Or is he both? is the second Quest in the second Chapter in the Story Event The Immortal Hulk.
It is preceded by Into the Mindscape and succeeded by The Devil Hulk.
Professor X: As promised... we are now inside the Hulk's mindscape.
Iron Man: It looks a lot like the Battlerealm...
Professor X: Of course. Bruce Banner has been fighting a battle since his childhood.
Sasquatch: I knew Bruce in college. He was holding back a lot of anger, even then. I found out later that he had undiagnosed dissociative identity disorder, stemming from childhood trauma.
Sasquatch: Turns out the Hulk was already in there -- the gamma bomb just gave him a shape of his own and the strength to match.
Sasquatch: I don't know. I look back now, and... sometimes I wish I'd been a better friend.
Black Widow: So do I, Walter. I only hope it's not too late.
Professor X: Be cautious. Banner's mind is unique, even among those who share his condition. I can't predict what we'll face here.
Hawkeye: I can.
Hawkeye: Here be Hulks.
- Transmission #1 - Upon starting the Quest
Joe Fixit: HEY!
Iron Man: Uh-oh. I recognize this charmer. Joe Fixit -- the Grey Hulk.
Joe Fixit: That's right. And right now yer trespassin', Stark. You ain't the first, either. Something tried to squirm in here before...
Hawkeye: This new Hulk personality? I know Bruce was terrified of him...
Joe Fixit: Nah, he's one of us. He's old and he's mean, but he's still a natural Hulk. The problem is outsiders -- like you.
Joe Fixit: You breakin' into the mindscape, beatin' up Hulks -- that's throwin' our whole system out of whack. It's givin' some of us ideas.
Joe Fixit: And this new Immortal Hulk... he might be scary to you, but he ain't the darkest thing in Banner's head. Not by a long shot.
Joe Fixit: Then again, that won't matter to you. 'Cause I'm gonna throw ya out -- right now!
- Transmission #2 - Before fighting Joe Fixit
Black Widow: The deeper into this we go, the darker it gets.
Hawkeye: And every step, we're fighting another manifestation of the Hulk, or the memory of someone he knows.
Hawkeye: Does anyone else feel like this isn't healthy for Bruce?
Professor X: We're going closer to the part of Bruce's mind he fears the most. The part of his mind he wanted to protect us from. He's throwing up barriers against us.
Sasquatch: And yet, we keep breaking through them.
Sasquatch: We're going to regret this...
- Transmission #3
Professor X: We're here. The darkest part of Bruce Banner's mind.
Black Widow: If there's some part of himself he's afraid of, here's where we'll find it.
Hawkeye: I'm guessing that's the "Immortal Hulk" he was worried about.
Professor X: Perhaps. But in my experience, the parts of ourselves that truly terrify us are buried so deeply that we often don't believe they exist...
Professor X: ...until they step out into the light.
Maestro: I couldn't have put it better myself.
- Transmission #4
Iron Man: Maestro?
Maestro: Are you so surprised? Don't you think Bruce has it in him to take the vengeance he's always deserved?
Maestro: Why, you've even seen a version of me out in the Battlerealm -- from some alternate timeline where some other Bruce didn't build him a strong enough cage.
Maestro: My Bruce did a better job... but now, with all the ruckus you've started in here, and this... Green Door business... well, the cage is open.
Maestro: And believe me, what the Maestro you knew did was nothing to what I'll accomplish... over your dead bodies.
Iron Man: If Bruce caged you, so can we.
Maestro: Keep believing that. It'll be a comfort in these painful last moments.
Professor X: We're here. The centre of Bruce Banner's mind.
Black Widow: No sign of this new Hulk personality...
Professor X: No -- it's at the front of his mind, out in the world. But from here, we can learn his location -- and even what he's up to.
Hulk (Ragnarok): That's far enough, intruders.
Iron Man: Uh-oh. I recognise that particular Hulk...
Hulk (Ragnarok): Yeah. I'm the Hulk you exiled to another world that time, Stark. Banner only survived thanks to me taking control.
Iron Man: And when you came back, you tried to kill me.
Hulk (Ragnarok): If I tried to kill you, you'd be dead. But maybe that'd finally teach you a lesson.
Hulk (Ragnarok): Our mind isn't somewhere you can just walk into and ransack, Stark. This is my home ground -- not yours.
Hulk (Ragnarok): THIS IS PLANET HULK!
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