Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki
Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki
Marvel Contest of Champions Wiki

The More You Know is the first Quest in Act 8 Chapter 4: Darkest Dawn, and was released on April 10, 2024. It contains 3 paths and has 7 Opponents per path, with Howard the Duck Tech, Ægon Skill or America Chavez Mystic as the final boss.

It is preceded by 8.3.6: Stranger Than Fiction and succeeded by 8.4.2: Tell No Tales.


Caption portrait Caption: With Cerastes out of commission, Carina and her allies begin searching his station and lab for signs of the mysterious Glykhan.
Carina portrait Carina: Pull up files, blueprints, records, recordings, if it's got data we should be storing it and sweeping through it.
Civil Warrior portrait Civil Warrior: Bit of Tony must have still been kicking around in that monster. Passwords are his old standbys. Downloading what I can now.
Guillotine portrait Guillotine: I know that it must be hard for you, to keep losing the same friend in battle. You may take a breath for a moment if you must.
Civil Warrior portrait Civil Warrior: That's not a moment we have right now. I'll reflect on what we've lost once we stop losing things. Scanning data packet.
Ægon portrait Ægon: A path forward would be ideal, if such a thing can be revealed to you.
Civil Warrior portrait Civil Warrior: I'm seeing some blueprints that show off one important detail. We find ourselves blocked by a mountain of worries? Well...
Caption portrait Caption: Civil Warrior thumps a fist against a wall panel which slides open, revealing a long darkened hallway.
Civil Warrior portrait Civil Warrior: Secret tunnel, through the mountain.
- Transmission #1 - Upon starting the Quest

Caption portrait Caption: The hallway has a steep decline, indicating it is leading even further within the winding maze of the Ouroboros outpost.
Civil Warrior portrait Civil Warrior: Door up ahead, give me a moment to run a trap-check diagnostic.
Guillotine portrait Guillotine: You are showing much wisdom towards the dangers waiting within the lair of such a warped mind.
Civil Warrior portrait Civil Warrior: N'ah Tony would have laid out booby-traps regardless of cosmic corruption. He was always a big fan of surprises.
Caption portrait Caption: As Civil Warrior's tech accesses the door panel there is a series of hisses, clicks, whirrs, and finally the doors open.
Ægon portrait Ægon: Is this area safe?
Caption portrait Caption: The group look into the now well lit room, every surface is a shelf or rack for weapons. Maps, diagrams, and live-feeds fill every monitor.
Carina portrait Carina: Safe isn't the word I'd use.
- Transmission #2

Civil Warrior portrait Civil Warrior: There is enough intel and firepower here to start a war.
Carina portrait Carina: To start several, look at these covert shipping manifests. Wakanda, Atlantis, Krakoa, Sentinel strongholds, Safe Haven and Oscorp.
Guillotine portrait Guillotine: Cerastes was playing both sides of any and every conflict. But why?
Carina portrait Carina: More fighting means more ISO-8. But the risks outweigh any possible benefit.
Carina portrait Carina: The resulting ISO-bloom would destroy us all but there'd be a small window to harvest the surplus before the devastation.
Ægon portrait Ægon: Tony Stark saw the horrors of war and tried to put a stop to it. This corruption hit more than his body and mind, it ripped his very soul out.
Civil Warrior portrait Civil Warrior: Unless we want some stuff ripped out we better get into defensive positions, because we've got incoming arriving soon.
Caption portrait Caption: With a thundering boom, a door at the far end of the hall is sent flying off its hinges. In the smoke and shadows an Adaptoid imposter awaits.
Civil Warrior portrait Civil Warrior: ... maybe even sooner than predicted.
- Transmission #3

Caption portrait Caption: From the doorway steps... a duck! But not just any mild-mannered mallard, this is an Adaptoid imposter of Howard the Duck.
Howard the Duck portrait Howard the Duck: Enough! Y'all are trespassing and transgressing and tickin' me off. So beat it. That means you, Guillotine.
Guillotine portrait Guillotine: The real Howard would never dare speak to me so crudely.
Howard the Duck portrait Howard the Duck: Crude is the only language I speak, so I'm as real as they come. If I wasn't the real Howard could I do this?
Caption portrait Caption: The copy leaps into the air flapping his arms, but gains no altitude. His eyes grow sad and his shoulders slump.
Howard the Duck portrait Howard the Duck: ... but I'm a duck. What the heck is the point of being a duck that doesn't fly? What kinda crummy imitation am I?
Guillotine portrait Guillotine: This has become deeply depressing. Let us pass, false-Howard.
Howard the Duck portrait Howard the Duck: I may not be able to fly but I can still throw some weight around. A solid thumping may just solve this crummy mood of mine.
Guillotine portrait Guillotine: You heard the feathered-foe. Thump him, Summoner.
Howard the Duck portrait Howard the Duck: I'll drop you faster than you can say "I got beat up by a duck and I'm sad about it because I'm so very lame"... so it'll take a while.

- Transmission #4 - Before fighting Howard the Duck

Caption portrait Caption: From out of the debris, an imposter form of Ægon steps forth.
Civil Warrior portrait Civil Warrior: Alright, straightforward match-up. Take him out, Ægon.
Ægon portrait Ægon: Their very existence is an insult and I shall not disgrace myself by allowing them the glory of battle with me.
Civil Warrior portrait Civil Warrior: Fair enough. Carina, you've watched him fight, you know his moves. Put that knowledge to good use here.
Carina portrait Carina: I have very mixed feelings about punching any form of Ægon in the face.
Civil Warrior portrait Civil Warrior: ... there's other options beyond face, but fine. Guillotine you're next at bat.
Guillotine portrait Guillotine: I will admit, I've been curious how my blade would fare against him.
Civil Warrior portrait Civil Warrior: Nope, honestly you're just too into it. Summoner, be impartial and defeat this imposter before we get any more existential.

- Transmission #4 - Before fighting Ægon

Caption portrait Caption: From the darkness of the debris a star-shaped light bursts forth. Then bursts again... and again... and again.
America Chavez portrait America Chavez: Grawawwwwww
Ægon portrait Ægon: This poor copy is seeming to have issues regarding interdimensional control.
Caption portrait Caption: As more portals open, more horrors are unleashed. Tentacles from one. A strange mist from another. Countless doorways with countless dangers.
Carina portrait Carina: Nooooo no no no. None of that. We need to see if we can close some of those portals. But where do we start?
Caption portrait Caption: Quick reflexes allow Carina to dodge a cluster of rocks which had been aggressively thrown out of one of the star portals.
Carina portrait Carina: We have a volunteer. Go and keep the Chavez imposter busy while we tend to this!

- Transmission #4 - Before fighting America Chavez


Story Quests
Book 1
Act 1: The Contest Challenge the Conqueror SurrenderThe PrizePursuitSneak AttackPathwaysMalice
Act 2: Escalation Surrender to the Contest New RecruitsThe Mad TitanEvolutionAdaptationUnstoppableConquered
Act 3: End Game Shadows Revealed A New FoeIntroductionPower SourceTranscendedManipulatorThe Automaton
Mysterious Origins The DoctorThe CaptainThe RocketThe CreatorThe OriginalThanos Enters
Act 4: Rebellion Metamorphosis Realm RebornA Little HelpIncognitoSymbioidsDark TimesTrust
Evolution Linked MightThe Guillotine DropsStraight Outta QueensAsgard's ChampionDark PresenceDefiance
Revolution Triumphant ReturnDark OmenThreatsInscrutableAce in the HoleStand Resolute
Devastation AllegiancesPlan in ActionDauntlessKnown UnknownsSurge of PowerCulmination
Act 5: Elder's War Fracture Fair PlayWeaponizedBack and ForthTauntedOverloadedDark Angel
Collector Bound Weird ScienceStrange BedfellowsThe DonLines in the SandInsurrectionAbrogation
The Struggle Game Begins AnewLight in the TunnelDire WarningFoul ConclusionForce of WillFitting Punishment
Cornerstone ContactFriends and FoesCalculationsDo the ImpossibleBreak the UnbreakableFight the Power
Act 6: Rebirth Great Revival Tentative StepsWorlds of PotentialA Father's ConcernPieces in PlayThe Only Game in TownBirthright
Guidance Power's PurposeSeveredHeadstrongCriminal ElementsMistrustRound Two
Lordly Caliber The World of TodayOverhangRevoltWinter MorningThe World for the PeopleFootsteps from Darkness
Succession Troubleshooting StarOne-Eyed SluggerReceive YouInterplanetary SparkJudgementReign
Book 2
Act 7: The Union Brave New Battlerealm RebootBreak OutRecycleUsurpMashupRemix
Upset the Meta WakeupZoningFootsiesPokeFrame by FrameNegative Edge
A Matter of Time UncertaintyDichotomyBootstrapCruel to Be KindAll Ravens Are BlackDeath May Die
Kangdom Come Manifest DestinyTempting FateParadise LostBetween the EonsFuture TenseNo Tomorrow
Act 8: The Radiance Casting Shadows Old SinsDark HorseThe ValleyMe and MineWithout a DoubtPitch Black
Binding Light ReflectionRefractionDiffractionLooking GlassPrismSuperposition
Illumination Reality CheckShame the DevilThe Sun, The MoonHigh FidelityChildren and FoolsStranger Than Fiction
Darkest Dawn The More You KnowTell No TalesBite the HandHeads or TailsHope SpringsThe Bell Tolls
Act 9: Revelation Casting Shadows Party CrashersWelcome WagonNo Stone UnturnedMisery Loves CompanyFree For AllSow The Wind
Original Acts 1 - 3
Act 1: The Contest Challenge the Conqueror SurrenderThe PrizePursuitSneak AttackPathwaysUnraveling
Adaptoid Ambush ThreatsHostilitiesExtinctionRageConfrontationSecrets
Battlerealm Revelations The MysteryThe WitchThe WarriorThe PantherThe GeniusThe Conqueror
The Feud Explodes InterrogationConflictDeceptionRevelationWrathMalice
Act 2: Escalation Surrender to the Contest New RecruitsThe Mad TitanEvolutionAdaptationUnstoppableThanos Ascendant
Thanos Ascendant ResistanceContemptThe PropositionThe WarningObstructionThe Alliance
The Contest Reborn EscalationIn ShadowsWarningsImmuneThe TideWhispers
Challenge Accepted BenefactorPurposeRevealedTwo ManiacsNearerConquered
Act 3: End Game Shadows Revealed A New FoeIntroductionPower SourceTranscendedManipulatorTwisted
Mysterious Origins The DoctorThe CaptainThe RocketThe CreatorThe OriginalThe Automaton
The Purpose UndefeatedSubmissionDominanceDefianceSuperchargedEmpty Threats
Thanos' Challenge The DealShowdownIntimidationImpossible OddsFearlessThanos Enters