Moon Knight: Sorry for hanging up on you, Summoner. Some of the people in my head have a bad habit of taking over without warning. Moon Knight: Anyway. I talked to them. All of my other... selves should take the backseat until this crisis is resolved. Moon Knight: So, in a nutshell. There's a hero, powerful beyond measure. He's been around for a while, but most people never forgot about him. His name is- The Collector: The Sentry. He's back. Moon Knight: By Konshu's sceptre... the Collector?
- Transmission #1 - Upon starting the Quest
Moon Knight: I thought you were dead? Tell me I'm not imagining things... The Collector: I can assure you I am quite real, Mr. Spector. A shell of my former self, undoubtedly. But it wasn't this time that the Grandmaster got rid of me. The Collector: And Summoner, while we are on the subject... I forgive you for helping my brother defeat me, and trap me in a crystal. I know you were under considerable stress. The Collector: But don't cross me again, or I will crush you and spread your fragments across the multiverse.
- Transmission #2
Moon Knight: We're wasting time, Collector. The Summoner can help us defeat the incoming threat. The Collector: What makes you think I desire that? The Sentry's power could be the key for my revenge against my so-called "brother"... Moon Knight: Hm. You said you have changed. But you're still the same selfish old man, collecting broken heirlooms from the dust... The Collector: RETRACT THAT REMARK NOW!
- Transmission #3 - Before fighting The Collector