Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki
Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki
Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki

The Below-Place is the second Quest in the third Chapter in the Story Event The Immortal Hulk.

It is preceded by The Devil Hulk.


Iron Man portrait Iron Man: What just happened? When we beat Hulk... there was a green flash in the sky...
Sasquatch portrait Sasquatch: Like... like a door opening. A green door. I recognized it.
Hawkeye portrait Hawkeye: Anybody think the Battlerealm's looking a little different?
Hulk (Immortal) portrait Hulk (Immortal): Because we're not in the Battlerealm any more. We're somewhere else.
Hulk (Immortal) portrait Hulk (Immortal): A shadow realm under the floorboards of reality, below everything there is. The source of gamma -- where it's always been from.
Hulk (Immortal) portrait Hulk (Immortal): You can call it hell, if you want -- but that's thinking too small. It's below that -- below everything.
Hulk (Immortal) portrait Hulk (Immortal): Something from here learned how to open the Green Door and reach through it. To get in the head of anyone who's ever been touched by gamma.
Hulk (Immortal) portrait Hulk (Immortal): That's what brought me up from the depths of Banner's mind -- like an antibody fighting an infection. Banner's ultimate protective measure.
Hulk (Immortal) portrait Hulk (Immortal): I was using Banner's brains and all that tech to close the door -- stop this happening. Thanks to you interrupting me, it opened all the way instead.
Hulk (Immortal) portrait Hulk (Immortal): Now we're all through it, along with a chunk of Battlerealm itself. Trapped in the Below-Place. So... congratulations, Summoner. Hope you're having fun...
- Transmission #1 - Upon starting the Quest

Black Widow portrait Black Widow: So what's our way out of this?
Hulk (Immortal) portrait Hulk (Immortal): The only way out is through. We find whoever controls the Green Door and smash them until they stop.
Hawkeye portrait Hawkeye: Some plan. I thought you were a super-intelligent Hulk?
Hulk (Immortal) portrait Hulk (Immortal): Sometimes the smart thing is working with the tools you have, Barton. Except in your case, obviously.
Mephisto portrait Mephisto: Oh, how cruel a serpent's tongue! Truly, this is a Hulk after my own heart!
Iron Man portrait Iron Man: Mephisto! So this is your realm...
Mephisto portrait Mephisto: I wish. This is below even that. I feel like I'm behind the velvet rope in the VIP area.
Mephisto portrait Mephisto: But I know of the being behind all of this. One of the great primordial powers. I came to give you information on what you face -- for a price, of course.
- Transmission #2

Mephisto portrait Mephisto: You all have such fascinating souls... heroic, but with just a hint of tarnish. They'll burn beautifully. So here is my deal, mortals --
Hulk (Immortal) portrait Hulk (Immortal): No. Here's the deal -- talk or I tear you apart.
Mephisto portrait Mephisto: I... I don't think you understand, Hulk. I'm Mephisto. Even if you rend me agonizingly into the teensiest pieces... all you can do is inconvenience me.
Hulk (Immortal) portrait Hulk (Immortal): Fine by me. Get ready to be inconvenienced.
- Transmission #3 - Before fighting Mephisto

Mephisto portrait Mephisto: That... that was horrible! To be beaten so humiliatingly... this is a lower deep than mine indeed!
Hulk (Immortal) portrait Hulk (Immortal): You ready for the rending part?
Mephisto portrait Mephisto: No... I'll talk, for all the good it'll do you. As I said, this realm is not mine -- it belongs to an older, darker power... the One Below All.
Mephisto portrait Mephisto: The very opposite of creation itself -- a force of pure destruction. Gamma... the kind that makes Hulks... is the primal emanation of this being.
Iron Man portrait Iron Man: And somehow it found a way into our world...
Sasquatch portrait Sasquatch: Through the gamma bomb... and other gamma experiments, like the one that created me.
Mephisto portrait Mephisto: Learning to possess gamma creatures was in service of the true goal... opening the Green Door wide, to obtain the one thing it didn't have access to.
Mephisto portrait Mephisto: PHYSICAL MATTER!
- Transmission #4

Black Widow portrait Black Widow: I think I see. This evil force... it needs a physical body to work through, to really affect our world... so it has to build one.
Mephisto portrait Mephisto: And now it has all it needs. It is building the ultimate form -- an Immortal Abomination -- that will grow to smash whole worlds... even universes.
Hulk (Immortal) portrait Hulk (Immortal): So it's got a weakness. If it's got a physical body... that means it can be smashed. Right now -- before it gets any more powerful.
Hawkeye portrait Hawkeye: Smash an immortal cosmic demon -- sure, why not. Not short of confidence, are you?
Hulk (Immortal) portrait Hulk (Immortal): I don't shoot arrows. Let's go.
- Transmission #5

Abomination (Immortal) portrait Abomination (Immortal): I AM THE ONE BELOW ALL.
Abomination (Immortal) portrait Abomination (Immortal): WITH THESE HANDS, I BREAK. WITH THIS MOUTH, I HOWL.
Abomination (Immortal) portrait Abomination (Immortal): I HAVE ALL THE POWER YOU HAVE GIVEN ME.
Abomination (Immortal) portrait Abomination (Immortal): EXISTENCE FRIGHTENS AND DISGUSTS ME. I WILL DESTROY IT.
Abomination (Immortal) portrait Abomination (Immortal): I WILL END ALL THAT SPEAKS, WALKS, CRAWLS, BREATHES, LIVES. I WILL REND THE SEA FROM THE SKY.
Abomination (Immortal) portrait Abomination (Immortal): ...I WILL FINALLY BE ALONE.
- Transmission #6 - Before fighting Abomination (Immortal)


List of Story Events
2015 – 2019
Event Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Ultron's Assault Dark PortentsA Villain RevealedThe Collector's Task Ultron StrikesDrone DuelThe Avengers The CampaignHeroes AriseAvengers Assemble
Mystery in the Microrealms Summoner's CallA Strange SecretThe Ant-Man Plan The MicrorealmsAdaptoid ScrambleArthropod Attack Buried DeepISO IntrigueBug Brawl
Polar Opposites An Unlikely AllyBorrowed Power MotivationsThe Other Side Magnetic MasteryA Coalition
Waning Moon Ace TeamCosmic Awareness ProvokerWaxing Crescent Avatar of VengeanceFull Moon
Blood and Venom La Fleur du MalLa Route Sombre Midnight HoundsUnderground Blade Shadow ArmyDark Words
Contamination Something AmissThe Underbelly Get a ClueCorrupted Strength Mr. CageFight at Joe's
Rocket and Groot's Holiday Special Rocket's RequestMighty BeginningsSkilled and SlyUltron's ResurgenceGalactic GladiatorsReturn to the Microrealm Uncanny ChampionsMasters of MagnetismMagic and MayhemLunar WarriorVenomous IntentA Friend's Reward N/A
Event Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Arachnid Action The NewbThe Original The Bad InfluenceThe Drummer The MonsterThe Final Test
Deadpoolooza StaycationMerchandising FrankenpoolBFF <3 I Forgot to Name This OneVenompool's Vengeance
Kamala's First Day A Marvelous StartAll-New Missing MarvelTotal Jerkface Mirror MatchHeroic Effort
M.O.D.O.K., Mo' Problems Contest of RejectsThe Warehouse Reboot the RealmNext Best Hulk When the Cat's Away…Lethal Resume
Green GuardiansS Earnest PleaRooted Deep Mean and GreenScattered Waste Drone DismantlingPull the Plug
Cosmic Civil War: Blue Faction IdeologyThe Lineup RegretsSoldiers and War A Stark by Any Other NameThe Panther Strikes
Cosmic Civil War: Iron Faction QuarrelIlluminati DiehardWar and Soldiers A Cap is a CapThe Falcon Dives
Cosmic Civil War: Endgame The TruthLast Hope Lost to TimeCivil Warrior N/A
X-Men: Terrigenocide DevolutionSpeciation BiosynthesisThe Devil Particle Primordial SparkGhost Orchid
Titanomachy GalactorumMagister Maximus LabyrinthumTempus Fugit N/A
Terrigenocide Part 2 Inexorable MarchDead man's Hand Vestigial AllyLethal Kiss The Silent KingThe Mad Monk
Terrigenocide: Terminus The Secret WarriorGhost in the Machine Unrelenting UnwantedExposed Fracture PointDark Egg
Pandemonium Rising Something WickedFamiliar Face Creatures of NightTricks, No Treats The Devil You KnowThe Devil You Don't
Sorcerer's Conclave The High PriestessThe Hanged Man The HierophantThe Devil JusticeDeath
(Power Pack)Red QuestS The AntThe Assassin The FortressThe Fury The JudgementThe Justice
Howard and Hyperion's Holiday Hijinks Up in the SkyBad Eggs M.O.D.O.K.'s Little HelpersFlappy Bot Last Son of Earth-13034Can't Make an Omelet...
Event Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Gwenpool: Agent of C.A.B.L.E. 8:00 AM SharpLunch Break 15 Past YesterdayBack for Seconds The Dog Ate My Time MachineParty Looper OverclockedNychthemeron
Dawn of Darkness Of Ducks and MenThe Invisible Maze Servant of the FlameCrimson Weaver The TrapThe Oldest Foe N/A
X-Enforcers Light EggTimberwolf DeadcoolBlades on Ice Snow BirdPermafrost N/A
King Groot's Loot Character CreationRandom Encounter Skill CheckAttack of Opportunity Saving ThrowCritical Hit N/A
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. Zero Smooth Kree-minalDangling Sword I Was GrootRerun Sisters of MenaceWalking Junkyard N/A
Secret Empire Forever PredatorScourge of the Underworld E pluribus unumRaw Nerve Ghost of Yet-to-comeThe Law N/A
Battlerealm: Homecoming Big ScoreIndependence Loot HoardUnderbelly ScavengerRecovery N/A
Sinister Foes of Spider-Man In the Thick of ItRunback Spark PlugEternal Rival Mad BomberChange of Opinion N/A
Have You Seen This Dog? Worst Interview EverGumshoe The Odd CouplePyramid Scheme Cornered AnimalTwo Kings N/A
Blades The Devil's DaughtersBorn Ready The ReturnedPurgatory Lies and DeceitTo Serve in Hell N/A
Gods of the Arena Opening NightProving Ground Presence of DeathFriend from Work Show of ForceVictors N/A
Hotel M.O.D.O.K. ModoritavillePay-Per-Die Personal TorturerPlease Do Disturb Last ResortHot Stone Massage N/A
Event Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
The Age of the Sentry LunaticScavenger The TwelveFamily Heirloom ContrecoupPenumbra
Rise of the Black Panther Courage of the LionWill of the Warthog Wisdom of the GorillaStrength of the Elephant Patience of the TortoiseFortitude of the Rhinoceros
X-Men: Savage Future Heart of the BeastThe Hunt is On Poor PortentsInvasion InterceptionScore to Settle
Infinity Chaos ChaosGenesis EvolutionNightmare WarDeath
Infinity Nightmare Old DogNew Tricks Scientific SupremacyWaking Nightmare Desperate TimesDesperate Measures
Masacre And The Mercs For Money Torneo de MercenariosMala Suerte Piscina MuertaVengador por un Dia DeadpoolgangerToque de Midas
Return to the Micro-Realm Thief's InstinctsNot Quite Abandoned Worker DronesThis Time It's Personal Remnant of PowerUncertain Future
Enter the Cabal Secret WeaponsEvil Geniuses Cold ReceptionEyes of Asgard Ghosts of Days Gone ByThe Master
X-Men: Class Omega First DayFreshman RecessReport Card DetentionExpulsion
Blood and Venom: Symbiomancer Blood PlagueAntivenom InvestationDark Origin Airborne PathogenHivemind
Brawl in the Battlerealm Comeback KidBlow-by-blow Below the beltCounterpunch SouthpawTitle bout
Night Riders ReprisalAdvancing Retreat SmokescreenRedoubled InfiltrationRevelation
Event Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
This Man... This Monster! The Sky-Rider!In the Best of Families Passport to Oblivion!Skirmish With Death! Battle of the Behemoths!Vengeance Is Mine!
X-Men: Xenoclast Mind GamesFamily Feud MaraudersGene Bomb No Gods or KingsOnly Mutants
Battlerealm: Under Siege Nonstandard PatrolNew Arrival UncertaintyDetermination Path of DestructionConspiracy
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Phantasmagoria Gaff DeckSleight of Hand MonteDouble Vision MisdirectionPrestige
X-Machina Industrial ComplexStranger in a Strange Land Competitive MarketPhalanx Portfolio ConsolidationEmancipation
Amazing Fantasy VenusDaring Mystery Journey into MysteryStrange Tales A Tale of SuspenseA Tale of Astonish
Guillotine: Future Prometheus Accumulation of AnguishFearless, Therefore Powerful Fallen AngelAccursed Creator Fashioned CreaturesEternal Justice of Men
When Titans Clash! A Hall of MirrorsSafety in Numbers Triumph and TormentMy Ally, My Enemy! The VictimsInterlude
The Trial of Reed Richards Cause of ActionDeposition SummonsSubpoena MalfeasanceRestitution
2020 – 2024
Event Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Squirrels vs Skrulls Rodent ReconSciuridae Strike PreemptiveNova Force Cultural DivideWhat the Future Holds
X-Communication 7 Weird TricksYou Won't Believe Shocking TruthsMojos Hate Him DemonetizedEnd-Slate
Of Rocks and Rodents Root of the ProblemPsychotic Psychics Comes Tumbling DownShaken to the Core The (Mole) Man of Your DreamsHerald of Change
From Beyond Plan in MotionStrange Days Temporally LockedEnsorcelled Supremely Realms AroundWorlds Within
Black Widow: Red by Dawn LifeFate CrimePunishment WarPeace
Samurai's Journey EscapeAttack BladeRage Exterminating DemonsThe Cat
Missing Links Marching OrdersDistinct Scent Disorganized CrimeChain of Command Tanaraq AwakesWay of the Crystal
Annunciation of Ruin Out of DesolationFound When Lost ZarathosBrother Daniel Deceiver of the Whole BattlerealmThe Left Hand
The Rise of X DiversityAdaptation CooperationCoevolution SpeciationExtinction
Recursion Casual LoopGrandfather Paradox Self-Consistency PrincipleFermi Paradox Newcomb's ParadoxCompossibility
The Immortal Hulk Who Shot The HulkShadow Base Into the MindscapeOr is he both? The Devil HulkThe Below-Place
Spider-Ham: Framed By Fame No Business Like Show BusinessA Beef with Pork High SocietyBad Actor InfamousApology Video
Event Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
X-Men: Prodigal Son The OmenStuck On You Basket CaseChangeling Our RelationsLegend
Mixed Emotions Mass DestructionWant to be Close TräumereiTake Over The AlmightyLast Surprise
Sins of the Father The WorthyDistraction RealizationExhume ReflectionRepentance
Clash of Champions Assist Me!Snapback Advancing GuardIncoming Mix-Up Touch of DeathKnock-Out
Corruption A Call For HelpSet In Motion A Deed DoneSubversion TurncoatThe Puppetmaster
Bloodlines Royal InvitationGrim Reminder Truth in MythUncertain Purpose Profane SimulacrumPurgatory
Starfall Meteor ShowerCrash Landing Deus Ex MachismoA Host Unto Himself Explaining SpiralsFractured Fractals
Multi-Vers-Onality The Man With An Evil SpiritUncanny Neighborhood The Lone AndroidThe Spider Bares Its Fangs Rogue The InvaderThe Ending World
X-Men: Future Shock My EnemyMy Friend EclipsePenumbra Past SinsFuture Vice
Destroyer of Light Nightmares RealizedRepose In Dreams Bloodied MarchEyes Within The Glowing OneThe King In Black
Di Immortalis Maior MercuriiRubrum Amoveo Stella PulvisPraeter Oblitus UnusPallas Athene
Kings of the Jungle No TrespassingEuphoria Natural TalentA Made Man ExploitationKing
Event Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
X-Men: Invasive Species Valley of FearDeath Voyage Lion's ManeUncharted Coast Great ShadowPrisoner's Defense
Safe Haven LifeboatOrder UnrestChaos IndependenceIdeals
X-Men: The Last Word ThreatVortex EndangeredLiving Fossil Lazarus TaxaRecovery
Cat and Mouse Air of MysteryTwisted Expectations King of the CastleFoul Play This'll StingBad Luck
Strange Fates Dusk Till DawnWitching Hour EventideDesiderium False DawnEternal Umbra
Legacies ChamaeleonOrion MensaLibra PerseusGemini
Subservience MalevolentGreed SlothWrath VengeanceBalance
Worldheart What Can BeWhat Must Be Great DevourerLife Bringer HeraldHunger
Grudge Match OpenerKayfabe Over-sellEnforcer Face-Heel TurnMain Event
Arachnophobia Something EvilLurking MasqueradeEnd Of Your Life Midnight HourWithout The Soul
Sea of Troubles BreakersCrashing Waves ShipwreckedCatfish AnchoredIn the Trenches
Sabotage at the Mantis House The AccusationThe Call The Other GuyThe Eyewitness The Smoking GunThe Confession
Event Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Overture of Evil VibratoCadenza ObbligatoColoratura AriaEncore
Pym There, Done That Technically FineNaturally Suspicious Small TimeBig Trouble Ants Go MarchingKeeps On Ticking
Shot in the Dark Grip and RipSandbagger Dry FirePulling Strings Drive ByBull's Eye
Just to get a Rep A Well Laid PlanAn Audition The Hunt for the ArachnidNotoriety A Daring ConclusionWhile They're Down
Seed of Doubt Run SilentVenting Out of OrderChoose A Side MoonfightingFound And Lost
Strike Fear AerophobiaBotanophobia AcrophobiaAilurophobia NyctophobiaAichmophobia
Ties That Bind Nostalgic NemesisJust A Glitch Book SmartOsborn Again Smooth MoveSticky Situation
Vanishing Point Pay It ForwardUnfinished Business Ground ZeroBreaking Character First BloodBurning Bright
Echoes in Eternity Break You DownBuild You Back Up The Quiet ApproachZemo's New Toy Free Your MindLetting Go
Blood Moon MoonlightingBogged Down For Peat's SakeMarsh Abilities SwampedVampire By Night
As Above, So Below Fate & FuryHero & Healer Wrath & RotScars & Sins Rage & ResolveSpirits & Serenity
Party Foul Uninvited GuestsOn the Phone Political TalkDrama Alert Late ArrivalParty Pooper
Event Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Make It There Big Apple3 AM Never SleepsNamed It Twice State Of MindMaking All Stops
Forbidden Fruit Gluttony FreeSands of Crime Vegan OptionsUltron What You Eat Dust in the WindHeart of Iron
The Serpent and The Destroyer GenesisDeep-rooted Trauma Hard Nut to CrackIn the Family Blood of PatriotsBlood of Tyrants
Change the Record Lo-Fi Spells To Study ToJazz Fusion Gothic SymphonyHeavy Metal Techno-IndustrialAnarcho-Punk
The Train Job Really Useful CrewRoles To Play Down The HillsRound The Bends Thunders DownHauling Freight
All Fun and Games Rush The MazeCross The Road Shoot And ScrollMake A Racket Cheat The SystemDelete Your Saves
Stern Minds Prevail Sister Eagle EyesForward the Foundation Radiant VesselsBrainwave Patriotic DutiesLasting Impressions
No Rest for the Wicked Time of HammersOn A Limb Scrapper SaviorCube Conductor Wicked Thing To DoDream Of You
Lupus in Fabula Burning BridgesArmory Amore Wolves at Med BayRotten to the Core Mind the HiveHull or High Water
House of Horrors Follow The RulesWear A Costume Check Your CandyRespect The Spirits Pass Out TreatsKeep It Lit
Sparkle and Shine Spin The WheelSolve the Puzzle Your TimeStarts Now They've Been HereThe Whole Time
Violent Delights No Comets SeenBlaze Forth Petty PaceWalking Shadow Too Swift ArrivesIn Their Triumph