M.O.D.O.K.: Lab rat! So lovely to see you again. I hope you are sticking to the mission parameters! M.O.D.O.K.: The Collector's edict is clear: If the Contest is to continue, it must EVOLVE! M.O.D.O.K.: There's too much hidden potential in the Mutants that they squander with their insular attitudes.
- Upon starting the quest
Beast: I have started researching a cure, Summoner. It might take time, but I am gaining ground. Beast: As long as I can acquire more varieties of Mutant DNA, we will prevail. Magneto (House of X): I do not doubt your capabilities, Dr. McCoy, but time is of the essence.
- Before the third fight
Beast: We cannot deny the importance of these studies, Erik. This is our survival we're talking about! Magneto: Indeed, which is why I cannot let it remain in the realm of test tubes and microscopes. Magneto: I will give you some time to finish your research... but if there are no results soon, we are going with my plan: Taking control of the Collector's ship, the Ghost Orchid!
- Before the fifth fight
Colossus: RrrraAAAH! I will BREAK YOU! Beast: Piotr... we are too late, the Terrigen mists have already driven him to rampage. Beast: He must be neutralized before he harms anyone. Ready your team, Summoner!
- Before fighting Colossus