Magneto: Summoner! Stay your hand. I know why you're here–the Collector seeks to stop me. Magneto: But we needn't come to blows again just yet. I am a man of words as much as action. Magneto: Travel with me, and let me show you my side of things; why I am doing what I do.
- Transmission #1 - Upon starting the Quest
Magneto: I'm sure you have seen much conflict here in a short time, Summoner. Magneto: Many of us–not just the mutants, but all Champions–have seen a lifetime of it. But we fight for what we must. Magneto: The mutants, and I, have another battle to wage back in our homes. One that cannot be properly fought if we are trapped here! Magneto: I do not run rampant in this place for pleasure, I am not so base in my desires. I simply want to deliver the freedom my brethren deserve.
- Transmission #2
Magneto: Hmm, now here's a familiar face. Wolverine: Well if it ain't mag-fingers himself. Looks like you can't resist crossin' my path anywhere, can you? Magneto: I have no quarrel with you, Logan. Not today. Why not work with me and the Summoner? Wolverine: Fat chance, bub. If you think I'll fall for that, yer stupider than that helmet makes you look! Bring it on!
- Transmission #3 - Before fighting Wolverine