Carnage: ARRRGHH!! IT HURRRTSS!!! Civil Warrior: Stop torturing him, Gallows! You describe yourself as an agent of american law... but America is a democracy, and we believe in justice for all! Punisher 2099: Democracy is the refuge of the weak. We had to wrestle the power from your incompetent governments before you wrecked society. People crave the order we gave them! Punisher 2099: Do you think this is a man? This is a remorseless animal. Let me demonstrate... Carnage: I'LL KILL YOU! RRRARRRHH!!
- Transmission #1 - Upon starting the Quest
Civil Warrior: I am tired of tyrants like you... pretending to care about the common people, while favouring a privileged minority. The 'order' you describe is merely an instrument of totalitarian control. Punisher 2099: That's ironic, coming from the very man who founded the new regime! Punisher 2099: Yes... I know who you are behind that iron mask. A broken, alternatereality version of the REAL Captain America who freed America from the shackles of hypocritical morality Punisher 2099: The forefather of a strong, worldwide Hydra Empire!
- Transmission #2
Civil Warrior: The Steve Rogers you describe... I am not him. He's just a distorted mirror image of the real Captain America, doomed to fail like all despots. Punisher 2099: You're wrong, old man... In my time, the Hydra Empire has lasted for almost a century! There's nothing beyond the reach of our justice... we're everywhere, know everything! not even a single criminal thought goes unpunished! Punisher: This guy makes me sick. Let's punch him in the face. Civil Warrior: For the first time we are in agreement, Mr. Castle. let's end this
- Transmission #3 - Before fighting Punisher 2099