Winter Soldier: Word's come down from command that Iron Man has been spotted in the vicinity. Winter Soldier: Looks like we might be closing in on our target. Winter Soldier: I don't take any pleasure in this, but I believe in Cap and what we're doing here, and that's enough.
- Transmission #1 - Upon starting the Quest
War Machine: You're treading on dangerous ground, soldier. Winter Soldier: Tell me about it, Colonel. I feel like you'd be familiar with making costly mistakes. War Machine: I'll ignore that, and give you some advice: Turn around. Now. Winter Soldier: You know I can't do that. War Machine: Then I won't be responsible for what happens when you and the Summoner get in our way. Good luck.
- Transmission #2
War Machine: Summoner, I'm sorry you got tangled up in this. You're good people, but this "mission" of yours is coming to an end. Winter Soldier: Our mission "ends" when Stark gets it through his head that he's fighting an unwinnable battle. We're trying to offer you a way out of this cycle, Rhodes. War Machine: And we're trying to offer YOU an opportunity to change this place—and everywhere—for the better. Winter Soldier: At the cost of our dignity, all for the whims of this lunatic's "Contest." This isn't some wargame, Colonel. This is the real thing. And we're breaking free.
- Transmission #3 - Before fighting War Machine