Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki
Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki

Superposition is the sixth and final Quest in Act 8 Chapter 2: Blinding Light, and was released on April 19, 2023. It contains 6 paths and has 7 Opponents per path. Hulk (Bahamet) Science is the unique boss of this Quest.

It is preceded by 8.2.5: Prism and succeeded by 8.3.1: Reality Check.


Caption portrait Caption: Carina and her allies arrive on a barren asteroid circling the dead planetoid known as Battleworld…
Ægon portrait Ægon: Impressive display, Carina. I was aware you had been dabbling in portals, but your accuracy was incredible.
Carina portrait Carina: America Chavez was kind enough to mentor me in her off-hours. I’ll make sure to send her a nice gift basket when this is all over.
Civil Warrior portrait Civil Warrior: Sorry to derail the conversation, but where are we? Is that… Battleworld?
Caption portrait Caption: The group take a moment to absorb the cracked corpse of a planet, off kilter and surrounded by a wide belt of rocky debris.
Guillotine portrait Guillotine: When Maestro was ejected from the Contest, he started up a new kingdom on the lone planet at the center of the Battlerealm.
Guillotine portrait Guillotine: He christened it “Battleworld”. Used what was left of his cosmic powers to restrict access, so that nobody could enter, or leave.
Guillotine portrait Guillotine: But his new Champions rose up. Deposed him. Took back the planet. And just when things were improving… something else happened…
Carina portrait Carina: You mean some-one. Galactus. Accounts are incomplete, but the Devourer of Worlds arrived and a battle for the planet’s survival took place.
Carina portrait Carina: The inhabitants barely made it off the rock before it was completely devastated… nobody’s seen the Galactus responsible since.
- Transmission #1 - Upon starting the Quest

Civil Warrior portrait Civil Warrior: The signal is definitely stronger out here. The site of transmission can’t be far…
Guillotine portrait Guillotine: There! It appears to be some kind of prison. The perfect fortress for a psychotic terrorist.
Carina portrait Carina: Then let’s not waste anymore time reminiscing on lost worlds, and focus on saving our own.
Carina portrait Carina: It’s unlikely they know we’re here, so we’ll use that to our advantage. There isn’t enough ambient ISO here for me to make another portal…
Carina portrait Carina: So we’ll just have to rush the entrance and force our way in. Remember, our goals are to capture Glykhan, and stop that transmission!
Carina portrait Carina: Spangles, you’re with Aegon and Guillotine. Shut down their signal.
Carina portrait Carina: Summoner? You’re with me. We’ll make sure Glykhan doesn’t even have time to run when he realizes what’s happening…
- Transmission #2

Carina portrait Carina: Something’s wrong here… there’s barely anyone in this base…
Caption portrait Caption: Civil Warrior’s voice crackles in Carina’s earpiece, her comms struggling to pick up his signal.
Civil Warrior portrait Civil Warrior: Carina! It’s a trap! Glykhan’s not here! They’re playing a recording! We’ve got to-
Caption portrait Caption: Throughout the prison blast doors slam shut and magnetic locks seal all the entrances. Dead consoles and silent machines spring to life.
Caption portrait Caption: Carina has mere moments to react before a set of immense doors slam down separating her from the Summoner.
Caption portrait Caption: A low, rumbling voice speaks through the intercom of the station…
Caption portrait Caption: *How kind of you to make an appearance, Carina. I was beginning to think a big neon sign saying “Ouroboros here” would be necessary.*
Caption portrait Caption: *But now that you’ve arrived…*
Hulk (Bahamet) portrait Hulk (Bahamet): We can begin the final phase.
- Transmission #3

Hulk (Bahamet) portrait Hulk (Bahamet): Allow me to introduce myself - Bahamet, general of Ouroboros. I have been studying all of you for some time, and it has been most…
Hulk (Bahamet) portrait Hulk (Bahamet): ...engaging to finally conduct some tests of my own.
Carina portrait Carina: I’ll give you a test you big-
Carina portrait Carina: Aaaaaagggghhhh!
Caption portrait Caption: *Carina clutches at her head, sparks of ISO sputtering around her as she falls prone from agony.*
Hulk (Bahamet) portrait Hulk (Bahamet): A very interesting reaction! I’ve lined the walls of this station with pipes, through which superheated ISO-8 flows in liquid form.
Hulk (Bahamet) portrait Hulk (Bahamet): I theorized the possibility that such a matrix of raw ISO could act as a disruption to your powers, but I hadn’t imagined such spectacular results.
Carina portrait Carina: Why… why are you doing this?
Hulk (Bahamet) portrait Hulk (Bahamet): Because the Battlerealm is out of control! It serves the mad whims of gods and monsters, and Ouroboros offers a clear path to true freedom.
Hulk (Bahamet) portrait Hulk (Bahamet): And I could not protect that freedom with my mighty mind trapped inside the Hulk.
- Transmission #4

Carina portrait Carina: You’re… you’re not the Hulk…?
Carina portrait Carina: You’re Bruce Banner?
Hulk (Bahamet) portrait Hulk (Bahamet): Doctor Banner if you don’t mind. And no. Banner was a scared and weak mind trapped in a scared, weak body.
Hulk (Bahamet) portrait Hulk (Bahamet): Ouroboros has purged the mind of the Hulk, allowing me to take control of his body. My body.
Hulk (Bahamet) portrait Hulk (Bahamet): And now that I have purged you of your meddling powers, the only threat left is the Summoner.
Hulk (Bahamet) portrait Hulk (Bahamet): Uncollectable by the Collector.
Hulk (Bahamet) portrait Hulk (Bahamet): Breaker of the Grandmaster’s throne.
Hulk (Bahamet) portrait Hulk (Bahamet): Paragon of the Contest.
Hulk (Bahamet) portrait Hulk (Bahamet): Oh how I have dreamt of this day. The sheer volume of strategies I have concocted to destroy you, and only you.
Hulk (Bahamet) portrait Hulk (Bahamet): Come Summoner! Let us put them to the test!
- Transmission #5 - Before fighting Hulk (Bahamet)


Story Quests
Book 1
Act 1: The Contest Challenge the Conqueror SurrenderThe PrizePursuitSneak AttackPathwaysMalice
Act 2: Escalation Surrender to the Contest New RecruitsThe Mad TitanEvolutionAdaptationUnstoppableConquered
Act 3: End Game Shadows Revealed A New FoeIntroductionPower SourceTranscendedManipulatorThe Automaton
Mysterious Origins The DoctorThe CaptainThe RocketThe CreatorThe OriginalThanos Enters
Act 4: Rebellion Metamorphosis Realm RebornA Little HelpIncognitoSymbioidsDark TimesTrust
Evolution Linked MightThe Guillotine DropsStraight Outta QueensAsgard's ChampionDark PresenceDefiance
Revolution Triumphant ReturnDark OmenThreatsInscrutableAce in the HoleStand Resolute
Devastation AllegiancesPlan in ActionDauntlessKnown UnknownsSurge of PowerCulmination
Act 5: Elder's War Fracture Fair PlayWeaponizedBack and ForthTauntedOverloadedDark Angel
Collector Bound Weird ScienceStrange BedfellowsThe DonLines in the SandInsurrectionAbrogation
The Struggle Game Begins AnewLight in the TunnelDire WarningFoul ConclusionForce of WillFitting Punishment
Cornerstone ContactFriends and FoesCalculationsDo the ImpossibleBreak the UnbreakableFight the Power
Act 6: Rebirth Great Revival Tentative StepsWorlds of PotentialA Father's ConcernPieces in PlayThe Only Game in TownBirthright
Guidance Power's PurposeSeveredHeadstrongCriminal ElementsMistrustRound Two
Lordly Caliber The World of TodayOverhangRevoltWinter MorningThe World for the PeopleFootsteps from Darkness
Succession Troubleshooting StarOne-Eyed SluggerReceive YouInterplanetary SparkJudgementReign
Book 2
Act 7: The Union Brave New Battlerealm RebootBreak OutRecycleUsurpMashupRemix
Upset the Meta WakeupZoningFootsiesPokeFrame by FrameNegative Edge
A Matter of Time UncertaintyDichotomyBootstrapCruel to Be KindAll Ravens Are BlackDeath May Die
Kangdom Come Manifest DestinyTempting FateParadise LostBetween the EonsFuture TenseNo Tomorrow
Act 8: The Radiance Casting Shadows Old SinsDark HorseThe ValleyMe and MineWithout a DoubtPitch Black
Binding Light ReflectionRefractionDiffractionLooking GlassPrismSuperposition
Illumination Reality CheckShame the DevilThe Sun, The MoonHigh FidelityChildren and FoolsStranger Than Fiction
Darkest Dawn The More You KnowTell No TalesBite the HandHeads or TailsHope SpringsThe Bell Tolls
Act 9: Revelation Casting Shadows Party CrashersWelcome WagonNo Stone UnturnedMisery Loves CompanyFree For AllSow The Wind
Original Acts 1 - 3
Act 1: The Contest Challenge the Conqueror SurrenderThe PrizePursuitSneak AttackPathwaysUnraveling
Adaptoid Ambush ThreatsHostilitiesExtinctionRageConfrontationSecrets
Battlerealm Revelations The MysteryThe WitchThe WarriorThe PantherThe GeniusThe Conqueror
The Feud Explodes InterrogationConflictDeceptionRevelationWrathMalice
Act 2: Escalation Surrender to the Contest New RecruitsThe Mad TitanEvolutionAdaptationUnstoppableThanos Ascendant
Thanos Ascendant ResistanceContemptThe PropositionThe WarningObstructionThe Alliance
The Contest Reborn EscalationIn ShadowsWarningsImmuneThe TideWhispers
Challenge Accepted BenefactorPurposeRevealedTwo ManiacsNearerConquered
Act 3: End Game Shadows Revealed A New FoeIntroductionPower SourceTranscendedManipulatorTwisted
Mysterious Origins The DoctorThe CaptainThe RocketThe CreatorThe OriginalThe Automaton
The Purpose UndefeatedSubmissionDominanceDefianceSuperchargedEmpty Threats
Thanos' Challenge The DealShowdownIntimidationImpossible OddsFearlessThanos Enters