Ant-Man: Man, Cross really has a rogues' gallery down here. I didn't really take him for the charismatic recruiter type. Wasp: Or the kind of person to facilitate an operation of this scale… Ghost: That's because he's not. I am. Ant-Man: Well, I don't know if I'd call you charismatic-- Ghost! Ghost: Perceptive as ever, Ant.
- Transmission #1 - Upon starting the Quest
Wasp: What's your game, Ghost? Ghost: I have a certain benefactor. Someone who knows their way around the Multiverse. Ghost: They want it, so I'm getting it. Ghost: Cross, I told you to get rid of them. We have enough, and I'm extracting it. Yellowjacket: Gladly. I didn't think I'd get the chance to take this into my own hands
- Transmission #2
Yellowjacket: Ghost has some kind of endgame with this "condensed ISO-8" business. Yellowjacket: Me? It only ever brought me trouble. A pain in my ass, just like that big green lummox. Yellowjacket: I'm here for one thing and one thing only. Yellowjacket: Revenge, Lang. Yellowjacket: Let me show you how long I've been waiting!
- Transmission #3 - Before fighting Yellowjacket