The Grandmaster: With the results of that trial of innocence, it seems that all of Carina's blathering was proven wrong. How exciting! Mister Fantastic: No. The Grandmaster: What's that? Mister Fantastic: No she's not. Mister Fantastic: That planet is inhabited and I have unknowingly called for its destruction. Mister Fantastic: It'll save thousands in the Battlerealm, but doom millions in the Battleworld. Mister Fantastic: There is no other course of action other than to plead guilty to this crime.
- Transmission #1 - Upon starting the Quest
The Grandmaster: DISAPPOINTED! The Grandmaster: How anticlimactic to have the trial just end like that. The Grandmaster: Well it's punishment time! I've got an execution all planned out for you! First I strap you to a rocket and you blast off. Then it comes hurling straight down and-- Mister Fantastic: No. The Grandmaster: Excuse me? Mister Fantastic: I'm assuming you don't want this Contest to end as much as I don't want to have this action on my conscience. Mister Fantastic: I propose that as my punishment, I work to reverse the effects of what I've done and prevent this from taking place.
- Transmission #2
The Grandmaster: Very well. The first action will be to deal with him. Silver Surfer: ... Mister Fantastic: Norrin? I will do everything I can to stop this, it doesn't mean that I will be a tool waiting on your beck and call-- The Grandmaster: No, you stupid, stupid man. Norrin is a Herald of Galactus. As long as he is moving around freely, Galactus can track this place easily. The Grandmaster: Dispose of him. Mister Fantastic: Unnecessary. I can handle this with some tools all I need is-- The Grandmaster: Why do you think you get to choose how your punishment goes? I agree to letting you fix your mistake but now you must prove the lengths you are willing to go. The Grandmaster: Every moment he breathes Galactus draws nearer. Deal with him now and then you can do your science. Mister Fantastic: Norrin, I'm sorry. Silver Surfer: I am too. This will not end well for either of us.
- Transmission #3 - Before fighting Silver Surfer