Petrify is a non-damaging effect that reduces Ability Power Rate and Regeneration Rate. It is commonly found in Science Champions.
List of Champions with Petrify[]
- Prepared for Anything -- Mister Fantastic Pre-Fight Ability
- Abomination (Immortal)
- Ant-Man
- Anti-Venom
- Captain America (Infinity War) -- with Tech teammate
- Hulk (Immortal)
- Joe Fixit
- Mister Fantastic
- Mister Negative
- Morbius
- Sandman
- Scarlet Witch
- Scorpion
- She-Hulk
- Titania
- Void
- Wasp
- Yellowjacket
- Bishop -- Synergy with Psylocke
- Psylocke -- Synergy with Bishop
- Petrify is one of Superior Kang 's targeted Debuffs, and can be added to his archive.