
Spider-Man (Symbiote): ...
Spider-Man (Classic): I know we fought the symbiote duo there, but to be fair we didn't want to do that.
Spider-Man (Symbiote): ...
Spider-Man (Classic): Look if you're just going to aggressively gesture and point at us, it's going to seem like you aren't interested in talking this out like civil Spider-people.
Deadpool: Don't worry, he wants to talk, and it just so happens that I finished some extra credit night courses in his native language...
- Transmission #5 - Before fighting Spider-Man (Symbiote)
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