The Collector: Summoner, so glad you answered my calling. I have devised a new test for you, something I'm sure will enhance your capabilities. The Collector: It may as well give you an edge in the contest, so I advise taking this as seriously as possible. The Collector: Now, you will need to… blah-blah-blah, yak-yak-yak… Ant-Man: Hey, Summoner! Can you hear me? I hope so, I'm like practically inside your ear. Ant-Man: Ignore this jerk for a minute, I need your help! Ant-Man: Something weird is going on in the Battlerealm… weirder than normal, I mean! Ant-Man: Oops--looks like he's finishing up! Pretend you were listening! The Collector: Agreed? Excellent! Then get to work, and you may just be rewarded for it. Ant-Man: Nice. I'm an expert at pretending to pay attention too, I can always appreciate a fellow master. Let's do it!
- Transmission #1 - Upon starting the Quest
Ant-Man: It's just ahead. You'll have to take my word for it for now, but I promise I'm for real! Ant-Man: Oh. I guess I can change back to normal size, huh? Probably for the best, you need to clean out your ears!
- Transmission #2
Ant-Man: You and your Champions are a heck of a team. Glad I'm not on the bad end of you guys! Ant-Man: Good work in here. I'll see you in the next area! Ant-Man: What do you mean, "why aren't you helping?" I'm the guide, pal! You can handle this chump!
- Transmission #3 - Before fighting Adaptoid (Boss)