Thor (Ragnarok): Well fought, Summoner. I had heard you were a warrior of few words and many fists; it is gratifying to see rumor proven true! Thor (Ragnarok): Now, we--wait. What are YOU doing here? Loki: Such an unkind greeting for your own kin. Thor (Ragnarok): I only question your presence because it tends to come with naught but trickery and deceit. Loki: I'm just here to wish you good luck, dear brother!
- Transmission #1 - Upon starting the Quest
Thor (Ragnarok): Were it not enough that our host is so conniving, he seems to also have my brother in his employ. Thor (Ragnarok): It bodes poorly, but I've found that enough brute force can overcome most challenges! Thor (Ragnarok): Even so, we should make sure that force is properly directed at whatever faces us.
- Transmission #2
The Grandmaster: And for your next challenger: A savage creature from deep in the cosmos, fused with a maniacal mind! Carnage: Like I need an excuse to cut and maim! Just gimme the prize already! Thor (Ragnarok): Certainly every gladiator must match steel to a slavering beast, it's tradition! Come then, creature!
- Transmission #3 - Before fighting Carnage