Cable: Summoner, there you are. Have you seen Gwenpoo -- Gwenpool: GwenWHO? Cable: I don't have time for your games, Gwen. Where have you been? Gwenpool: Time traveling through the Portals, like you said! I've been hopping between timelines trying to find the best time to tell the Avengers Unity Team about the future of The Contest! It's usually been pretty inconvenient whenever I show up... Cable: What the hell are you talking about, kid?
- Transmission #1 - Upon starting the Quest
Gwenpool: Go back in time, save everyone! Stop calling me "dayspring"! My name is Cable! Blah blah blah! Your words exactly. Gwenpool: Come to think of it, you may not have said any of that... Cable: You are an idiot sometimes. Now I have to go fix this mess you've made. Gwenpool: Hey, don't be grumpy dayspring! This mask is super tight! I can barely hear anything! Come back!
- Transmission #2
Captain America: So the Portals use a dimensional stabilizer... Vision, can you synthesize the equation The Collector is using to keep the Portals open? Gwenpool: They're here! They figured out how to time travel! Captain America: What are you talking about? Cable, who is this? Cable: This is Gwen Poole, Captain. And they didn't time travel, Gwen. They just waited, one second at a time. Cable: There's no future in the Contest of Champions. Or past. Only inclement, endless present. Cable: I tried to time travel to see how this whole thing ends, but a barrier locked me a mere hour into the future. I've been stranded here since. We are all stranded not only in place, but in time too...
- Transmission #3
Gwenpool: Alrighty then, that was pretty grim. Let's do something to distract us... Does anyone wanna play some Alliance Wars? Cable: Not now Gwen, incoming Collector Forces! Gwenpool: You're just trying to avoid playing cause you don't have any 4-Star Champ -- oh he's not kididng! Get em' Summoner!
- Transmission #4
Cable: That's enough, Kang! We've wasted enough time today without dealing with you and The Collector's lackeys. Kang the Conqueror: A waste of time is it? You'll pay for your insolence! Nobody calls Kang the Conqueror a lackey!
- Transmission #4 - Before fighting Kang the Conqueror