Captain America (Infinity War): Heimdall said the Red Skull is just ahead. We've got to get that cube from him and stop him from making any more of those damn things. Adaptoid (Super Adaptoid Hydra): Once again, Captain, you are out of time. Captain America (Infinity War): Didn't we just make you a scrap heap? Adaptoid (Super Adaptoid Hydra): Have you learned nothing Captain Rogers? Korg: It's almost as if this "Hydra" thing is similar to a real hydra, and when you destroy one head, two more take its place. Thor (Ragnarok): You're so smart Korg! I never realized that.
- Transmission #1 - Upon starting the Quest
Adaptoid (Super Adaptoid Hydra): Captain, perhaps you should give up. Punisher 2099: Schmidt can't be stopped. Not with the cube at his disposal. Thor (Ragnarok): Schmidt is a fool if he thinks its power is infinite. Adaptoid (Super Adaptoid Hydra): And you are a fool if you think you can stop him!
- Transmission #2
Captain America (Infinity War): I think we're in the clear for now. Iron Man (Infinity War): Famous last words. Red Skull: Indeed. Captain America (Infinity War): Schmidt. Red Skull: Rogers. Korg: It is just his skin! Glad I solved that mystery. I was beginning to wonder how a skeleton was walking around without organs or skin or -- Red Skull: That's quite enough, Kronan. Thor (Ragnarok): Summoner, we've got to make him use the rest of the cube's energy so he can't make any more Adaptoids for Zola. When he attacks, that's our chance.
- Transmission #3
Red Skull: Have you come to kneel before me then? Will you and your cohorts serve in the Cabal's brave new Battlerealm? Captain America (Infinity War): I serve nobody Schmidt. Least of all a tyrant! Red Skull: Oh Captain, we all serve our masters. You and I are no different.
- Transmission #4 - Before fighting Red Skull