The More You Know is the first Quest in Act 8 Chapter 4: Darkest Dawn, and was released on April 10, 2024. It contains 3 paths and has 7 Opponents per path, with Howard the Duck , Ægon or America Chavez as the final boss.
It is preceded by 8.3.6: Stranger Than Fiction and succeeded by 8.4.2: Tell No Tales.
Caption: With Cerastes out of commission, Carina and her allies begin searching his station and lab for signs of the mysterious Glykhan.
Carina: Pull up files, blueprints, records, recordings, if it's got data we should be storing it and sweeping through it.
Civil Warrior: Bit of Tony must have still been kicking around in that monster. Passwords are his old standbys. Downloading what I can now.
Guillotine: I know that it must be hard for you, to keep losing the same friend in battle. You may take a breath for a moment if you must.
Civil Warrior: That's not a moment we have right now. I'll reflect on what we've lost once we stop losing things. Scanning data packet.
Ægon: A path forward would be ideal, if such a thing can be revealed to you.
Civil Warrior: I'm seeing some blueprints that show off one important detail. We find ourselves blocked by a mountain of worries? Well...
Caption: Civil Warrior thumps a fist against a wall panel which slides open, revealing a long darkened hallway.
Civil Warrior: Secret tunnel, through the mountain.
- Transmission #1 - Upon starting the Quest
Caption: The hallway has a steep decline, indicating it is leading even further within the winding maze of the Ouroboros outpost.
Civil Warrior: Door up ahead, give me a moment to run a trap-check diagnostic.
Guillotine: You are showing much wisdom towards the dangers waiting within the lair of such a warped mind.
Civil Warrior: N'ah Tony would have laid out booby-traps regardless of cosmic corruption. He was always a big fan of surprises.
Caption: As Civil Warrior's tech accesses the door panel there is a series of hisses, clicks, whirrs, and finally the doors open.
Ægon: Is this area safe?
Caption: The group look into the now well lit room, every surface is a shelf or rack for weapons. Maps, diagrams, and live-feeds fill every monitor.
Carina: Safe isn't the word I'd use.
- Transmission #2
Civil Warrior: There is enough intel and firepower here to start a war.
Carina: To start several, look at these covert shipping manifests. Wakanda, Atlantis, Krakoa, Sentinel strongholds, Safe Haven and Oscorp.
Guillotine: Cerastes was playing both sides of any and every conflict. But why?
Carina: More fighting means more ISO-8. But the risks outweigh any possible benefit.
Carina: The resulting ISO-bloom would destroy us all but there'd be a small window to harvest the surplus before the devastation.
Ægon: Tony Stark saw the horrors of war and tried to put a stop to it. This corruption hit more than his body and mind, it ripped his very soul out.
Civil Warrior: Unless we want some stuff ripped out we better get into defensive positions, because we've got incoming arriving soon.
Caption: With a thundering boom, a door at the far end of the hall is sent flying off its hinges. In the smoke and shadows an Adaptoid imposter awaits.
Civil Warrior: ... maybe even sooner than predicted.
- Transmission #3
Caption: From the doorway steps... a duck! But not just any mild-mannered mallard, this is an Adaptoid imposter of Howard the Duck.
Howard the Duck: Enough! Y'all are trespassing and transgressing and tickin' me off. So beat it. That means you, Guillotine.
Guillotine: The real Howard would never dare speak to me so crudely.
Howard the Duck: Crude is the only language I speak, so I'm as real as they come. If I wasn't the real Howard could I do this?
Caption: The copy leaps into the air flapping his arms, but gains no altitude. His eyes grow sad and his shoulders slump.
Howard the Duck: ... but I'm a duck. What the heck is the point of being a duck that doesn't fly? What kinda crummy imitation am I?
Guillotine: This has become deeply depressing. Let us pass, false-Howard.
Howard the Duck: I may not be able to fly but I can still throw some weight around. A solid thumping may just solve this crummy mood of mine.
Guillotine: You heard the feathered-foe. Thump him, Summoner.
Howard the Duck: I'll drop you faster than you can say "I got beat up by a duck and I'm sad about it because I'm so very lame"... so it'll take a while.
Caption: From out of the debris, an imposter form of Ægon steps forth.
Civil Warrior: Alright, straightforward match-up. Take him out, Ægon.
Ægon: Their very existence is an insult and I shall not disgrace myself by allowing them the glory of battle with me.
Civil Warrior: Fair enough. Carina, you've watched him fight, you know his moves. Put that knowledge to good use here.
Carina: I have very mixed feelings about punching any form of Ægon in the face.
Civil Warrior: ... there's other options beyond face, but fine. Guillotine you're next at bat.
Guillotine: I will admit, I've been curious how my blade would fare against him.
Civil Warrior: Nope, honestly you're just too into it. Summoner, be impartial and defeat this imposter before we get any more existential.
Caption: From the darkness of the debris a star-shaped light bursts forth. Then bursts again... and again... and again.
America Chavez: Grawawwwwww
Ægon: This poor copy is seeming to have issues regarding interdimensional control.
Caption: As more portals open, more horrors are unleashed. Tentacles from one. A strange mist from another. Countless doorways with countless dangers.
Carina: Nooooo no no no. None of that. We need to see if we can close some of those portals. But where do we start?
Caption: Quick reflexes allow Carina to dodge a cluster of rocks which had been aggressively thrown out of one of the star portals.
Carina: We have a volunteer. Go and keep the Chavez imposter busy while we tend to this!