The Grandmaster: Helping the itsy-bitsy spider? I guess I shouldn't be surprised. The Grandmaster: Just know that you put yourself in the same danger he is in, Summoner. No special favors. Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced): Man... this guy is brutal.
- Transmission #1 - Upon starting the Quest
Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced): On one hand, I get it: If someone hypes something up non-stop, you might start to hate it by sheer repetition. Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced): But I think there could be an exception if it's, y'know, a person? Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced): I didn't ask to be the Collector's favorite! Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced): But if he thinks he can push me around, he's in for a rude awakening.
- Transmission #2
Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced): Back so soon, Toomes? I coulda' sworn I put you in a cage last time we met. Vulture: Clearly you didn't hit me hard enough. Instead of your puns, you should be working on your pun-ches. Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced): ... damn. Damn, that's good. Vulture: Glad you liked it. I'll send you out on a positive note!
- Transmission #3 - Before fighting Vulture