Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan): You cowards! We beat you fair and square! GIVE US BACK OUR -- aaaand they're gone. Howard the Duck: Bit of a sticky situation we find ourselves in. Maybe we can find out where they're keepin 'im and -- Hold on a tick, looks like our dog-nappers dropped something... Medusa: What is it? What did they drop? Howard the Duck: It looks... ancient and mystical but it's also got some sort of tech inside... I've never seen anything like it. Black Bolt: ... Howard the Duck: Don't worry - I know a guy who specializes in this sort of stuff. He's real into ancient rituals and mystical energies and all that hoo-ha. He'll be able to figure this out.
- Transmission #1 - Upon starting the Quest
Howard the Duck: So anyway, the Summoner takes them down and they scamper off, then we find that doohicket lyin' around. Black Panther: Ah, Hello Summoner. It has been some time. As I was telling Howard, I have seen one of these objects recently. Tony Stark brought one to me. Medusa: And what have you found? Black Panther: Nothing yet. We don't yet have enough of them to determine where they come from or what they do, but this one is... more complete than the others. Black Panther: If only my sister Shuri was here... She has such insights into artifacts such as this. We must determine the nature of these strange objects before more of them fall into the wrong hands...
- Transmission #2
Kingpin: Very good! Very good, Summoner. Your reputation precedes you. Howard the Duck: Uh oh. Careful Summoner, baldy's bad news. Kingpin: Enough from the Duck, thank you. I'd like to apologize for the behaviorof my associates. We have no intention to harm your dog. I have bigger, bolder plans for these artifacts. Black Bolt: .... Kingpin: In fact, I have a business proposition for you all. I know what it is you've found, and I know you have some sense of how powerful it is. I am prepared to return your dog, if -- Black Bolt: ?! Kingpin: Please, allow me to finish. If you and the Summoner would but help me locate more of these objects, I will return your dog. It's the only way you'll get him back.
- Transmission #3 - Before fighting Vulture