Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki
Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki

Sasquatch is a Mystic Champion. Being a Mystic Champion, he has a Class Bonus against Cosmic Champions, but has a disadvantage against Science Champions.


Dr. Walter Langkowski was a professor of both physics and biophysics at McGill University. Trying to achieve a “Hulk-like” transformation similar to colleague Bruce Banner, Langkowski subjected himself to self-experimentation with gamma radiation, unknowingly opening a doorway between our world and the "Realm of Great Beasts". This allowed a mystical beast named “Tanaraq” to possess his body, granting him the ability to transform into a super-strong, orange-haired beast that resembled the legendary Sasquatch. 


Sasquatch is the definition of a tank. Using stacks of Rage to reduce incoming damage and a powerful healing factor to mend his wounds, Sasquatch can take quite a punch before going down. Sasquatch also doesn’t rely on his Nullify to be strong, instead he becomes more powerful based on the Opponent’s Buffs, without needing to remove them! Throughout his fights, Sasquatch will build Rupture Debuffs on the Opponent with his Medium Attacks, and use his Special 2 to convert them into raw damage. This works especially well when he’s in the “Wrath of Tanaraq”, since this mode makes his Special Attacks cost a lot less Power and makes him Unstoppable in the process!


From the Bush:

  • A thick fur coat provides 90% Coldsnap resistance along with immunity to Frostbite effects and Armor Break Debuffs.
  • If Regeneration Rate is inverted, all Regen effects are removed.
  • Gain +25% Combat Power Rate if the Opponent has a Buff or is suffering from a Stagger Debuff, this is increased to +50% if the Opponent has 4 or more of these effects.

Medium Attacks:

  • 30% chance to inflict a Rupture Debuff, dealing X Physical Damage over 17 seconds. +70% chance during Wrath of Tanaraq.
Tier Physical Damage
TierStarTierStarTierStar 211
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 529
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 1060.5
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 1809.5

Heavy Attacks:

  • Inflict Stagger for 14 seconds causing the next Buff the Opponent gains to be Nullified. Max 2.

Spirit of Rage - Max Stacks 15:

  • Light Attacks have a 30% chance to build 1 Rage. Chance increased to 100% on the 3rd Light Attack in each combo.
  • Build 1 Rage every 4.5 seconds that Sasquatch didn’t land a hit.
  • Each stack of Rage reduces incoming damage from all sources except Special 3 by 5% per stack.
  • Rage is not affected by Ability Accuracy reduction but is prevented while suffering from an Enervate or Exhaustion Debuff.

Dev Note: Sasquatch’s damage reduction from Rage will also reduce incoming DOT damage, allowing him to take a lot of punishment from multiple sources.

Wrath of Tanaraq:

  • If Sasquatch has 5 or more Rage, each stack gained above this threshold has a flat 10% chance to remove all stacks and trigger Wrath of Tanaraq. This lasts for 1.70 seconds per stack removed.
  • During Wrath of Tanaraq, Sasquatch is Stun Immune.
  • Gain X Block Penetration and +50% Combat Power Rate.
Tier Block Penetration
TierStarTierStarTierStar 996.15
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 1076.92
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 1130.77
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 1211.54
  • Special Attack 1 and 2 cost 50% less power and Special Attack 3 costs 25% less Power.
  • While the Opponent has 3 full Bars of Power, Special and Heavy Attacks will Power Drain 5% of their max Power.

Dev Note: Once above 5 stacks of Rage each time an additional stack is gained Sasquatch has an increased chance to enter wrath. The longer Wrath of Tanaraq takes to trigger, the longer it will last, so there is no real downside if it doesn’t trigger right away.

During Wrath of Tanaraq, you’ll be getting a ton of power. Throw medium-light-medium combos into Special 2s and watch those Ruptures stack up some nice damage. Additionally, if Sasquatch is Awakened, he will be Unstoppable during Heavy and Special Attacks allowing him to spam opponents with little risk.

Signature Ability[]

Old Beast of the North

  • Allows Sasquatch to Regenerate when below a threshold of health and become Unstoppable during Wrath of Tanaraq.

Old Beast of the North

  • When below 40% of max health getting struck by a Contact Attack has a 70% chance to activate Sasquatch’s healing factor, Passively Regenerating 5% of missing health over 20 seconds. Max stacks 3.
  • During Wrath of Tanaraq Sasquatch becomes Passively Unstoppable during Special and Heavy Attacks and the Opponent’s Defensive Combat Power Rate is reduced by 70% when struck by these Attacks.
Dev Note: Sasquatch’s Signature Ability regeneration can be great when going Unstoppable and eating a hit or two during Wrath. Additionally, although his Specials and Heavy will never push the Opponent to their Special 3, his sig will slow down the rate at which they gain power from these hits, meaning less Special baiting and more smashing!

Special Attacks[]

Special Attack 1

  • Each hit refreshes the Opponent's Rupture Debuffs. This can trigger into the Opponent's block.
  • If the final hit is blocked it has a 20% chance to inflict a Stun Debuff for 3 seconds. Chance increased to 100% during Wrath of Tanaraq.

Dev Note: Special 1 is best used when Wrath of Tanaraq is not active, allowing you to refresh any active Ruptures for a big Special 2 once you reactivate Wrath of Tanaraq.

Special Attack 2

  • The first 2 hits remove the Opponent's Rupture Debuffs, gaining X Attack Rating for each Rupture removed. This is increased by 50% if activated during Wrath of Tanaraq.
Tier Attack Rating
TierStarTierStarTierStar 590.8
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 1481.2
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 2969.4
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 5066.6
  • The final hit inflicts up to 3 Rupture Debuffs, each dealing X Physical Damage over 17 seconds.
Tier Physical Damage
TierStarTierStarTierStar 633
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 1587
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 3181.5
TierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStarTierStar 5428.5

Dev Note: Special 2 is best used with a large stack of Ruptures on the Opponent and while Wrath of Tanaraq is active. The more Ruptures you can stack the bigger this damage will be! Most of the damage here comes from the hits in this attack rather than the Ruptures themselves so removing some stacks of Rupture to gain more Attack Rating is a worthwhile exchange to make!

Special Attack 3

  • Passively Regenerate 10% of missing health over 5 seconds. This is increased by a flat +1% per Rage Stack.
  • Gain up to +5 Stacks of Rage and enter Wrath of Tanaraq. These stacks don’t count toward the Regeneration.

Dev Note: Special 3 is best used to top up on missing health or jump start a long lasting Wrath of Tanaraq! Also because this attack triggers Wrath, it will cost 25% less power, leaving you very close to a Special 1 right after!

Synergy Bonuses[]

To be added

Strengths and Weaknesses[]


  • High Survivability
    • Sasquatch has very high base health along with abilities to regenerate in his Special 3 and when struck below 40%. This combined with his damage reduction granted with each Rage Stack allow him to take quite the beating.
  • Lots of Special Attacks
    • Sasquatch gains a lot of Power, especially against Buffed Opponents. Additionally during Wrath of Tanaraq, his Special Attacks are much cheaper allowing him to spam many of these attacks back to back with no issue.
  • No worries about the Opponent’s Special 3
    • During Wrath of Tanaraq Sasquatch’s Special and Heavy Attacks are Unstoppable, grant the Opponent less Power and will cause Power Drain if the Opponent is at Special 3! Even though Sasquatch is best played very aggressively he will never need to worry about pushing too far with this ability active!


  • Debuffs: Especially Exhaustion, Enervate and Slow
    • Sasquatch needs to build stacks of Rage in order to dish out high damage, Exhaustion and Enervate will prevent this from occurring, stopping him in his tracks. Slow Debuffs will prevent his Unstoppable abilities, removing his ability to Spam Special and Heavy Attacks.
  • Power Control or Power Stings
    • Sasquatch thrives when throwing a lot of Special Attacks and requires doing so to be effective, controlling his Power or punishing the activation of his Specials will shut him down fast.
  • Debuff Immunity
    • Sasquatch is most effective when he can stack many Rupture Debuffs on the Opponent, when this is taken away his viability drops significantly.

External links[]

Kabam Forums Champion Spotlight Sasquatch. Kabam Forums. June 26, 2020.



Mystic List of Mystic Champions Mystic

Playable: Absorbing ManAmerica ChavezBlack Widow (Claire Voyant)DiabloDoctor DoomDoctor StrangeDoctor VoodooDormammuDragon ManEbony MawEnchantressGhost RiderGuillotineGuillotine (Deathless)HenchpoolIron FistIron Fist (Immortal)IsophyneJuggernautKindredKushalaLokiLongshotMagikMangogMan-ThingMephistoMojoMordoMorningstarPurgatoryRintrahSasquatchScarlet WitchScarlet Witch (Classic)ShathraSorcerer SupremeSpider-Man (Supreme)SpiralSymbiote SupremeThe DestroyerThe HoodThor (Jane Foster)TigraUnstoppable ColossusWerewolf By NightWhite TigerWiccanWong
Not playable: AdaptoidDeadpooloidDoctor Strange (Marvel NOW!)DoombotScarlet Witch (Ultimate)SentineloidSymbioidUltron DroneUnstoppable AntVoodoo Skull
Upcoming: None
