Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki
Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki
Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki

Morningstar is a Mystic Champion. Being a Mystic Champion, she has a Class Bonus against Cosmic Champions, but is weak to Science Champions.


Queen Haasen conquered and ruthlessly ruled over her kingdom of Languria with only a few mercenaries, and a demonic sword. But her people rebelled against the Queen’s reign of fire and blood, and sealed her within a mystical iron maiden to suffer for all time. When Mephisto offered her a chance for vengeance, the Prince of Lies granted her new life in the tortured form of her walking iron tomb, and the weapon for which she is named: Morningstar.


Tier Max Rating Max Health Max Attack
TierStarTierStar 564 2371 173
AwakenedAwakened - - -
TierStarTierStarTierStar 1492 6299 458
AwakenedAwakenedAwakened - - -
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 3735 15797 1148
AwakenedAwakenedAwakenedAwakened - - -
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 7520 31673 2301
AwakenedAwakenedAwakenedAwakenedAwakened - - -
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 12820 54044 3927
AwakenedAwakenedAwakenedAwakenedAwakenedAwakened - - -



  • A lack of blood provides full immunity to Bleeding.

Captured Souls - Passive

  • Over the course of a quest, Morningstar’s weapon captures Souls and stored up to 5 of them, empowering both her and itself. Captured Souls travel with them from fight-to-fight.
  • 1 Soul: When struck with a Physical Contact attack, Morningstar has a 50% chance to cause her opponent to Bleed for X damage over 5 seconds.
Tier Bleed Damage
TierStarTierStar 86.5
TierStarTierStarTierStar 229
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 574
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 1150.5
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 1963.5
  • 2 Souls: Special 1 Triggers Unstoppable for 2.5 Seconds.
  • 3 Souls: Special 2 becomes Unblockable.
  • 4 Souls: Gain X Energy Resistance, and 50% Perfect Block Chance.
Tier Energy Resistance
TierStarTierStar 86.5
TierStarTierStarTierStar 229
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 574
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 1150.5
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 1963.5
  • 5 Souls: 20% chance on Hit to Regenerate 50% of the Damage done to the Opponent.

Heavy Attacks

  • 100% Chance to trigger a Power Gain granting 5% of Max Power per Captured Soul over 15 seconds. Max: 1 Stack.

Signature Ability[]

Soul Link - Passive

  • If Morningstar has less than 1 Captured Souls at the start of a fight, she gains 1.
  • Morningstar’s weapon grants her a link to her Opponent’s soul, allowing her to siphon away a portion of the power from any Fury, Power Gain, or Regeneration Buffs they trigger, reducing their potency by X%, and granting her her own Buff.
Tier Buff Potency %
TierStarTierStar 25 - 50.01%
TierStarTierStarTierStar 25 - 50.01%
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 25 - 50.01%
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 22.83 - 60%
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 22.83 - 60%
  • Fury: +X Attack for 15 Seconds.
Tier Attack Rating
TierStarTierStar 47.58 - 95.17
TierStarTierStarTierStar 125.95 - 251.95
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 315.7 - 631.51
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 1029.35 - 2461.22
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 1756.74 - 4200.44
  • Regeneration: +X Health over 15 Seconds.
Tier Regeneration
TierStarTierStar 148.19 - 296.43
TierStarTierStarTierStar 393.69 - 787.52
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 987.31 - 1974.98
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 2135.55 - 5226.22
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 3643.92 - 8917.55
  • Power Gain: +X% Power over 15 Seconds.
Tier Power Gain %
TierStarTierStar 11.25 - 22.5%
TierStarTierStarTierStar 11.25 - 22.5%
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 11.25 - 22.5%
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 18.74 - 28.5%
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 18.74 - 28.5%

Special Attacks[]

Special 1 - Strength of Languria
Morningstar strikes with her weapon, as it glows with the power of the souls contained within.

  • Each hit of this attack deals X Bonus Energy Damage per Captured Soul. This Damage increases with Critical Hits.
Tier Bonus Energy Damage
TierStarTierStar 47.58
TierStarTierStarTierStar 125.95
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 315.7
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 632.78
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 1079.93

Special 2 - Maiden’s Furnace
Morningstar channels her pain, rage, and hatred into a beam of pure power.

  • Each hit of this attack deals X Bonus Energy Damage per Buff active on the Opponent, when the attack is triggered.
Tier Bonus Energy Damage
TierStarTierStar 129.75
TierStarTierStarTierStar 343.5
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 861
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 1725.75
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 2945.25
  • 100% Chance to Nullify all Buffs.

Special 3 - Soul Chains
Morningstar lets her weapon taste the soul of her enemy.

  • Morningstar begins to pull her opponent’s soul from their body, place a counter on herself.
  • Damage to the opponent increases the counter, Damage to Morningstar reduces it.
  • If the counter reaches 100, she captures the Soul. If it reaches 0, her opponent reclaims their soul.
  • Morningstar can capture only 1 Soul per fight.

Synergy Bonuses[]

Synergy Partner(s) Effect(s)
Masters of the Sword Guillotine portrait Morningstar: If she has less than 2 Captured Souls, she gains 1.
Guillotine: Temporary Soul Charges last 10 seconds longer.
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
Soul Seeker Mephisto portrait Morningstar: Starts the fight with 1 Bar of Power.
Mephisto: +1 Soul at the beginning of the fight.
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
Warrior Queens Magik portraitAngela portrait Morningstar: Buffs last 20% Longer.
Angela: Buffs last 20% Longer.
Magik: +500 Critical Rating and +500 Critical Damage while Limbo is active.
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
Incoming Synergy Partner(s) Effect(s)
Mystic Tyrants Doctor Doom portrait Doctor Doom: Successful Nullifies deal a burst of energy damage equal to 20% of Doom’s Attack.
Solo: Only affects this Champion and does not stack.
Nemesis - Level 3 Guillotine portrait All Champions: +6% Attack.
Our Shared Curse Guillotine 2099 portrait Guillotine 2099: +30% Degeneration Potency.
Morningstar: +300 Critical Damage per Captured Soul.
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
Soul Seeker Mephisto portrait Morningstar: Starts the fight with 1 Bar of Power.
Mephisto: +1 Soul at the beginning of the fight.
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
Unchained Purgatory portrait Purgatory: Gain a Soul Shard every 25 second(s).
Morningstar: +50% Ability Power Rate while below 1 Bar of Power.
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
Mystic Observation Sentinel portrait Sentinel: Reduce the duration of the target’s Power Lock effects by 50% and generate 50% Power each time a Power Lock expires when facing a target of the Mystic Class.
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
Bunker Punks Silk portrait Silk: +500 Armor Rating and Block Proficiency.
Solo: Only affects this Champion and does not stack.
From the Contest Spider-Man (Supreme) portrait Spider-Man (Supreme): Critical Hits from Light or Heavy Attacks grant a Spider-Seal Buff to the Opponent.
Morningstar: Special 2 Attacks deals an extra, half-potency Burst of Energy Damage per Captured Soul.
Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.

Strengths and Weaknesses[]



  • Once she has her Signature Ability unlocked, Morningstar becomes an excellent Hyperion counter. His consistent Power Gains have a reduced effectiveness against her, and she’ll trigger her own Power Gain, and Fury to match his.


  • What Morningstar’s Signature Ability can do to Hyperion’s Power Gain, it does just as well to Wolverine’s Regeneration. Also, she’s Bleed Immune to cut down on Wolverine’s damage potential so she shouldn’t have any trouble.


  • With sufficient Souls, Morningstar’s Special 2 Attack becomes Unblockable, punching right through that block Mordo loves to hide behind. Her Signature Ability also gives her a Power Gain of her own. You get the picture.



  • Well right off the top, the Class Advantage gives a nice damage boost. Next stacking up Concussions on Morningstar will help Quake land hits without triggering the reflected Bleed. Quake also doesn’t have any Buffs for Morningstar to leech off of, and has lots of Stuns which Morningstar just has to tank through like anyone else.

Cyclops (Blue Team)

  • Cyclops is a solid answer to Morningstar. His additional power gain below Special 1 comes from a Passive ability, so it doesn’t trigger Morningstar’s Signature Ability, and that Special 1 is both a Projectile and Energy Damage, so it doesn’t trigger the Bleed.


  • Morningstar can struggle against Ultron. He’s Bleed Immune, but so is she, so they’re both missing their Bleed abilities. Ultron, however, Regenerates a portion of the Energy Damage he takes, and most of Morningstar’s big damage comes in Energy form, so she’ll find she doesn’t inflict as much Damage as she’s used to.

Recommended Masteries[]

Critical Rating

  • A lot of Morningstar’s consistent damage comes from building her Souls and then throwing lots of Special 1 Attacks. The Bonus Energy Damage that comes from her Special 1 increases when she lands a critical hit.

Glass Cannon

  • While Morningstar does need to stay alive to get to 5 Souls, once she does her Lifesteal, it will help keep her topped off to mitigate the Health Reduction and bonus damage is also bonus lifesteal!

Double Edge

  • A bit of a gimme here, but with her Bleed Immunity she get’s all the upsides of Double Edge with none of the drawbacks!



Mystic List of Mystic Champions Mystic

Playable: Absorbing ManAmerica ChavezBlack Widow (Claire Voyant)DiabloDoctor DoomDoctor StrangeDoctor VoodooDormammuDragon ManEbony MawEnchantressGhost RiderGuillotineGuillotine (Deathless)HenchpoolIron FistIron Fist (Immortal)IsophyneJuggernautKindredKushalaLokiLongshotMagikMangogMan-ThingMephistoMojoMordoMorningstarPurgatoryRintrahSasquatchScarlet WitchScarlet Witch (Classic)ShathraSorcerer SupremeSpider-Man (Supreme)SpiralSymbiote SupremeThe DestroyerThe HoodThor (Jane Foster)TigraUnstoppable ColossusWerewolf By NightWhite TigerWiccanWong
Not playable: AdaptoidDeadpooloidDoctor Strange (Marvel NOW!)DoombotScarlet Witch (Ultimate)SentineloidSymbioidUltron DroneUnstoppable AntVoodoo Skull
Upcoming: None

Dimensional Beings List of Dimensional Beings Dimensional Beings
America Chavez MysticAnt-Man (Future) TechCosmic Ghost Rider CosmicDormammu MysticGalan CosmicGhost Rider MysticMagik MysticMephisto MysticMorningstar MysticPurgatory MysticShathra MysticSpiral MysticSpot ScienceThe Hood Mystic
Carina portrait List of the Carina's Challengers Carina portrait
Abomination (Immortal) ScienceCaptain America (Infinity War) ScienceCrossbones SkillDiablo MysticDoctor Voodoo MysticFalcon SkillGuillotine MysticGuillotine 2099 TechHawkeye SkillHoward the Duck TechHulk (Immortal) ScienceLongshot MysticMole Man SkillMorningstar MysticShang-Chi SkillShe-Hulk ScienceStar-Lord TechUltron TechVoid ScienceWarlock Tech
List of Villain Champions
Abomination ScienceAbomination (Immortal) ScienceAbsorbing Man MysticAir-Walker CosmicAnnihilus CosmicApocalypse MutantArcade TechAttuma SkillBaron Zemo SkillBullseye SkillCarnage CosmicCount Nefaria ScienceCrossbones SkillCyclops (New Xavier School) MutantDiablo MysticDoctor Doom MysticDoctor Octopus TechDormammu MysticElectro ScienceEnchantress MysticGhost TechGorr CosmicGreen Goblin TechGuillotine (Deathless) MysticIron Patriot TechHela CosmicIsophyne MysticJack O'Lantern TechJoe Fixit ScienceJuggernaut MysticKang the Conqueror TechKillmonger SkillKindred MysticKing Groot CosmicKing Groot (Deathless) CosmicKingpin SkillKnull CosmicKraven SkillLady Deathstrike TechLoki MysticM.O.D.O.K. ScienceMaestro (Cosmic) CosmicMagneto MutantMangog MysticMephisto MysticMister Negative ScienceMister Sinister MutantMojo MysticMole Man SkillMorbius ScienceMordo MysticMorningstar MysticMysterio TechNimrod TechOmega Red MutantOmega Sentinel TechOnslaught MutantPsycho-Man TechPunisher 2099 TechPurgatory MysticRed Goblin CosmicRed Hulk ScienceRed Skull TechRhino ScienceRonan CosmicSauron MutantSandman ScienceScorpion ScienceScream CosmicSentinel TechShathra MysticShe-Hulk (Deathless) ScienceShocker TechSpiral MysticSpot ScienceStorm (Pyramid X) MutantStryfe MutantSuper-Skrull CosmicTaskmaster SkillTerrax CosmicThanos CosmicThe Hood MysticThe Leader ScienceThe Serpent CosmicTitania ScienceToad MutantUltron TechUltron (Classic) TechUnstoppable Colossus MysticVenom CosmicVenom the Duck CosmicVenompool TechVision (Deathless) TechVoid ScienceVox CosmicVulture TechYellowjacket Science